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Select a Professional Development Module:
Key Topics Strategy Scenario Case Study

Introduction  |  Review & Identify  |  Criterion A  |  Criterion B  |  Criterion C

Step 3: Justify conducting a questionnaire for each group.

Criterion A. The members of the population must be able to give you useful information on the issues.

You must be able to say "yes" to one or more of these questions about the population.

Issue Scenario Example Conclusion
Do the members of the population have opinions on the issues that interest you? The mentors will have opinion about the project, since all of them have gone through it. Yes
Do the members of the population qualified to give you facts or informed judgements on the issues? The mentors will not know enough about student assessment methods to make them qualified to judge how much the freshmen have learned. You will get that by questioning the instructors and accessing the college's database of grades. No
Are the members of the population qualified to give you background information about itself? The mentors are the best and sole sources of background information about their prior science education. Yes

Since at least one of the questions has been answered affirmatively, Criterion A has been met.