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Key Topics Strategy Scenario Case Study References

Introduction |  Step 1 |  Step 2 |  Step 3 |  Step 4 |  Step 5 |  Step 6 |  Step 7 |  Step 8 |  Step 9 |  Step 10

Step 7: Allow the participant sufficient time to think and respond to interview questions, use silence or follow-up probe questions to elicit in-depth responses, and communicate neutral interest.

Because you are asking teachers to talk in depth about their reactions to an educational resource, you encourage talking by allowing them plenty of time to respond to each question and refraining from expressing your own opinions about anything they may suggest. Also, you are ready to use several general probes in case you need to draw out further information or clarify a reference you are unfamiliar with. Some of these suggested probes are indicated in the protocol. You encourage participation simply by nonverbal attentiveness and commenting on occasion that expressed ideas are "helpful."