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Select a Professional Development Module:
Key Topics Strategy Scenario Case Study References

Introduction |  Step 1 |  Step 2 |  Step 3 |  Step 4 |  Step 5 |  Step 6 |  Step 7 |  Step 8 |  Step 9

Step 1. Determine when, where, and how often to collect the data, then develop a schedule.

You will collect data from three questionnaires, as follows.

  1. In the spring, prior to the workshop, you will collect responses to the eligibility questionnaire. These responses will provide baseline data about the teachers' backgrounds and self-professed skill levels with instructional technology.

  2. To answer your first evaluation question, you will administer a post-training program questionnaire to all of the participating teachers as the final activity at the workshop.

  3. To help answer your second evaluation question, you will administer another version of the questionnaire twice at the end of the first semester (mid-year) and at the end of the school year. In addition to identifying what they report is happening in their classrooms, this second questionnaire will focus on whether the teachers’ comfort level with technology increases or decreases in relation to the characteristics of their students and school setting. You will send out the questionnaires by mail, with postage-paid, pre-addressed return envelopes. To track the individual teachers’ responses over the course of multiple questionnaire administrations, you will assign a single ID to each teacher respondent.

    Also you will conduct classroom observations of 10 of the teachers who responded to the questionnaire. These observations will be followed by interviews with each of them. The observations will be highly directive and focused on specific aspects of the classes being observed, because the stakeholders will have determined in advance which classroom characteristics would be relevant. Each of those teachers will be observed and interviewed once per semester during the evaluation year.