: Reports : Curriculum Development |
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Report Excerpts |
Excerpt 1
[Oregon State University]
Describes project goals
The Oregon State University calculus curriculum project
is committed to using technology in a pedagogically
sound manner to improve calculus instruction. In particular,
we would like to take advantage of the unprecedented
access to numerical, symbolic, and graphical tools
that computers and supercalculators allow both students
and instructors.
Describes project components
The major activities of the project are:
- Production of calculus text materials appropriate
for the equivalent of three semesters of calculus
(through multivariate and vector calculus), special
laboratory materials for students, and special training
materials for instructors, all designed to take
full advantage of numerical, graphical, and symbolic
tools offered by technology such as super calculators
and computers;
- Class-testing of these materials in a wide variety
of instructional settings, including high school,
two-year college, four-year college, and universities;
- Provision of instructional workshops and continuing
instructional support for the pilot and field test
instructors using the curriculum materials
and technology.
Excerpt 2
[University of Michigan]
The University of Michigan is completely revising
its first-year calculus program over a three-year
period. This is a first-year progress report on the
program, funded in part by the National Science foundation.
The main features of the new program are:
Describes project components
- An intensive and ongoing instructor training program
for all new junior faculty and teaching assistants,
including mid-semester feedback from students followed
by consultation
- A classroom environment that incorporates cooperative
learning and experimentation by students
- The use of cooperative homework groups
- Major syllabus revision that emphasizes problem
solving, geometric visualization, and quantitative
- The use of the book Calculus (by Hughes-Hallett,
et al.) which emphasizes understanding numerically,
graphically, algebraically, and through
- Integration of the graphing calculator into the
Describes expected project outcomes
Because of the wide range of possible effects of
this new curriculum, we have sought to assess the
impact of such reforms on students':
- Academic behavior (course performance and subsequent
course elections)
- Beliefs about mathematics
- Motivational attitudes and learning
- Appraisal of their course experience
Excerpt 3
[Rutgers University]
Describes project goals and components
We have introduced Extended General Physics for science,
science teaching, and pre-health professions majors
at Rutgers University. Our principal aim was to provide
an improved physics instructional environment so that
at-risk students could successfully learn and enjoy
introductory physics. The factors we stressed in the
new course were not new, but the thorough integration
of them was. They include (i) minilabs, (ii) group
learning and studying, (iii) non-cookbook, student-active
laboratories, (iv) an integration and mutual reinforcement
of the lectures, laboratories, minilabs, workshops,
and tutorials etc., (v) increased contact hours per
week with a class size of about sixteen to twenty
students per section, (vi) interactive demonstration
lectures, (vii) the use of content-rich (Heller) group
problem solving, (viii) a parsimonious cost structure
and, (ix) an effective support system for the students
and training and support for the instructors to foster
esprit-de-corps, cooperation and successful mastery
of traditional physics topics.
Specifies comparison groups
We carefully compare the results of our approach,
designed with students at-risk in mind, with those
of traditional physics instruction and make an analysis
of the substantial improvements in student retention,
satisfaction, and performance, with special attention
to gender and ethnic differences. We indicate why
our strategy is likely to be effective with all
Excerpt 4
[Purdue University]
Describes features of reform strategy
This project is developing and disseminating a comprehensive
revision of the calculus course with special emphasis
on computers and innovative pedagogical approaches.
In this approach students learn to construct mathematical
concepts on a computer by writing programs in a mathematical
programming language. They use their programs along
with a computer algebra system to solve calculus problems.
Lecturing is de-emphasized in favor of problem solving
and student discourse about their work. Students are
placed in permanent teams and they do most of their
course work in these teams including lab assignments,
homework, classroom problem solving and discussion,
and some of their examinations. Instruction is related
to research in how mathematics is learned.
Excerpt 6
[Oregon State University]
Participants, Audiences & Other
During both the 1988-89 academic years, we have used
the HP-28S extensively in a full one-year calculus
sequence. Three instructors have been involved in
pilot-testing classes to date. The special sections
of calculus have been small (25-35 students). Students
enrolling in the first term of calculus were placed
into the experimental section at random. On the first
day of classes, the project was explained to the students
and they were given the opportunity to switch sections
immediately. In successive terms, students have moved
both from the experimental to traditional sections
and from traditional sections to the
Excerpt 7
[Anonymous 9]
Presents rationale for project
In the course of learning something new, nothing
is more important than practice. The traditional
method of teachers assigning homework supports
this idea: students need practice in order to
learn. In many courses, however, students bypass
the learning that is built into the practice.
By simply working some introductory problems,
or getting answers from other students or class
files, many students fulfill course requirements
for homework while learning little. This is often
reflected in high homework scores but low test
Students, however, are not the only ones suffering
under the traditional homework model. The time
associated with grading the large number of problems
in heavily populated fundamental engineering courses
is exorbitant for the instructor. A typical engineering
mechanics course, for example, might require 100
problems for each of the 50 to 150 students (5000
to 15,000 problems that must be graded each semester).
Careful delivery of WEB- or CD-based interactive
instructional tools has the potential to remedy
both problems. Computer-based instruction has
been proven to be effective at enhancing student
comprehension and retention and, clearly, budgetary
constraints as well as improvements in multimedia
technology are pushing universities toward more
reliance on this approach.
Presents detailed description of project
The treatment is a multimedia software package
designed to augment student understanding and
exam-readiness while also saving the instructor
a considerable amount of time in terms of grading
and assisting students. It is administered via
CD, DVD, or over a campus network, using the Windows
operating system.
The treatment is designed in a modular fashion
so that it can be easily linked with a particular
textbook. The problems in the text are programmed
into the software and the input variables are
randomized. The specifics for each problem are
stored in an independent database. This modular
design simplifies the modification of the software
to include new subject areas. The Student Version
of the treatment performs the following functions:
- randomizes the variables for a student's
homework so that each problem is different for
every student;
- instructs the student when calculation
errors are made;
- provides students with randomized and timed
practice tests to help them gauge their progress
and prepare for class exams;
- scores each homework problem and tracks
student grades on homework, practice problems,
and practice tests; and
- provides a thorough virtual classroom that
is searchable by keyword or chapter.
The Instructor Version allows the instructor
- assign problems for a semester and easily
distribute the assignment electronically (e.g.,
e-mail or internet);
- print a syllabus of assignments;
- view individual student grades or grades
for an entire class;
- import grades into a spreadsheet;
- determine the correct answer(s) for any
problem with any set of variables; and
- monitor the amount of time students have
spent on the various sections of the treatment.
Excerpt 8
[University of Minnesota-Twin Cities]
Lists the project goals
The primary goals of Project Developmental Interactive
Multimedia Mathematics (DIMM) were to:
- Investigate developmental mathematics students'
attitudes towards learning mathematics through
computer-mediated instruction.
- Examine withdrawal rates, pass rates, and
attendance patterns in computer-mediated and lecture
- Examine conceptual and procedural understanding
of students in computer-mediated and lecture courses.
- Develop an effective computer-mediated instructional
approach to meet the needs of students who attend
regularly scheduled classes.
- Examine achievement of computer-mediated and
lecture students in subsequent credit bearing
- Examine how effectively the project used the
college's resources.
Excerpt 9
of Minnesota-Twin Cities]
Compares and contrasts the intervention group (computer-meditated courses) and the comparison group (lecture courses)
Description of Computer-mediated
and Lecture Courses
As a starting point, so that that the discussion
and outcomes in this report can be better understood,
a description of the computer-mediated and lecture
courses is provided. Specifics about the research
activities used to address the above questions
will then be discussed. The courses discussed
in this report are elementary algebra and intermediate
algebra and were offered in an institution with
a strong developmental education focus. This focus
emphasizes placing students into appropriate courses,
providing students with timely and useful feedback,
intervening when necessary to keep students on-track,
and developing course structures that encourage
student-instructor interactions.
Commonalities of computer-mediated and lecture
The computer-mediated and lecture courses shared
a number of common attributes. First, all students
were expected to attend every class. Even though
computer-mediated students could use the software
outside of class, they were still expected to
attend regularly scheduled classes. This was in
part to reduce the chances of students falling
behind because they failed to take the time to
study outside of class. It also provided the instructional
staff an opportunity to provide feedback to students
daily regarding their progress, provided opportunities
for students to obtain assistance in learning
the mathematics from the instructional staff and
classmates, and contributed to the students' sense
that they were enrolled in a class, rather than
merely coming and going from an open lab. Although
we recognized that for some institutions and for
some students, an open lab may provide valuable
flexibility, we decided to require attendance
in regularly scheduled classes because most of
our students were 18 or 19 year-old freshman that
were full-time students.
Second, all students were assigned homework to
be completed using paper and pencil to be turned
in for grading on a set schedule. This was done
in part to foster students' development of the
necessary skills but also to provide information
to the instructional staff about students' progress
and opportunities for instructors to provide feedback
to students about their mathematical understanding.
Also, students in all courses were administered quizzes and exams on
a set schedule. All students were given a schedule
at the beginning of the term that included the
content to be covered each day, along with the
scheduled homework, quizzes, and exams. Even though
students in computer-mediated courses were given
flexibility in the pace that they learn each day,
these courses were not self-paced because students
were expected to follow a set schedule.
Third, all students received two progress reports
during the semester. Copies of the progress reports
were also given to students' advisors. The progress
reports contained information such as students'
attendance, grades, and written comments from
the instructor. These progress reports, along
with academic alerts when appropriate, are an
integral part of the process at the General College
for providing feedback to students and initiating
intervention by advisors to foster student success.
In summary, the computer-mediated and lecture
courses were both highly structured. The schedule
of assignments and assessment dates were pre-set
and adhered to; students were expected to attend
all classes and instructors provided regular feedback
to students about their progress and provided
assistance to students in learning the mathematics.
Progress reports along with academic alerts were
used to keep students and the advising staff apprised
of students' progress.
Differences in the computer-mediated and lecture
The primary difference in the computer-mediated
and lecture courses was how students learned the
mathematics while in the classroom. In the computer-mediated
courses students spent most of each 50-minute
class period engaged with the Interactive Mathematics software from Academic
Systems. The software presents the concepts and
skills for each lesson using animation, video,
voice, and graphics. Unlike many software packages,
the Academic Systems software provides a thorough
presentation of the concepts, and does so using
interactive multimedia. Unlike drill and practice
software, the Academic Systems software was created
to provide multimedia presentations of the concepts.
It was these presentations, along with embedded
practice items and immediate detailed feedback,
which provided a mechanism for students to learn
mathematics via software as opposed to listening
to a lecture.
The lecture courses, like the computer-mediated
courses, typically enrolled 3-35 students. In
the lecture courses the instructor presented the
concepts and skills on the whiteboard at the front
of the classroom. Instructors tended to ask students
questions as they presented in part to engage
the students in the lesson and also check
their understanding. Instructors also answered
students' questions, provided problems for students
to work for practice after a new concept or skill
was introduced, and in some cases, incorporated
collaborative learning activities.