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Faculty Development Annotated Report Excerpts

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Analysis Process

The table below contains report excerpts (right column) accompanied by annotations (left column) identifying how the excerpts represent the Analysis Process Criteria.

Executive Summary | Project Description | Evaluation Overview
Design | Analysis Process | Results & Recommendations

Annotations Report Excerpts

Excerpt 1 [Auburn University]

Quantitative Analysis:
Presents statistical results of quantitative analysis (t-tests)

Figure 1 displays the results of the pre- and post-assessments regarding professor knowledge, confidence, and available course materials. An increase occurred in each of these three areas. To determine the extent to which these increases were statistically significant, paired-samples t-tests were used.

Summarizes key findings

Figure 2 displays the average responses regarding the extent to which participants had sufficient resources to teach five specific topics. A comparison of responses from the pre- to the post-assessment revealed that significant increases occurred for each topic. Prior to the training course, these professors indicated having the fewest resources for teaching erosion control and filtration and the most resources for addressing the topics of retaining walls and slope stability. A similar pattern was revealed at the end of the training course. However, the average response to each topic was significantly higher. In other words, professors indicated having more sufficient resources such as books, engineering design samples, and information contacts.

Pre- and Post-Assessments of Available Resources to Teach Topics in Existing Courses.

Quantitative Analysis:
Summarizes data in graphic format


Excerpt 2 [University of Florida]

Quantitative Analysis:
Summarizes key patterns in the data

The weekly evaluations gave the participants an opportunity to reflect on the overall organization of the workshop. In addition to the demographic data collected, questions were asked about the quality of learning, usefulness of the information for the classroom, and the structure of presentations. There were few changes in the responses between week one and week two. There were more "strongly agree" responses for the appropriateness of the amount of time for questions in week two, and there were more "strongly agree" responses to the question regarding expectations being met.

The results of the weekly evaluations are listed below. The scale ranges from strongly disagree (SD) to strongly agree (SA). The results from week one and week two are compared.

Summarizes data in tabular format

Weekly Evaluations

  Week 1 Week 2
1. Lectures improved understanding     5 21     8 22
2. Lectures useful in home institution     11 18     11 19
3. Laboratory improved understanding   3 14 12   3 14 13
4. Laboratory useful in home institution   7 12 10   7 13 10
5. Session notes helpful   1 9 18     8 22
6. Lab materials useful in home institution     8 21     9 18
7. Industry representatives valuable   3 8 18   3 14 9
8. Amount of material about right   2 13 13   2 20 18
9. Time for instructor questions all right     19 9     10 18
10. Time for breaks and lunch all right     10 17     14 14
11. Discussion with participants valuable   1 14 14   2 28 30
12. Seminar met my expectations   1 12 28   1 6 30

Excerpt 3 [Macalester College]

Quantitative Analysis:
Describes rationale for analyses of subgroups

The questionnaires were also grouped by institution-type of the participant and the responses were analyzed to indicate any trends due to the type of institution in which one taught. One hundred-eleven questionnaires were used for this portion of the analysis because two of the participants indicated that they taught calculus at two different levels. The numbers at each level are as follows.

Describes sample

High School 32
Two-Year College 25
Four-Year College 33
University 21

Summarizes data in graphic format

The mean response of each group to each question is depicted below in Figure 10.

[Figure 10: Group mean responses to questions]