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Key Topics Strategy Scenario Case Study References

Introduction |  Step 1 |  Step 2 |  Step 3 |  Step 4 |  Step 5 |  Step 6 |  Step 7 |  Step 8 |  Step 9

Step 7. Identify potential risks to the accuracy of the data you will collect. To minimize these risks, decide if it is necessary to implement and carry out procedures to enhance the trustworthiness of the data, such as training programs.

Regarding the questionnaire. Because all of the questions will simply require that respondents select an answer, it will not be necessary to code the questionnaire results.

Regarding the interviews and observations. You will need to train interviewers and observers in order to ensure their fidelity to the interview and observation protocols. You will also train staff people who will code the interview and observation notes in order to ensure coding reliability.