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Key Topics Strategy Scenario Case Study References

Introduction |  Step 1 |  Step 2 |  Step 3 |  Step 4 |  Step 5 |  Step 6 |  Step 7 |  Step 8 |  Step 9

Step 8. Administer the procedures identified in Step 7.

In the observation training sessions, the observer trainees will be introduced to the structure of the protocol. Then, they will watch videotapes of classrooms employing instructional uses of the technology that they are likely to encounter. They will record their observations on the observation protocol, then take notes and compare their notes with fellow trainees. They will repeat this process with several other videotapes until they obtain agreement on what occurred and how to interpret its meaning.

You will start the training of the interviewers by explaining the interview procedure and the intention behind each question on the interview protocol. Then, you will have them watch and critique your role-playing of a teacher being interviewed. You role-play the teacher and your instrument design task leader role-plays the interviewer. Then, you will divide your trainees into groups of three. One member of each group role-plays the interviewer, the second one the interviewee, and the third one the observer and critic. You will carry out this process three times, so that each trainee gets to play each role.