: Reports : Under-Represented Populations |
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Report Excerpts |
Excerpt 1
[Committee on Institutional Cooperation]
& Conclusions:
Present qualitative results
Below are the most frequent responses to the open-ended
questions. In some cases responses were selected on
the basis of their information. The question from the
original survey is labeled A, and the corresponding
question from the follow-up survey is labeled B. Responses
to the questions from both time points are placed together
for comparisons. However, for the more general questions
responses are combined.
Please provide an example of how you plan to
make use of the information/activities presented at
this workshop?
- Order and use "Classroom Climate Workshop"
and conflict resolution videos.
- Use interactive theater in workshops and
- Plan and organize similar workshops
- Incorporate gender equitable teaching
Please provide an example of how you've made
use of the information/activities presented at the
Best Practices Workshop?
- Ordered and/or used videos on conflict
- Using or planning to use interactive theater
in workshops and training.
- Developing workshops and courses.
What was the most important idea
that you learned at this workshop?
- "Gender conscious pedagogy is
better pedagogy for all."
- The use of interactive theater for TA
- Interest-based negotiation
What was the most important idea that you learned
from the Best Practices Workshop?
Excerpt 2
[Anonymous 1]
The following recommendations are based on the cumulative
analysis of all survey data:
- Continue to focus on the actual improvement of girls'
achievement scores in science and mathematics. The
girls' self-esteem will reach higher levels if actual
increases in achievement accompany the already existing
- Create tangible goals and assessment methods in
science that girls can use to measure their own achievement.
Most girls believe they are more successful in math
because it is easy and they can monitor their own
progress although teacher data and some quantitative
data from the girls does not support these conclusions.
In reality girls are more interested in different
aspects of science and succeed in these areas but
are unaware of their successes because they are unsure
how to evaluate them.
Recommends consideration of local context
- Recognize that most of the girls are influenced
by the words and actions of their parents. Maintain
contact with the parents and involve them in as many
aspects of the different programs as possible. Parents
need to be kept abreast of the program focuses, expectations,
and activities so that they can reinforce these concepts
and ideas at home.
Cites findings that support recommendation
- Build a teacher-parent partnership focusing on improving
achievement and increasing confidence in mathematics,
science, and technology. Survey data suggest that
parents have a better understanding of their daughters'
feelings about their experiences in these programs,
especially on how the programs impact their daughters'
interest level, enthusiasm, and feelings about their
potential success in math, science, and technology.
Teachers have a better grasp of the student's actual
abilities and behaviors in these areas. A partnership
of both teachers and parents will help to create programs,
opportunities, and activities which best meet the
girls' social, emotional, and academic
Excerpt 3
[Education Development Center]
& Conclusions:
Presents lessons learned
Implementation of Modeling
During this year's pilot implementation, a number
of critical issues were raised that have implications
for the plans and direction of the project. These
issues are described below. They reflect findings
from our formative research, and feedback from
project participants. These issues will inform
revisions to Telementoring environments and materials.
Presents conclusions about local context
- DiversityRace, gender, and
class issues don't disappear on line. Training and
preparation need to include some type of sensitivity
awareness and training. This is especially true for
student facilitators who are responsible for moderating
discussions for students from different regions. In
addition, there are diversity issues that do arise
in the mentor-student matching process where students
have indicated a desire to be matched to mentors of
a similar cultural background. This runs contrary
to some generally held beliefs that on-line environments
are devoid of these biases.
- MaintenanceMaintaining
the processes, structures,
and project components is time intensive and requires
investing in project participants. This year, past
participants became future trainers and facilitators.
As we continue to scale this program up we will continue
to grow experts from within the program, and will
also continue to support these experts in their new
leadership roles within the Telementoring on-line
Excerpt 4
[Educational Equity Concepts]
& Conclusions:
Describes data limitations
It is important to note that student data were collected
only over two sites. Pre data were collected prior to
any involvement with PS+ while post data were collected
after students and group leaders had done PS+ with no
leader training. The follow-up data were collected after
the group leaders had had PS+ training and were doing
PS+ with these students for a second year. The PS+ group
leader training was held at these two sites and almost
all group leaders from these two sites attended. Thus
pre/post comparisons look at the impact of PS+ on students
when their group leaders have not had training. Post/follow-up
comparisons look at the effect of PS+ on students when
group leaders have had training.
Presents and interprets results
After doing PS+, students were more apt to
mention specific PS+ activities as the science they
did in the after school centers, although science remains
a minor part of students' after school
The total number of activities students mentioned
when they were asked what they did in their after school
program decreased over the year and a half from 4.3
(pre) to 3.7 (post) to 3.5 (follow-up). The number of
math activities mentioned stayed at .2, with four students
mentioning a math-related activity. The mean number
of science activities mentioned by students started
at .04, increased to .5 by the post and decreased to
.1 by the follow-up. In general, activities students
were most apt to mention were sports/gym and computer
games. Science activities mentioned included Building
with Wonderful Junk, SMART Activities and general
science activities.
Excerpt 5
[Georgia InGEAR Consortium]
Year 2 Highlights: Institutional
Self-Study Strand
- All five institutions completed extensive self-study
data analysis and began disseminating self-study findings
within their institutions, at professional development
activities, and at professional
- Board of Regents institutional-level data provided
by Georgia Tech to state schools
- High awareness of the potential usefulness of and
motivation to use self-study findings to
promote educational reform
& Conclusions:
Draws conclusion about utility of data
By the end of the second year, the participating institutions
had gathered and analyzed an extensive amount of data
for self-study. However, participants were often at
a loss as to how to use these data effectively as part
of the reform teacher preparation programs on their
campuses. This is especially challenging for younger
faculty members who are less familiar with the administrative
and programmatic politics at their
Presents recommendations for project
Recommendations: During the third
year, self-study activities should focus on how self-study
data can be used to change the environment of the university.
It is recommended that local Leadership Teams each identify
a task force to review and recommend use of the data
on the local campus
Implementation plans should be informed by the
following questions
- Who should serve on the committee or task force
that reviews the self-study data and determines policy
- What is the best strategy for getting local administrators
to welcome the results of the study?
- Through which avenues should the results
be disseminated?
Presents recommendations for evaluation
improvement and continuing stakeholder
Year 2 Highlights: Project
- Technical assistance provided for developing outcome
- Evaluation strategy recommendations received from
the Advisory Council
- Comprehensive evaluation process included annual
report guidelines and site visits
Recommendations: During the third
year of the project, the Project Evaluator will continue
to provide technical assistance for developing and implementing
outcome measures based on suggestions presented by the
advisory council during the first annual meeting. Ideally,
at least one outcome measure will be used for each strand
during the third year of the project. The possibility
of including a question about gender equity on student
ratings of instruction instruments should be
& Conclusions:
Presents conclusions
It was recognized during Year 1 that additional meetings
were needed to address logistical and organizational issues
related to the project as a whole. Consequently, monthly
Co-PI meetings were instituted, and the first was held
in January. Co-PIs reported that they found meetings with
a strong substantive focus (e.g. curriculum revision,
professional development, current research findings) particularly
In addition, many participants commented positively
about the smooth functioning and lack of conflict within
the Management Team and CO-PI meetings. With this strong
"climate of collaboration," it is possible that participants
may be reticent to address conceptual and administrative
issues that are of concern. This is especially likely
in light of the fact that InGEAR is the first collaborative
for several of the Management Team members.
Recommends greater influence of local teams
Recommendations: The
InGEAR collaborative consists
of multiple partners with diverse needs. In order to
best address local needs, it is important that local
teams help shape the agendas of the Management Team
and CO-PI meetings so that relevant logistical and substantive
issues can be addressed. As appropriate, issues that
concern the project as a wholebut may have only
been discussed privately and/or informally, should be
formally incorporated into Management Team and/or CO-PI
meeting agendas.
Excerpt 6
[Girls Inc. of Alameda County]
& Conclusions:
Interprets quantitative survey results
Graduates were asked to identify the role that participation
in Eureka played in developing their confidence in math,
science, computers and sports. Responses indicated that
Eureka played a primary role in developing confidence
in computers (4.25), science and sports (4.12), and a
moderate role in math (3.5). Graduates recognized their
increased confidence in these subjects and the significant
role that Eureka played in developing their
Presents qualitative evidence that supports a
Two comments made during the focus group
meeting indicated their increased level of confidence
about science and math. When asked if they felt more
confident about being in math and science classes they
related experiences they had on field trips.
"Like when we go on field trips, experiencing
things such as science at Great America or the Exploratorium
has science and math principles, and if you have an
interest in that you can learn a lot. For instance,
the Revolution (at Great America), if you want to figure
out how many times it swings before it goes over (makes
a complete revolution) you have to know science. It
has a lot to do with weight, and you get to calculate
how much weight is needed to know how many times it
swings before it goes over."
"Through Eureka I have come to understand
my abilities as far as what I can do when I'm in the
I know that because I want to run my own
business, I have to know how much money that I can put
into my business, how much money I'm taking out of my
business and how much money I'm going to spend on my
inventory. So I mean, I think math and science might
not be something that you like to do, but look at it
as far as the future and your business. If it's right
there in front of you, can you do it, and that's what's
Excerpt 7
[Montana State UniversityBozeman]
& Conclusions:
Presents qualitative survey results
On surveys, participants mentioned a few areas of difficulty:
(a) pre-conference text readings were not available
until Wednesday morning; (b) conference details were
not provided early enough; (c) undergraduate student
panelists were "too perfect" and not
representative; and (d) confusion over the
Friday sessionwas it optional or not?
Presents conclusion and supporting evidence
Overall sessions were given high ratings. Participants
valued the small group discussion and brainstorming
opportunities, especially when groups were mixed by
gender, and with teacher/counselor Short Course participants.
Faculty worked best in groups of 6 to 8 when they had
assigned tasks and were required to report back to the
whole group. They were observed to draw on personal
experiences and compare perspectives.
Presents quantitative survey results that
support a conclusion
On the exit survey, 90% of respondents felt the institute
helped to establish a cooperative and mutually supportive
network of faculty who share a commitment to increase
the number of women in science and engineering. 55%
of respondents said they learned something about female
friendly pedagogy that they didn't know when the institute
began. However, only 25% of respondents wrote clear
ideas for what they would try in their teaching. 40%
of respondents listed definite ideas or plans
for mini-grants.
In summary the session-by-session and exit surveys
indicated the faculty institute as presented provided
a springboard for discussion and created a network of
interested people.
The following recommendations are made for the next
- Use e-mail communication to make pre-institute
announcements and begin participant dialogue.
Several of the 1997 participants indicated they
were not connected to the e-mail list-serve.
- Distribute preconference readings in advance
and use readings to focus discussion sessions.
- Continue to coordinate short course and faculty
institute. Consider starting the initial joint
session with an ice-breaker activity to (1)
introduce the two groups to one another and
(2) focus on common areas of concern. Perhaps
both groups could do a common preconference
reading and begin with a mixed group small discussion
- When the faculty institute and teacher/counselor
short course groups meet jointly, continue to
mix breakout groups by gender, title and type
of institution. If possible, balance working
groups with (1) males and females; (2) teachers,
counselors, faculty and administrators; and
(3) K-12 school, tribal college and MSU Bozeman
- Continue to model feminist pedagogy at institute
sessions: Acknowledge women's experience, empower
participants, reject the "open and pour"
method of teaching, emphasize critical analysis,
connect experiences and knowledge with principles
and practices. Build from the participants'
knowledge base.
- Replace the current undergraduate student
panel with (1) a panel of recent graduates from
the science or engineering areas prepared to
talk about their undergraduate and early career
experiences; (2) a panel of graduate students
prepared to talk about their undergraduate experience
(i.e. what helped them to stay in a science
or engineering program); or (3) a panel of tribal
college students and/or faculty prepared to
talk about their perspectives.
- Have panelists use microphones and arrange
seating for better visibility. The Wednesday
student panelists were seated in front of a
sunny window, so their faces were in shadow.
- Serve "on-site" lunches each day
to facilitate a continuance of morning discussions.
Offer lighter snacks and refreshments.
- In the 1998 institute, showcase successful
first year mini-grant initiatives. Start brainstorming
sessions for mini-grant ideas earlier in the
- Prepare a press release for the MSU Bozeman
September Staff Bulletin and include examples
of teaching strategies featured at this institute.
This might become a starting place for continued
communication and reinforce institute outcomes.
- Use local demographics. Incorporate sessions
with specific data on MSU science and engineering
enrollment and graduation rates. Faculty may
not be aware of the numbers broken out by gender
and ethnicity.
- Increase the participation of university administrators:
department heads, deans and others. Their active
participation demonstrates support for gender
- The majority of participants were male, so
female organizers need to be open about the
complexity of gender equity issues. It is important
to keep an open-mind, hear all the voices and
articulate clearly that "men are not the
problem and women are not the solution."
- Continue to feature national leaders lik e<name
of person>, who was a master leader for the
Talking Circle Session, and <name of person>,
who demonstrated use of e-mail, Student Board
of Directors, and other valuable ideas being
used in a student-centered chemistry course
at the University of WisconsinMadison.
- Some MSU Bozeman faculty participants were
observed to attend some but not all sessions.
In order to improve sustained participation
in 1998, consider holding the institute at a
"retreat" settingan easy drive
from campus (away from the lure of offices and
labs). The Madison River Inn or Deer Park Chalet
are possible locations.
& Conclusions
Although suggestions are given, this first MSU and
tribal college faculty institute was well received,
included appropriate information, and began communication
among MSU departments, tribal colleges and Montana school
teachers and counselors. SEA made substantial gains
in creation of a network of faculty who share a commitment
to increase the number of women in science and
Excerpt 8
[College of St. Scholastica]
& Conclusions:
Prefaces conclusions with background information
about project
SciCon was created because the staff of the PLUS Center
recognized that most of the girls who attended FAST
Camp as 6th or 7th graders were not attending NSD when
they became eligible as 8th or 9th graders. Even though
the girls enjoyed their FAST Camp experience and left
camp motivated and excited about science, their enthusiasm
did not persist. The return to school and/or home environment
that did not provide ongoing support for math and science
achievement seemed to be preventing FAST Camp students
from maintaining the high level of interest, enthusiasm,
and self-confidence that was generated by the summer
camp. The SciCon program was designed to overcome this
problem by providing special science activities through
the school year and by involving parents and teachers
in addition to the girls themselves.
Presents conclusions
Characteristics of Successful
The SciCon Saturday Science Workshops were designed to
provide the girls with a different type of experience
and to introduce a different aspect of science each month.
This variety clearly helped to sustain the girls' interest
in the program, and it also helped to show them that science
is available to them in many different forms. Although
every workshop was different, the thematic elements that
were most crucial to the success of the program
- Hands-on activities,
- Fun,
- Social interaction with friends,
- Teamwork,
- Good science/data collection in a real-world
- Freedom to explore (inquiry), and
- Strong female role models.
These elements formed a common thread that was carried
through all program activities.
The Role of Parents
During the two years of the SciCon program it was obvious
that parental support was critical for the success of
the program. Some of the SciCon girls came from great
distances to attend the monthly Saturday Science Workshops
at St. Scholastica. In both Year 1 and Year 2, over
half of the participants had to travel more than 25
miles to get to Duluth. In Year 1, two girls traveled
more than 100 miles, and in Year 2, five girls traveled
100 miles or more. When it was necessary to leave home
at 4 a.m. on a dark winter morning, with the temperature
below zero and the roads covered with fresh snow, and
drive more than 100 miles to get to the college, it
was essential that parents were as committed as the
In follow-up sessions and program evaluations, parents
also indicated that SciCon helped provide them with
at-home activities for stimulating and sustaining their
daughter's interest in science.
- "I appreciate the ideas to support and
keep our children involved in
- "I am not educated in science, but I do try the
best I can and this program has taught me a lot on
how to keep encouraging my
Involving Teachers
At the start of the program, the girls were encouraged
to identify a special teacher who supported them in
science and would act as a mentor. The PLUS Center intended
to hold science workshops for these teachers to introduce
them to additional ways to encourage the SciCon girls.
This idea did not work well, however, because not all
students were able to identify a current, supportive,
science teacher. As a result, instead of holding special
teacher workshops as originally planned, interested
teachers were invited to attend any of the SciCon weekend
programs. Only a few teachers took advantage of the
Although participation by teachers was not as
significant as originally envisioned, when interviewed
by phone in April and May of 1998 by <name
of person> of CSS, teachers indicated that
the SciCon girls really stood out in their classes.
The theme that emerged clearly from the teachers'
comments was that prior to participating in SciCon
the girls were shy and reluctant to ask questions
in class, but after the program, they were much
more outgoing and willing to ask questions.
Impact on Students
Based both on quantitative and qualitative evidence,
the SciCon program appears to have succeeded in its
goal of sustaining participants' interest in science
during the school year and bridging the gap between
FAST Camp and NSD. Half of the Year 1 SciCon girls have
gone on to attend NSD. Seven girls participated in both
years of SciCon, and five of those seven attended NSD
for a second time in 1998. Prior to SciCon, only one
girl had ever attended NSD twice.
The long-term impacts of the program are more difficult
to assess. A follow-up survey was sent out to the girls
in spring 1998 to collect information about their school
activities and accomplishments. The PLUS Center plans
to send out a survey every year in order to keep track
of the girls' long-term achievements and
Based on the girls' and parents' written comments,
it appears that, at a minimum, SciCon gave them the
opportunity to meet friends with similar interests,
increased their self-confidence, gave them the incentive
to work harder at school, and introduced them to potential
science careers and strong female role
Excerpt 9
[Tufts University]
& Conclusions:
Presents a perspective for interpreting
It is important to place the following results in the
context of the selection criteria for girls, which included
high interest in math and/or science, good disciplinary
standing, demonstrated ability to work as part of a
cooperative learning team, and good communication
In addition, recruitment efforts for individual girls
focused heavily on "popular" students
who fulfilled the criteria, as project staff
felt these students could potentially be
role-models to their classmates and lower-level
school mates by showing interest in science. Project
staff felt that students who were not popular would
influence fewer students because of "weak
interpersonal skills" or because of
"not being liked" generally. As
defined by the project staff for selection criteria,
popular students are amicable and well-liked by the
general student body and teachers and possess strong
It must also be noted that
23 out of 27 (85%) participating girls had at least
one parent who works professionally in a math, science
or technology-related field, and nine of the girls had
two parents who did. Ten parents were engineers,
eight were involved in a high tech industry (including
four parents who were presidents/CEO's) and five were
scientists. Parents also included a surgeon, math/science
teacher and pharmacist.
Teacher and principal perceptions were used for
evaluating the "popularity" of the
Presents the perspectives of different
participant groups about program impact
Areas of Perceived Impacts on
Adults participating in the project felt that the girls
gained in abilities in problem-solving and working in
groups, areas that were not measured in the evaluation.
They also felt girls had "increased
confidence," which was consistent with
girls' increases in the sentence
completion measures. In addition, some adults feel that
the impact of the project may not be felt for several
years, when girls begin to make college and
career choices.
When asked what impact, if any, they saw the program having
on the participants, the eight college students interviewed
were most apt to say that the program broadened the girls'
minds by exposing them to the field of engineering (5/63%).
They felt that in the future girls will now explore careers
in engineering which they would not have considered before
the program. They also felt girls learned to work in a
group and cooperate (5/63% each). Two of the college students
noticed a boost in the girls' confidence levels. Other
areas of impact mentioned were how to do a big project,
the fact that things do not always go perfectly, and conjointly,
how to problem-solve (25%/2 each).
Parents were remarkably consistent in what they felt
was the greatest impact on girls. Overall, parents felt
girls gained skills in teamwork (7/70%), learned how
to use various tools and technology (7/70%) and gained
knowledge of engineering (7/70%). In the words of one
parent, (who happened to be an engineer):
"My daughter
and the other girls learned what engineering really
is10% inspiration and 90% perspiration, to misquote
Edison. I hope it didn't scare them!"
Parents also felt
girls learned how to execute a major project (6), gained
confidence (4), learned how to solve problems creatively
(4) as well as gained knowledge of scientific concepts
The five teachers felt the major impact on girls was
more ability to work in groups (3/60%), confidence (2),
a sense of accomplishment (2) and learning the importance
of setting goals and adhering to them (2). Through this,
teachers felt "Girls learned to do even the most complex
tasks that at first may seem scary and/or
impossible." In addition, teachers also
felt that girls had understood complex math and
science concepts behind their exhibits (3).
Impact on Teachers
Project staff hoped that by involving teachers as
members of the core team, the impact of the project
would extend beyond the summer. Initially, project staff
hoped that the project would enhance teachers' aptitude
with science and engineering and increase their use
of hands-on science, and that teachers would continue
project-related activities, such as visiting the exhibits
at the Acton Discovery Museums as well as other museums
with their classes. It was expected that teachers would
have continued contact with girls, and that the project
would improve teachers' awareness of gender equity both
in curricula and classroom climate. Teachers came into
the project very interested in hands-on science, spending
between 25% and 80% of their science time doing hands-on
science activities (mean: 59%) and doing between four
and sixteen hands-on science activities (mean: 8.6).
Some of the hands-on activities teachers mentioned were:
vacuum pumps, building simple machines, constructing
a solar house, heat capacity and exchange, models of
plate tectonics and photography to investigate chemistry
and optics.
Presents conclusions and recommendations for a
modified, generalizable model
II. The project has the potential to be
replicated, although the cost of high caliber
human and material resources may make
replication of the current model
The project was implemented with a group of 27 middle
school girls with pre-existing interest and achievement
in science and mathematics. Girls had the benefit of
a high adult to student ratio, access to state-of-the-art
technical facilities, and a cadre of university faculty
and museum staff to provide technical and conceptual
advice. While replication with similar resources and
a similar target audience is possible, the project may
want to explore ways to expand replication audiences.
One way to do this is to implement the model with more
diverse target populations, including girls who are
less academically gifted, girls from lower socioeconomic
levels or girls who are African American or Hispanic.
This may involve modifications in the project based
on the target population. For example, more information
on careers may be needed for girls whose parents aren't
scientists and engineers. In addition, more time might
be needed on technical skills development for girls
who have had fewer experiences in these
The project may also want to explore lower cost variations
of the project, such as depending more heavily on graduate
students than professors for technical assistance, increasing
the number of girls per group or reducing the time teachers
come in during the summer.
Presents results combining qualitative and
quantitative data
As part of their final questionnaire, the twenty-seven
participating girls were asked what parts of the project
they liked most, least and how they would improve it.
A summary of their responses follows.
What Girls Liked
When asked what they liked best about the project,
25 of 27 girls (93%) mentioned at least one activity
related to designing and building the exhibit,
such as using tools and working as a team. Overwhelmingly
the one thing girls liked best about the project
was using tools (12/44%). In the words of one
girl: "I liked working with power tools.
I don't know many girls who know how to use them
and now I do!" In addition to using tools,
girls liked being able to work as a team (9/33%),
building the exhibit (8/30%), using computers
(8/30%) as well as the overall exhibit design
and development process (7/26%): "I liked
the planning part, choosing a design and exploring
options." Girls also liked "being treated
as adults" (7/26%), working with the engineering
students (3/11%) and that the "project was
fun" (3/11%). Individuals also liked the
Tufts staff, meeting new people, learning the
concepts of the exhibit, being able to use the
Tufts facilities, learning about engineering and
"figuring out stuff."
Areas to Improve
There were several things that girls did not like
about the project and would change. Most frequently,
girls felt that days were too long, and suggested providing
shorter days but more weeks (10/37%). Five girls felt
some "take over" from adults:
- Although it was a girls in engineering project,
I felt as though some of the people in the
you would ask a simple question they would take over
and do the whole thing for you rather than just tell
you stuff.
Other areas girls "liked least" were
lectures on concepts and working with girls from
other groups (mentioned by four girls each);
working out design problems and issues,
"the project felt too much like
school," the stress and pressure of having
to complete an exhibit in a month (three girls
each); and daily summaries and project
organization (two each). There also appeared to
be feelings of competitiveness between groups.
In the words of one girl:
- Some groups had to do less building than others.
It left the groups with more building, like our group,
feeling left behind from other groups such as the
earthquake group.
Presents survey respondents' suggestions for
improving the project
Girls had many suggestions to improve the
project, including:
- More recreation/free time (mentioned by
five girls)
- Spend less time on peripheral activities such as
building the birdhouses and PowerPoint
- Snack break (3)
- Cut down on first week activities (3)
- Better luncheon workshops: "the
luncheon workshops were boring" (3)
- Stipulate the amount of building required,
i.e., how much can be "shopped out"
- A list of objectives for the month, broken down
by task (2)
- Make roles for everyone clear (2).
Individuals also suggested "all female
professors," more trips to museum
"so that when we are told where
the exhibit will be, we know exactly what that area
looks like" and more structured daily
Excerpt 10
[University of Denver]
& Conclusions:
Presents conclusions derived from examining
responses on composite scales
The girls in Group 1 (SEM Program) and Group 2 (Control
Group) were similar on several variables prior to the
beginning of the SEM Program. On the Science Career
Predictor Scale Total (and the Subscales) the girls
in both groups showed high perceived interest and ability
in science and mathematics. This perception remained
constant during the year program for both the girls
that participated in the SEM program and those who were
not involved in the program. Girls were also similar
on the Persistence Scale, suggesting that all girls,
regardless of group, were persistent in how they approached
problems, and had high perceived ability and interest
in math and science.
Presents a perspective on key quantitative
Since the girls all came to the program with high interest
and ability, it would be difficult to increase these already
positive attributes. Some interesting general information
was gained by the girls on several aspects of School Climate,
and SEM in general. The following information relates
to the entire group of girls at Time 3 [Time 1=pre-program
activities; Time 2=during program activities; Time 3=end
of program activities].
- All girls believe it is Important (n=6) to Very
Important (n=38) to their mothers that they attend
- All girls stated that it is Important (n=7) to Very
Important (n=37) to their mothers that they attend
- All girls stated that it is Important (n=6) to Very
Important (n=36) to their fathers that they attend
- The majority of girls stated that their mothers
and fathers had talked to them about attending college,
and about specific majors including science, mathematics,
and engineering.
- All girls stated that they had the ability to graduate
from college with degrees in SEM.
- Many girls thought it would be more difficult for
females to get accepted into a science, engineering,
or math degree program: Time 1 (57.5%) and Time 3
- Most girls felt that teachers encouraged them to
pursue math and science interests
- Most girls felt that there was no competition between
girls and boys when it came to science and mathematics
- Most girls believed that boys and girls had: the
same amount of interest in science and mathematics,
received the same grades, had the same amount of knowledge
in science and mathematics, and were treated similarly
by the teacher.
- The difference between Groups 1 and 2 at Time 3
was in the areas of KNOWLEDGE about career options,
years it required to complete a degree in SEM, and
which high school courses were needed as the foundation
for science, engineering, and mathematics
- Girls in the Saturday Program knew much more about
the above areas compared to the Comparison Group,
suggesting that the Program was effective in providing
knowledge to girls who were already interested in
Draws conclusions from results of statistical
significance (t-test)
There were significant increases in the pre- and post-test
scores for the amount of information students perceived
they had concerning careers in science, engineering,
and mathematics (Questions 1-3). Another area tapped
by the questionnaire was how well their mother and father
could answer their questions in the three SEM areas
(Questions 4-9). Except for Question 4 concerning students'
perceptions of the mothers' ability to answer questions
in science, students increased their confidence in both
mothers' and fathers' ability to respond to questions.
Additionally, students also stated that they gained
information about careers in the three SEM areas at
the end of the program.
Table 7 Dependent t-tests for the
Student Questionnaire of SEM Knowledge and
% |
% |
1 |
18 |
94.7 |
19 |
100.0 |
2 |
11 |
57.9 |
11 |
57.9 |
3 |
15 |
78.9 |
14 |
73.7 |
Describes data limitations; draws implications
for future research
Although these data need to be interpreted with great
caution due to the small sample size, particularly for
males, there are several considerations for future research.
First, students stated that: (a) their teachers were
quite positive about science and mathematics, (b) girls
thought teachers treated boys and girls equally, and
(c) girls described other girls at their school as having
a positive attitude about science and mathematics. This
is important because some research shows that girls
lose interest in science and mathematics around 13 years
old. Since these girls are in 6th to 8th grade, it is
not known whether these girls' attitudes will change
over the next few years. Longitudinal studies are needed
to answer this question and to date, cross-sectional
data have been used to study this question. If the conclusion
is correct that girls lose interest in science and mathematics
around age 13, then it will be necessary to intervene
early. Data from this model program suggest that girls
do still feel positive about science and mathematics
in middle school.
Excerpt 11
[University of Washington]
& Conclusions:
Presents generalizable conclusions
Given these findings, it was reasonable to conclude
that indicators of a successful Women in Engineering
Program include: a) percent of undergraduate degrees
awarded to women; b) the size of the annual Women in
Engineering budget; c) fundraising assistance for the
program; d) fundraising responsibility of the director;
e) use of evaluation, and f) major discipline of the
director of the Women in Engineering Program. Neither
student involvement nor enrollment statistics were found
significant indicators of success. With respect to student
involvement, everyone responding to the survey indicated
student involvement; consequently, the measure was not
fine enough to detect differences in degree of involvement.
On the other hand, the small sample size probably accounts
for the reason that enrollment did not appear as a significant
indicator of success.
Expresses limits to the conclusions'
As a practical application, these findings provide
the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of existing
Women in Engineering Programs. As an example, the criteria
could be used be either internal or external reviewers,
including Deans as internal reviewers or federal agencies
as external reviewers. However, one should be cautious
when applying these criteria without consideration to
the climate for women in engineering at an
Presents generalizable conclusions
In conclusion, the findings of this study strongly suggest
that Women in Engineering Programs are having an impact
on increasing the number of women receiving degrees in
engineering. The study found that there are six prerequisite
conditions for successful programs and six criteria of
success to be used for evaluation purposes. It also pointed
out that commitment from the Dean, a designated full-time
director, a WIE budget, faculty and student involvement,
and program evaluation were critical components
of a successful Women in Engineering
Describes limitations of evaluation data
The primary limitation of the study was the small
sample size. It is important to repeat the study again
in 1993-94. As a result of the national technical assistance
and training offered through WEPAN, the numbers of Women
in Engineering Programs have increased significantly
throughout the U.S. A larger sample size of Women in
Engineering Programs would provide the opportunity to
confirm the findings of this study, and to investigate
other relationships such as type and size of institution
with other variables.
Review & Utilization:
Describes results of use to multiple
Finally, the findings in this study are important to a
number of audiences: 1) provides deans with guidelines
for the conditions that are needed to establish a successful
Women in Engineering Program; 2) provides directors of
Women in Engineering Programs with strategies to make
the program successful; 3) provides funders with measures
for evaluating success; and 4) provides policy makers
with indicators of successful intervention programs, as
well as a perspective on the national need to increase
the number of women pursuing careers in
Excerpt 12
[Montana State University-Bozeman]
& Conclusions:
Presents quantitative and qualitative
Wednesday AM: "Changing
Mean = 4.1 (good+)
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
N/R |
4 |
17 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
(17%) |
(74%) |
(4%) |
4% |
Highlights: Videos were very good.
Talking with teachers from schools to
discover different approaches that they would
usevery enlightening.
Suggestions for Improvement: Ideas could be
kept to be compiled as a record of ideas and
typed as bullets for the class.
There are many types of
"self-esteem" type activities
that are used at workshops as warm ups, etc. Maybe these
could be used to break up sessions some so we don't
sit so much. Northwest labs has some they use. I really
like the handbook!!
Excerpt 13
[Indiana University]
Recommends strategy for increasing survey return rate
F. Findings
The Survey Analysis Report can be found in Appendix
The surveys were used to evaluate the success of the program in meeting the three objectives
of providing research skills, presentation and communication skills, and mentoring opportunities,
peer support networks, and role models for women in science. The surveys also helped identify any
trends or relationships regarding women and their retention in the sciences. There were difficulties
in getting all Fellows and Faculty to complete the surveys. In the future, it would be useful to provide
a greater incentive for survey and activity participation, perhaps by withholding part of the stipend
till surveys are completed. A more structured mentoring program would also be more useful to the
participants, along with an incentive for mentees to participate in the SURF surveys.
& Conclusions:
Identifies strengths and weaknesses of the program
Survey Analysis: Fellows
The SURF Fellows clearly were intelligent and
committed to working in the sciences. They had
experience with supportive environments, both
familial and educational. Many of them had strong
science backgrounds prior to coming to Indiana
University, yet it didn't appear that any of them
had extraordinary experiences. Many of the Fellows
were engaged in a number of activities at IUB.
These women were quite focused in their educational
and career interests. The majority of the Fellows
knew prior to the Program that they were going
to be science majors and none of them changed
to majors outside the sciences while they were
in the SURF Program.
The SURF program provided increased self-confidence and an increased commitment to continuing in
the sciences for most of the participants that responded to the surveys. The Fellows gained
perspectives on issues and concerns for women in the sciences. Throughout the program, most of the
women respondents were engaged in the activities designed by the program and by their faculty
advisors/mentors. The students appreciated the opportunities provided on learning about a number of
different topics and hearing faculty speakers.
The Mentoring Program did not seem to go as well. Many of the students desired more structure.
The contact with mentees was very limited for the majority of the Fellows. Contrastingly, the students
appeared overall to be very comfortable with their faculty advisors/mentors. Only a few students
offered negative feedback.
The research experience was reported to be a wonderful learning experience from almost all of the
participants. They appreciated the laboratory experiences, the writing experiences, and the data
collection experiences. Having the opportunity to write up research and present research appeared
to have a positive effect on most of the research fellows.
Survey Analysis: Faculty
The SURF Program was assessed as a strong program by the faculty who responded to the surveys.
The individuals who had the opportunity to work with the undergraduate fellows saw the benefits for
the students and appreciated their assistance with their own research. Constructive feedback from
the faculty centered on communication issues with the SURF program/WISP office and the relationships
built with individual fellows. Overall, the program was assessed as having multiple benefits and
particular advantages for undergraduates having the opportunity to be involved in research.
Excerpt 14
[Anonymous 4]
Findings from this evaluation provide evidence of the academy's substantial
success in providing a novel educational experience that extends students'
experience of science and technology and affords a view of how home and school
factors intersect with students' sense of themselves in relation to the academy's
subject matter and activities. Findings can inform planning for future programming.
In addition, data from the study can serve as a base for continued inquiry into
the long-term impact of the academy for students and as a means to gauge the
implications of diverse programmatic follow-ups initiated in participants' schools.
& Conclusions:
Summarizes interview findings
Students' Initial Impressions
Students came to the academy with some preexisting
view of it that had been shaped by teachers, parents,
and peers, and, sometimes but not always, informed
by their own sense of themselves in relation to
science both as a subject and an activity. While
teachers were said to have inspired a number of
girls to participate in the academy, parents were
said to have had more influence over boys' participation.
Findings indicated appreciable differences in
students' motivation toward the academy depending
on age and grade levelyounger students were
motivated by fun and learning generally while
older students had more purposeful interest. Academy
participants drew parallels among an array of
first-hand or vicarious and formal or informal
educational experiences as similar to the activities
included in the session. Students at the University
L session were more likely than students at University
K to feel they had some previous experience pertaining
to robotics.
Programmatic Implications of Students' Initial
Impressions of the Academy Everyday relationships
and everyday activities and objects are potential
resources for the academy to capitalize on in
extending the reach of both its preparation of
students for the academy and its continuation
of influence after the session. More overtly drawing
connections to everyday objects and processes
might validate students prior related experiences,
inspire future projects at home, and further draw
significant people in students' lives into engagement
in and support of their developing interests.
& Conclusions:
Summarizes interview findings
Students' Experiences During the Academy
Building and programming were the two most frequently
mentioned activities preferred by participants
in the academy. In general, girls were equally
drawn to programming and building, while boys
were comparatively more enticed by building. Active
hands-on activities were far more popular than
didactic components of the sessions, although
students generally recognized the necessity of
both. Characterizing appealing activities as "hands-on"
is accurate but incomplete. In addition to their
active quality, tasks inherent in the creation
of a robot entail numerous feedback loops in which
students immediately see the effects of their
work, which is simultaneously a social, cognitive,
kinesthetic, and emotional experience. With varying
amounts of intercession by academy staff, students
selected their projects, organized themselves
as groups and experimented with planning, design,
building and programming until they produced the
robot they envisioned. Depending upon a complex
mix of students' age, previous experience, disposition,
group work skills and personal work habits, students
responded differently to the challenge inherent
in project-based science inquiry. The major activity
that each group undertook during the session was
appropriately called the "challenge
project," and challenge was a powerful theme
characterizing much of the week. It is likely
that for some students, pursuing challenge through
an open-ended process-oriented project constituted
a central learning of the academy.
Individual students responded differently to
challenge and its necessary complement frustration.
And therefore, the maintenance of an appropriate
balance between challenge and frustration was
a central preoccupation for academy staff in
their facilitation of students' experiences.
Staff maintained a vision of the ideal trajectory
of the student robotics learning that guided
their provision of assistance to students, but
they continued to actively grapple with the
issue of how much and when to offer assistance.
At the end of each day staff met to discuss
how the students were progressing, sharing perspectives
on individual students and of partner groups
and critically reflecting on their own facilitation
of students' experiences. This was productive
in provoking staff reflection and giving an
open-ended discovery quality to staff's experiences.
Programmatic Implications of Students' Experiences
During the Academy In addition to substantive
learning about robotics and engineering, students'
management of the technical and social aspects
of undertaking a relatively long-term project
is a central learning supported by the academy.
The academy entails processes such as negotiation
and planning, and emotions such as challenge and
frustration. Effective facilitation of the academy
includes managing students' own management of
these processes and emotions, in addition to conveying
substantive information about robotics. Staff's
vision of a robotics-learning trajectory, included
sequencing of concepts and activities, is a necessary
pedagogic guide, although actual facilitation
was equally creative as formulaic. Current school
reforms typically include testing which tends
to focus student and teacher attention to the
end results of teaching and learning. This product-orientation
is important to education but does not necessarily
encourage students (or teachers) to seek challenge
and therefore open-ended learning beyond task
completion and assessment. The academy has the
strength of affording opportunity for ongoing
challenge and for constructive learning from errors
and mistakes, through activities in which processes
and outcomes are somewhat conflated. The cultivation
of students' pursuit of challenge, rather than
the mere completion of a functional robot, should
likely be understood as the central pedagogic
goal of the academy.
& Conclusions:
Summarizes interview findings
Sex Composition of the Academy
Students held complex and diverse opinions about
the sex composition of the academy. Of students
who had a preference, girls were nearly evenly
split between those who preferred a single sex
academy and those who preferred a mixed session.
Boys, in contrast, were most likely to prefer
a mixed session. There was a slight tendency for
older youth, both boys and girls, to prefer a
mixed session and for younger girls to prefer
a single sex session, but this pattern was not
consistent between or within the two University
K sessions. Female proponents of a girls-only
session in the all girl University K academy were
as adamant about its superiority as were those
girls in the mixed University K academy who advocated
the benefits of a mixed session. Given the option
of selecting between attending an all-girl and
mixed session, girls in University K tended to
have purposefully enrolled in their session of
Although some girls felt that the absence of
boys would automatically create an improved learning
environment, a few girls in the mixed session
in University K characterized girls as more distracting
and potentially more threatening than boys. Similarly,
several boys in University K foresaw troubling
distractions in a hypothetical all-boy session.
Boys' and girls' opinions were informed by their
experiences in school interacting with the same
and opposite sex. At University L, several girls
anticipated that a mixed session would provoke
competition since in their experience boys believe
that they are smarter than girls. While boys appeared
to have consistent expectations of girls, some
girls qualified their expectations of boys, conceding
that, "it depends" which boys are in
question. Regardless of their sex composition
preference, girls who were most enthusiastic toward
the academy tended to value "seriousness"
in others, specifically the discipline not to
"goof off" and the maturity to abstain
from preoccupation with status, jealousy, and
petty comparisons during the session.
Age was as influential as sex in students' partner
selections during the sessions. Problematic partnerships
could result from mixed age single sex partnerships;
and in contrast, generally effective partnerships
could result from similar age mixed sex partnerships.
There was some indication that boys were more
likely than girls to extricate themselves from
undesirable partnershipsthat is girls tended to
quietly accept the objectionable arrangement while
boys more actively moved to change their situation.
Programmatic Implications of Sex Composition
of the Academy Findings from the study present
no clear cut implications for how best to organize
the sex composition of the academy: girls' preferences
were mixed and contradictory, and while some had
clear-cut preferences others were neutral; boys,
similarly, were often neutral toward sex composition,
but those who expressed a preference uniformly
wanted a mixed group session, less because they
wanted to work with girls than that they wanted
to avoid inclusion of too many boys. In addition,
despite differences between and within the three
sessionsfor example, the absence of preference
for a mixed group session at University L compared
to University Kthe complexity of contextual
differences between the three sessions makes generalizations
problematic. However, the complexity of the findings
does not support the conclusion that sex composition
did not matter. On the contrary, sex composition
mattered a lot to some girls and boys. Even students
who neutrally accepted or preferred the presence
of the opposite sex, could prefer to work in partnerships
with students of the same sex. Consideration of
sex composition and gender dynamics should likely
not stop with the decision to organize a single
or mixed group, but should be influencing partner
selection and group work. In addition, issues
of sex and gender manifest not only between the
sexes, but also within the sexes. Specifically,
findings indicated that age composition intersected
with sex composition. Students of different ages
responded somewhat differently to gender issues
and sex composition and age mixing instigated
issues among students of the same sex.
& Conclusions:
Summarizes interview findings
Teachers in the Academy
The University L academy included four teachers,
two from each of the participating schools. These
teachers did not work directly with the girls, but
as partner teams alongside the girls. Students were
uniformly positive about the presence of their teachers,
recognizing that teachers' participation signaled
the likelihood that robotics would be available
at their school. The teachers' presence was also
of benefit in personal and social termsseveral
girls were less apprehensive attending the session
knowing their teacher would be there and some felt
they had a stronger connection with their teacher
as a result of the experience. A few students also
mentioned that they appreciated seeing their teachers
in the role of learners. |
Discusses lack of clear implications
Programmatic Implications for Teachers in the
Academy It is unclear whether students' reactions to their
teachers' participation in the University L session
would play out similarly in other contexts, but
given the positive response, more experimentation
with this format seems warranted.
& Conclusions:
Summarizes interview findings
Students' Future Career Thinking
Most students in the academy held some view of
their future academic and career trajectory although
boys were more likely than girls to express indecision.
While the majority of students saw some form of
science as a viable option, some foresaw multiple
possibilities that entailed divergent trajectories
or incoherent assumptions. For instance, both
cosmetology and psychiatry were posited as possible
options by one eighth grader, and another considered
becoming a pediatrician or a childcare worker
equally possible. A number of boys envisioned
a possible career in professional sports, although
most also had alternative plans as well. Family
members, especially mothers, were often referenced
as playing a role in career decision-making. Several
students at the University L session who were
interested in engineering spontaneously mentioned
that the academy had informed their thinking,
Programmatic Implications Ideas about
students' prospective future academic and career
paths link to complex views of personal identity
"the kind of girl (or boy) I am"
as well as to views of personal capacity. Findings
indicated that awareness of engineering increased
for some students, namely girls in the University
L session. Students had generally high interest
in science, and therefore connecting robotics
to other sciences, such as biology and health,
might further bolster the academy's relevance
to students' emerging interests. It is possible
that longitudinal research will indicate additional
types of influences the academy experience had
on students' career-related interests, sense of
validation of interest, view of personal capacity
toward science and technology, and embrace of
group work and project-oriented inquiry.