: Reports : Curriculum Development |
Annotations |
Report Excerpts |
Excerpt 1
[Oregon State University]
& Conclusions:
Presents unanticipated findings
One preliminary finding that has been surprising is
the strength of the effect an individual instructor
evidently has on students' preferred choice of representation.
This suggests to us that the instructor's role in mediating
students' use of technology may be the single most powerful
catalyst for change in calculus instruction.
Interprets results
Results suggest that students in the experimental
classes at some institutions are at very low levels
of calculus readiness. Care must be taken in analyzing
data to take this into account. At a few of the test
sites, measures have been administered to parallel
classes taking a traditional approach to
Presents project weaknesses
Most of the criticisms regarding the text materials
themselves were related to their draft form (misprints
and typos, lack of index and answer key). These problems
should not be underestimated, for the lack of an answer
key turned out to generate much more extra work in the
eyes of many of the pilot instructors.
Several of the pilot test sites reported that attrition
from the experimental classes was far lower than the
usual attrition from a traditional class (some as
low as 0%). Ricks College reported a 38 to 33 attrition
in the experimental class versus a 35 to 21 attrition
on a traditional class (same instructor for
Excerpt 2
[Oregon State University]
& Conclusions
High school teachers follow the textbook very closely,
much more than college faculty. For calculus reform
to impact at the high school level, teachers must
be exposed to and prepared to use appropriate curriculum
materials. Such training must begin with pre-service
teachers through their high school and college calculus
Excerpt 3
[Oregon State University]
& Conclusions:
Describes data limitations
Presents future evaluation plans to address the
data limitations
Students have done at least as well or better than
national (high school) norms on almost every question.
While this type of comparative student evaluation
(traditional vs. experimental) is necessary, we feel
it will be incomplete if we do not devise instruments
which are sensitive to some of the new skills which
we believe the experimental students have developed.
In particular, students' use of numerical and graphical
representations of functions seems to be dramatically
increased. We will need to develop a non-calculator
based instrument which would be appropriate to administer
to both experimental and control groups.
Excerpt 4
[Oregon State University]
& Conclusions:
Describes project improvement based on original
The first inservice workshop was held in summer 1990
and was less than satisfactory in many respects. As
a result, our workshop format was thoroughly revised
on the basis of feedback of our first group of pilot
testers. We have found the subsequent workshops to
be extremely successful.
Review & Utilization:
Discusses dissemination of findings
Included as part of this report is a copy of the Spring
1992 Calculus Currents Newsletter. This special
issue is dedicated to the Oregon State University Calculus
Project and will be disseminated to approximately 2500
people across the country by PWS-KENT
Excerpt 5
[Inter-American University of Puerto Rico, San Juan]
& Conclusions:
Presents conclusions and supporting evidence
The results of the evaluation demonstrate the favorable
impact of the project for the students. In general,
it can be concluded that the goal of the project was
completely attained. The overall findings show that
students demonstrated a formative progress towards
a more positive disposition, attitudes and beliefs
about chemistry. Moreover, students entries
in the reflective dairies throughout the year showed
that they gained a gradual and formative understanding
of the academic content (balancing chemical equations,
mathematical computations, handling of chemical formulas
and solution of problems) of the course which gave
them self confidence and security in the laboratory.
In addition, it evidenced students progress
in their interpretations of laboratory
Generalizes from findings
The opinion of the effectiveness of the teaching techniques
used by the professor indicated, from the students
perspective, that the Discovery Approach has a great
potential for stimulating students reflection
about their learning process and allows for setting
high expectations of improvement in those areas of the
learning process that require further improvements.
The evaluators strongly believe that all the data gathered
points out to the fact that participating in a course
taught with the Discovery Approach helps lessen negative
feelings and frustrations most commonly found in introductory
chemistry courses taught with the traditional
Excerpt 6
[Lehman College]
& Conclusions:
Presents quantitative findings in table form
It has now been possible to follow up the first group
who were in the program for four academic years, and
the second group for three. As of the fall of 1997,
the fates of the 44 in the experiment group and the
69 in the control group were as shown in the table
Group |
Group |
Still here or graduated, Nursing
27% |
15% |
Still here or graduated, Health Services
11% |
21% |
Still here or graduated, other
25% |
21% |
Gone, GPA > 2.0 |
18% |
26% |
Gone, GPA < 2.0 |
18% |
18% |
Presents balanced conclusions about
The first notable thing is that there is no striking
difference between the two groups. A miracle did not
happen here. We were hoping that exposure to our course
might give such a general improvement in the students'
problem-solving ability that their performance in
every aspect of college work would show a measurable
improvement, but there is no evidence for any such
effect. The only difference that looks significant
is, however, an important one, the number of students
retained in the nursing major. If one takes as the
null hypothesis that the average number of students
surviving in the nursing program is just the average
of the two groups combined, and these two percentages
are just two that happened by chance to come out that
different or more different for samples of n=44 and
n=69, the null hypothesis is rejected with 93% confidence,
not conclusive but not bad. In both groups, the sum
of nursing and nursing-related Health Services majors
is nearly the same, but the proportions are reversed,
most of the experiment group being in nursing and
most of the control group in Health Services. This
strengthens the impression that the FYI program helped
students who wanted a career in health professions
to stay in nursing.
Excerpt 7
[Oregon State University]
& Conclusions:
Relates conclusions to other studies
All of the trends indicated that the classrooms were
less teacher-centered and students were taking more
responsibility for their own learning as well as working
together with their peers and helping each other learn.
All of the teachers interviewed mentioned this pattern
to some extent. These results are consistent with
those reported in previous research (Dick, 1990; Heid
et al., 1990; Steen, 1988; Swandener & Blubaugh,
1990; Wiske et al., 1988). Associated with a less
teacher-centered classroom comes an increase in open-ended
questions. Although research indicates that the increase
in questioning by students may pose a threat to teachers
predictability in teaching (Dick, 1990, Farrell, 1990;
Rich 1991; Schofield & Verban, 1988), the tone
of the responses from teachers in this study was that
of excitement and enthusiasm for a less teacher-centered
environment. These trends support the findings of
Berenson (1990) and Farrell (1990), and suggest that
the dynamics of classroom tends to shift to more discussion,
inquiry, and cooperative learning.
Draws on related literature to recommend further
Past literature has indicated that inservice programs
have often focused on altering teacher behaviors by
familiarizing teachers with new technology and new instructional
methods, but that insufficient attention has been given
to teachers concerns on the actual use in their
environment (Schultz, 1980; Wiske et al., 1988). Providing
a chance for teachers to share their knowledge, experiences,
and insights can help guide the desiging of curriculum
materials, inservice programs, and support systems that
will best equip teachers to handle the demands and opportunities
that technology presents. Finally, in future investigations
it is essential that we listen to all stages of preparation
and integration of new technological tools, thus, enabling
continuous fostering of the transition that is necessary
for successful implementation.
Excerpt 8
[Lehman College]
& Conclusions:
Specifies group comparisons
The difference between the grades in CHE 114 obtained
by our students and the controls is striking. Below
is a table comparing the grade distributions in both
Grade |
Experiment Group |
Control |
A |
25% |
19% |
B |
23% |
14% |
C |
34% |
21% |
D |
11% |
19% |
F |
7% |
26% |
Describes quantitative analysis
The fraction of students getting grades of D or F
among students taking the FYI program with our course
was 18%, as compared with 45% for the controls. The
mean grade of our students was more than half a grade
point higher than that of the controls. This is statistically
significant. Taking as the null hypothesis that the
average distribution of grades was the sum of the
two distributions, and these two averages for groups
of size n=44 and n=69 was at least that different
by chance, the null hypothesis is rejected with 98%
confidence. Since it is necessary
to get a grade of C or better in this course to stay
in the nursing program, this directly influenced retention
in nursing.
Excerpt 9
Polytechnic Institute]
& Conclusions:
Students were given a pre-test and post-test
to determine their facility with cognitive robotics
before and after the experiment. Unfortunately,
the first experimental group did not improve to
the same degree that the control group did. The
instructor was able to identify several problem
areas with the setup (detailed momentarily), improved
the setup, and ran the experiment again with a
new group of students. . . .
Describes control and logistical problems in
first pilot of treatment
There were a number of factors which apparently
affected the performance of the first experimental
group. First, no effort other than random assignment
was made to match the groups for programming experience
as it turned out, all of the control group's
students reported some experience with C (albeit
not Interactive C), whereas only one of the experimental
students did. Since this background is vital for
some portions of the task, this difference represented
a significant confound. Also, mechanical problems
with the setup led to poor communication with
the students. Though the instructor was able to
see and hear them reasonably well, and so assumed
that they could also see and hear him, this was
not the case. . . . Particularly problematic were
the lighting, which was both insufficient and
poorly placed, such that glare obscured important
material, and the volume and placement of the
speakers (which could not at the time be changed;
because of feedback we now have the ability to
control them), and the poor quality of our scan
converter, which displayed the computer video
to the students. Because of these factors, students
had great difficulty reading the computer screen,
and all diagrams and handwritten notes were well
nigh unintelligible. Also, the instructor discovered
that there is a degree of skill required to use
the technology most effectively in teaching, particularly
in choosing the angles at which to present demonstrations
such that the students could actually see the
relevant material. Though obvious when dealing
with students in person, choosing the correct
angles is challenging when dealing with cameras.
With these lessons learned, we engaged in the
task of improving the setup to run the experiment
a second time. . . .
Describes modifications for second pilot
In the second experiment, two of the three students
had prior experience programming in C. Before
the experiment was run, the students were tested
for logical aptitude using the Raven Progressive
Matrices test, which was later found to show a
remarkable correlation between test scores and
aptitude for the experimental task. For example,
the student who scored a 61st percentile
score on Raven improved 6 points on the experimental
post-test, while the student who scored a 95st
percentile on the Raven test improved 9 points
from pre-test to post-test.
For the experiment setup, more care was taken
in the placement of lighting equipment to avoid
the cameras picking up excessive glare. A higher
quality scan converter was purchased to make sure
the text on the computer screens was transmitted
with a resolution high enough to be easily visible.
A digital camera was used to transmit document
images, which allowed for easier reading by the
students. This, plus lessons that the instructor
learned from the first experiment in teaching
technique, allowed for a teaching experience that
very closely resembled the instructor actually
being physically present.
Excerpt 10
[Anonymous 9]
To thoroughly compare the response of the experimental
and control groups (hereafter referred to as the
treatment groups) to the corresponding learning
approaches, the following questions were investigated
and are answered herein:
& Conclusions:
Presents guiding questions for analyses
- Were the treatment groups originally equivalent
in ability (entering GPA) before any treatment
was administered?
- Is there a difference in achievement (final
examination scores and course grades) between
the experimental group and the control group overall
(i.e., regardless of GPA level)?
- To what extent is achievement (without regard
to treatment group) a function of ability (entering
- Is the difference in achievement between the
experimental group vs. control group the same
for students in different entering GPA groups
or levels? In other words, does the treatment
have a more significant effect on certain ability
Addresses equivalence of treatment and control
In Table 3 and Figure 4, the results of a one-way
analysis of variance of entering GPA's are presented.
The difference in GPA's between the experimental
and control groups had a probability of .59 of
occurring by chance. Therefore, the difference
is not statistically significant. In fact, Figure
4 shows clearly that the GPA means for the experimental
and control groups were very similar. Clearly,
the experimental and control groups were equivalent
at the beginning of the study. This answers question
number one above and strengthens the remainder
of the analysis considerably because it establishes
that the groups, while not randomly assigned,
were very similar before they received the statics
course and homework treatments. Therefore, if
they are different after a treatment is administered,
it is safe to say the homework treatment caused
the difference.
Dep Var: GPA
N: 187 Multiple
R: 0.039 Squared
multiple R: 0.002

Figure 4. Least Squares Means
for Treatment vs. GPA
Table 4 shows the results of a two-factor (2
x 5) analysis of variance for final exam scores
in the engineering mechanics classes. The results
of the analysis for the course grades were almost
identical to the results for final examination
scores; thus, only the results for the comprehensive
final examination is presented in this paper.
The two factors were homework treatment (experimental
or control) and entering ability (GPAGROUPS) from
low to high. In addition to presenting the main
effects of the treatment and ability, Table 4
presents the interaction effect of the combinations
of treatment with ability that cannot be explained
by either factor alone. There was not a significant
main effect due to the treatment (P = .543), thus
the answer to question number two for the study.
A very significant main effect (P = .000) due
to ability or entering grade point average (GPAGROUP)
was found. This answers question number three
for the study. Finally, Table 4 shows a significant
(P = .043) interaction effect on final exam scores
for homework method with ability and answers question
number four.
Exam Scores)
Homework |
GPAGroups |
Homework-GPAGroups |
Error |
Dep Var: FINAL
N: 187 Multiple
R: 0.608 Squared
multiple R: 0.369
Presents further analyses to clarify interaction
To adequately understand these results, especially
the interaction effect of method and ability,
the means for the analysis have been computed
and plotted and are presented in Figure 5. Figure
5a shows that the experimental group did better
on the final exam than the control group, but
not significantly. Figure 5b demonstrates that
the final exam performance is highly related to
the previous GPA of the students. Figure 5c compares
the final exam performance of the experimental
group to the control group students by each ability
(entering GPA) group. This plotted interaction
is significant and shows that for those 34% of
students whose GPA is either below 2.24 or above
3.50, the conventional method of instruction produces
better final examination scores. For those 66%
of students whose GPA is between 2.25 and 3.49
(the three middle GPA groups) the treatment produces
better final exam scores. In other words Fig.
5c shows that the exam scores are significantly
better for the 2.25-3.49 group when they receive
the homework treatment. This illustrates what
was presented in a previous paragraph where the
interaction effect for homework method and entering
ability was described as having a significant
probability of P = .043, smaller than the conventional
standard of =.05.
In summary, the groups were equivalent at the
beginning of the study in average GPA, therefore,
one can be reasonably sure that differences observed
at the end of the course were due to the experimental
variables. There is no significant difference
in achievement as measured by final examination
scores and course grade averages between students
receiving the homework treatment and those receiving
the conventional homework treatment when the overall
population is considered. However, the non-significant
difference favors the homework treatment.
Additionally, achievement differences due to the
treatment vs. control were not the same for all
ability levels. The large middle range of grade
point averages (2.25 to 3.49, or 66% of the students)
perform significantly better on the final exam
and in the course grade if they receive the treatment.
Clearly, the outer GPA groups responded differently
than the middle ranges, and definitive explanations
for this occurrence are difficult to formulate.
It may be hypothesized that the lower GPA students
are overburdened by the additional learning curve
required by the software and that the higher GPA
students have developed successful study methods
and are encumbered by the formality of the treatment
approach. At any rate, a large middle section was shown
to respond well to this pedagogical instrument
as compared to the traditional homework approach.
(A) Treatment vs. Final |
(B) GPA Groups vs. Final |

(C) Treatment vs. Final for GPA LevelsFigure 5. Least Squares Analysis
Excerpt 11
[University of Minnesota-Twin Cities]
& Conclusions:
Concludes that high participant satisfaction is not
matched by improved outcomes (e.g., pass rates)
After two years of offering computer-mediated
instruction the General College has been able
to effectively integrate computer-mediated instruction
into the developmental mathematics program. For
many students, the opportunity to study mathematics
through computer-mediated instruction, as opposed
to lecture, has been greatly appreciated and has
contributed to an improvement in their attitudes
towards mathematics and increased confidence to
succeed in mathematics. Challenges remain; such
as working to improve pass rates in both the computer-mediated
and lecture developmental mathematics courses
and in subsequent credit-bearing courses.
Excerpt 12
[Kettering University]
Objective 1: Provide tools for material and process selection
Results & Recommendations:
Evaluator's Assessment: This objective has been fully met.
& Conclusions:
Presents future evaluation plans
Recommendations for Improvement: There are no recommendations for improving Objective 1. However, Kettering University faculty will continue to evaluate the quality and condition of lab equipment, and will solicit feedback from students in the process.
Presents conclusions and supporting evidence
Evidence: Evidence for assessing Objective 1 was collected via
the MFGE 375 Student Survey that was administered to students who had completed
the class. In addition to asking questions about the quality of the equipment
purchased as a result of the NSF grant, comparison data was collected from MFGE
375 students who used the lab in an earlier class when it contained older equipment.
Data from the MFGE 375 Student Survey indicate agreement about the superiority
of the new equipment (CES material and process selection software, optical
metallurgical microscope and software, metallurgical grinding wheels, and atmosphere
controlled furnace). On a scale of 1.0 to 5.0 (1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree,
3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, 5 = Strongly Agree), students gave the following responses:
- Compared to when I took MFGG 370, there has been a significant improvement
in the quality of the equipment available in the metallurgy laboratory.
Average: 3.75
Standard Deviation: 0.71
- The lab equipment used in MFGE 375 is more up-to-date than the equipment
I used when I took MFGG 370.
Average: 3.88
Standard Deviation: 0.83
- The lab equipment in the metallurgy lab is generally better than that
in other labs at Kettering University.
Average: 3.13
Standard Deviation: 0.35
In contrast to the generally positive responses above, comparison data from the
MFGG 370 baseline data prior to the purchase of new equipment suggests that students
did not believe the old lab equipment was adequate. For example, students gave the statement "I would describe the equipment used in the metallurgy lab during
MFGG 370 as up-to-date" an average rating of only 2.58 (Standard Deviation: 1.12)
compared to 3.88 (Standard Deviation: 0.83) in statement 2 above. For the statement
"The lab equipment in the metallurgy lab when I took MFGG 370 was generally better
than that in other labs at Kettering University at that time," students response
was only 2.69 (Standard Deviation: 1.04) compared to 3.13 (Standard Deviation: 0.35)
in Statement 3 above.
Open-ended responses from the MFGE 375 Student Survey (using new equipment) and
the MFGG 370 Baseline Survey (using old equipment) supported these data. While no
students indicated their dissatisfaction with the new equipment by providing
comments, below are statements about the lab equipment that existed prior to the project:
"The lab equipment was good enough to perform the lab experiments but it was
antiquated and in ill repair."
"The lab needs desperate help."
"Most of the equipment other than some of the polishers and cut-off saws
is very old. I think that there really needs to be some newer equipment in the lab.
We especially need a new tensile test machine."
Objective 3: Increase teamwork and communication skills of students
Evaluator's Assessment: This objective has been fully met.
Recommendations for Improvement: There are two recommendations for
improving Objective 3: 1) Place more emphasis on oral communications; and 2)
consider regrouping students at mid-term instead of keeping students in the same
group for the entire semester, to allow for greater interaction among students in the class.
Evidence: Objective 3 was measured by several means: independent
evaluator review of students' work (project reports, journals, team assignments),
observation of students and teams by course instructors, peer and student self-evaluations,
MFGE 375 Student Survey, and the MFGE 375 Small Group Instructional Diagnosis conducted by
Kettering University Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning. Data from the MFGE
375 Student Survey indicate agreement about the effectiveness of MFGE 375 in enhancing the
communications and teamwork of students enrolled in the class. On a scale of 1.0 to 5.0
(1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, 5 = Strongly Agree),
students gave the following responses:
- MFGG 375 has made a significant improvement in my communication skills.
Average: 3.88
Standard Deviation: 0.35
- MFGG 375 has made a significant improvement in my teamwork skills.
Average: 4.25
Standard Deviation: 0.71
An analysis of students' journals and projects indicate significant improvements
in their ability to communicate and to work in teams. The MFGE 375 Small Group
Instructional Diagnosis conducted with students enrolled in the class also found
that MFGE 375 does a very effective job of emphasizing teamwork and increasing the
capacity of students to work in teams. Several students commented that this course
was "good" or "incredible" at meeting this goal, and that the grading schemewith
the entire grade dependent on team-oriented project workreflected this. Students
were also very supportive of team-oriented project work that includes a teacher evaluation
of the team, peer evaluations, and self-evaluations. Several students commented that
providing timely feedback, and helping students recognize their strengths and weaknesses,
better prepared them for their coop placements.
The MFGE 375 Small Group Instructional Diagnosis also found that MFGE enhanced their
writing skills. However, several students believed that more could be done to increase
their oral communication skills:
Presents balanced conclusions about findings
"The class agreed that the journal writing and the format of project
reports allowed them to focus on and improve their writing skills. There was
a mixed reaction to your six-page limit on reports - some groups felt that this
detracted from the quality of writing, while others felt that perhaps it required
a more thought-out report, thus enhancing their writing quality. Also, since the
groups had to reach consensus about what to include and how to write the reports,
they felt their writing skills improved. The class agreed that this course has
had little impact on their oral communication skills since there were no class
presentations. Some students did note, though, that the in-class discussions
have improved their public speaking skills to some extent."