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Under-Represented Populations Stand-Alone Report 1 (Progress)

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1995 Program Evaluation of the Women in Science Project at Dartmouth College

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This evaluation analyzed both quantitative and qualitative data. This section first presents the results of the quantitative analysis of data from Dartmouth College Records to probe whether WISP has had any impact on the number of women science majors at Dartmouth. The second part reports data from students' responses to qualitative data--questionnaires, interview, and journal questions. The qualitative part is organized around five foci of the data collection: the WISP internship, WISP programming, women who major in science, women who are considering a major in science, and women who "leave" science. The "WISP Internship" section distills and develops six major thematic strands that run throughout this evaluation. The next four sections present data from specific questions, call attention to particularly noteworthy factors, and offer some explanatory remarks.

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Quantitative Data Analysis

One of the underlying goals of the WISP program is to increase the number of women continuing and majoring in science. The program began in 1990; therefore, the first cohort of women who held internships their freshman year were seniors in 1994. To begin to assess whether the WISP program is having an impact on the number of women science majors, and to try to distill factors that contribute to a student's decision to major in science, a statistical analysis was run on data from all students (male and female) in three Dartmouth classes. Data from Dartmouth College's records were used to look for significant relationships to major choice for the following variables: whether the student had a dual major, SAT math scores, whether the student postponed graduating a year, graduation date, gender, GPA, and workstudy eligibility2.

This analysis used a dataset comprised of all students graduating from Dartmouth College in 1992, 1993, and 1994. The goal of the analysis was to determine whether:
(a) students' major choices are related to gender
(b) if they are, whether that relationship is changing over time
(c) whether changes over time are attributable to changes in other student demographics.

For example, an increase in the number of women majoring in science over time might reflect an increase in the number of all students majoring in science (perhaps because science jobs are perceived to be more abundant). Or an increase might reflect changes in students' precollege preparation (if Dartmouth admissions were becoming more selective, and math SAT scores were consequently increasing, one might expect more students to have the option of majoring in a science). Hence, to separate out the most likely contributors to major choice, and to see whether a gender effect persists even when those factors are controlled for an analysis of variance was used.

First Analysis of Variance

The first analysis of variance was run to identify demographic covariates with students' decisions to major in science. (For a more detailed account of the analyses in this section see Appendix B.) This analysis of variance showed that factors associated with the decision to major in science are:
(1) high Math SAT scores (strongest effect),
(2) being male (next strongest effect)
(3) being work-study eligible (a measure of financial need--weakest significant effect tested here).

It also indicated that:
(4) students with dual majors are more likely to major in science
(5) there is no relationship between GPA at graduation and the SCIENCEMAJOR variable
(6) there is no relationship between postponing graduation (1 or more years) and the SCIENCEMAJOR variable.

However, it is important to note that this model explains only 5.6% of the variance. In other words, many other factors contribute to a students' major decision.

Second Analysis of Variance

Next the YEAR*GENDER interaction was explored with a second analysis of variance to determine whether the effect of gender was stable over the three years of data analyzed (92-94). This analysis showed a significant effect of GENDER and YEAR*GENDER, but not YEAR alone on whether a student majors in science. In other words, the effect of gender changes over the three years of data.

Post hoc multiple comparisons for YEAR*GENDER interactions on SCIENCEMAJOR were run for women only to investigate the difference between individual years. These showed that there is a significant difference between the number of women majoring in science between 1992 and 1993; and 1992 and 1994. The following table presents data about the number and percent of women and men majoring in the sciences in all three years. The jump from 12.7% of the women to 20.1% is significant. The role of WISP in encouraging this jump is nebulous since the increase occurred a year before the first cohort of interns were seniors (the increase is seen in 1993; the first class with women interns is 1994). That WISP had some impact is not untenable however--for example, upperclasswomen could have participated in the non-WISP components of the internship.

Table 1: Table of Majors 1992-94

  Frequencies Row Percent
NonSci Science Total NonSci Science
1992 Men
1993 Men
1994 Men

Third Analysis of Variance

The third analysis of variance strove to determine whether the gender effect changes from 1992 to 1994 can be attributed to changes in other demographics. The significant main effects of this analysis, in decreasing order of importance are SATMATH, GENDER, WORKSTUDY, and YEAR*GENDER.

A statistical change in the number of women science majors is one important way to document a possible impact of the WISP program. However, judging the "success" of the program based exclusively on this type of data would be short-sighted. First, the number of majors may not accurately reflect the number of women who are actually planning to continue in science. As described in the next section, many students who plan to attend medical school choose not to major in a science because they know that they will be studying only science in the future and want to explore other non-science fields as an undergraduate. Other students who do not major in science may still consider a career related to science, but they selected Dartmouth because it is a liberal arts college and feel that the requirements of a science major limit their ability to explore other interests.

Second, the definition of "success" deserves some attention. Women who do not major or continue in science still consider WISP a valuable experience; they appreciate their increased comfort with and understanding of scientific processes. As our society becomes increasingly science and technology-based, it is important that people in all fields have an accurate understanding of the practice of science to make informed decisions, not only scientists.

To develop a more comprehensive understanding of impact and influence of WISP and of the variables affecting majoring in a science, students' attitudes and insights were probed using qualitative methods.

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2 Work study eligibility was used as an indicator of financial background and need. A degree in the science is often a more marketable degree upon graduation, and salaries for science jobs are often higher than those in the humanities--factors that could be important and influential for students with financial need.

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