: Reports : Curriculum Development |
Annotations |
Report Excerpts |
Excerpt 1
[American Institute of Physics]
Describes methods used to identify trends and
patterns in the data
By its very nature, most of the information we collected
(journals, questionnaires, site visits) was qualitative
and subjective, reflecting the attitudes and interpretations
of students and faculty or of site visitors. Because
many of the faculty and students expressed themselves
well and described their experiences in interesting
ways, it would be tempting to use our material to
simply select anecdotes. Although much of our public
summation of the evaluation will include testimony
from the students in their own words, we wanted to
be sure that the valuation did not simply consist
of stringing together a sequence of quotes selected
to put forward a particular spin. We therefore used
our first readings of the journals to identify trends
or patterns, then followed up whenever possible during
site visits, and formulated hypotheses that could
be systematically tested, often through computer-assisted
analysis of the journals.
Excerpt 2
[Anonymous 1]
Describes analysis of data about comparison
Responses were compared for the combination group
and the rest, and in general, the combination group
showed larger proportions of responses in the desired
direction. That is, combination students tended to
report more enjoyment of math, more confidence in
their abilities, and more transfer of concepts into
courses and situations outside the mathematics classroom
than students who did not take the course. Combination
students were also more likely to report using the
Internet for mathematics and physics reference than
regular students. Students did not differ on many
items tapping mathematics processes.
Describes factor analysis to establish
the validity of the instrument
In order to examine the integrity of the survey itself,
an exploratory factor analysis was performed, resulting
in a three-factor Varimax rotated solution. Prior
to the factoring procedure, the valences of the negatively
worded items were reversed (this was supported by
negative item total correlations for these items)
and all items were put on a standard Z score scale
(mean=0 and standard deviation=1). Standardizing the
scores allowed for use of the three frequency items,
which were on a three-point scale. The instrument
yielded an overall internal consistency (alpha) coefficient
of .87, which is well within the accepted range. The
first factor corresponded to transfer of mathematics
into other situations. Factor II concerned attitudes
toward technology, and Factor III corresponded to
confidence in mathematics ability. (Physics items
were excluded from the factor analysis.) This is an
indication that the survey is tapping at least these
three domains.
Excerpt 3
[Inter-American University of Puerto Rico, San Juan]
Describes use of chi-square procedure
The grades obtained by the students in the discovery
sections were compared with that of students taking
the course in the traditional sections using the Chi-square
statistical test. Students perception of the Reflective
Diary as an assessment technique was also evaluated
using the Evaluation of the Reflective Diary Questionnaire,
which included quantitative and qualitative
Excerpt 4
[Purdue University]
Describes results of F-tests
The 59-question survey we used in the evaluation
was distributed to all students in Freshman Engineering
as part of the ENGR 100 course. The surveys produced
six categories comprised of a variety of questions.
Category four was significant based on an F-test at
a level <0.0001. No other categories were found
to be significant, although there were individual
items which were significant.
Addresses reliability of the data
Describes results of chi-square analysis
The reliability of these measures is seen in the Cronbachs
Alpha level for all size categories. Alpha levels range
from 0.81 to 0.91, showing a high level of reliability
for this data. The surveys for students enrolled in
the orientation class or assigned to the control group
were also analyzed using a Chi-square analysis for each
survey item. Seventeen survey items were significant
at <0.10 when comparing the control group to the
orientation class.
Excerpt 5
[University of Michigan]
Describes use of multivariate procedures to
detect patterns in the data
Preliminary Multivariate Analyses. We have begun
to formulate exploratory multivariate regression models
that allow us to untangle the complicated causal threads
that link student background, attitudes, behavior,
and performance. Already certain promising patterns
are emerging. Not only did new wave students receive
higher average course grades than their traditional
peers, this improvement was similar for all students.
The new wave curriculum improved the grades of males,
females, minority students, and engineering students
Excerpt 6
[Oregon State University]
The goal of the data analysis was to identify recurring
themes in teachers perceptions regarding graphing
calculator use. A qualitative approach was determined
to be most appropriate due to the open-ended nature
of the interview. Formal analysis of the interview
data was undertaken upon completion of the data collection.
As discussed in Bogdan and Biklin (1982), this analysis
began with developing preliminary coding categories
for each of the sections of the interview protocol.
These coding categories were formed by looking for
patterns both between and within the individual interview
transcripts. Between 20 to 30 codes were generated
for each of the sections of the interview protocol
in the preliminary analysis. Each unit of data (sentence
or paragraph) was then marked with the appropriate
coding categories. The marked data was then sorted
using a word processor. A major trend was determined
if the coding category represented the perceptions
of more than 50% of the teachers. A minor trend was
determined if the coding category represented the
perceptions of 25% to 50% of the teachers. None of
the trends were found to represent the perceptions
of all of the teachers.
Describes methodological limitations
Although the qualitative approach used in this investigation
allowed for a more detailed analysis of teachers
perceptions of the impact of graphic calculators, the
generalizability of these findings are limited by the
methodology used. First, the use of volunteers directly
limits generalizability of results and conclusions.
Secondly, though the results appeared to reveal internal
consistency of teachers responses, the use of
interviews without direct observations of their classrooms
hinders the credibility of the conclusions. The reader
should keep in mind that the trends reported in this
study represent only the self-reported perceptions of
the teachers interviewed.
Excerpt 7
[Oregon State University]
Presents quantitative findings
Workshop leaders scored averages between 3.57 to
3.91 on a 4.0 scale on the following characteristics;
enthusiasm, presentation, preparation, rapport, encouraging
problem solving, knowledge of calculus, calculators,
and the teaching with calculators.
When asked if there were any changes in student learning,
77% of teachers reported an increased in student understanding.
When asked about changes in student attitudes, 85%
of the teachers indicated positive changes. When asked
about students' experiences at the college level,
74% of the teachers reported positive responses of
easy transitions and students being successful and
prepared when entering college. About 27% reported
that their students were allowed or had limited use
of their calculators in college calculus courses.
College courses which required the use of paper-and-pencil
computations did not pose a problem for most
Excerpt 8
[University of
Describes effort to correlate student background
variables to learning outcomes
Correlation with pre-course data
We searched for factors in the pre-course data
that correlated well with success in the course.
We calculated the correlation coefficients of
the grades in the course with SAT/ACT scores,
prior grades, and MRT placement. The highest correlation
was with Math 110 grades (r = .481), for those
who took 110. For those who placed out of 110,
we only had the MRT placement code and not the
test score, so we couldn't check if algebra skills
correlated this well with success in the course.
Correlations with MIS 111 and with the SAT Math
score (with ACT for those who didn't take the
SAT) were much smaller. The corresponding values
of r2 are small, and together these factors account
for only about one-third of the variation in course
Grades in the course tended to be somewhat higher
for students who had taken more mathematics in
the past, but these differences were not statistically
Compares and contrasts aggregate background data
of course completers and dropouts
Students who dropped the course
We also tried to identify characteristics of those
who did not complete the course. These students
had similar profiles for the SAT/ACT and MIS 111.
But students who dropped were less likely to have
taken Math 110, and those who took it had a much
lower grade. Of the 28 students who didn't finish,
13 took 110 with mean grade of 1.92 compared to
2.23 for those who finished and also took 110.
Table 15 - Correlation of Course Grade with Performance
in Other Mathematics
Courses, the SAT and ACT
Math 128A Spring 2000
Grade |
Math Score |
Math Score |
Grade in
MIS 111 |
Grade in
Math 110 |
Course Grade |
r |
1.000 |
.301** |
.118 |
.218** |
.481** |
N |
219 |
83 |
157 |
211 |
139 |
ACT Math Score |
r |
.301** |
1.000 |
.684** |
.067 |
.436** |
N |
83 |
83 |
50 |
81 |
46 |
SAT Math Score |
r |
.118 |
.684** |
1.000 |
.116 |
.153 |
N |
157 |
50 |
157 |
154 |
96 |
Grade in MIS 111 |
r |
.218** |
.067 |
.116 |
1.000 |
.393** |
N |
211 |
81 |
154 |
211 |
136 |
Grade in Math 110 |
r |
.481** |
.436** |
.153 |
.393** |
1.000 |
N |
139 |
46 |
96 |
136 |
139 |
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level
Table 16 - Comparison of Students Who Withdrew
with Students Who Completed
the Course on Course Grades and Placement Scores
Math 128A Spring 2000
Mean |
Maximum |
Minimum |
N |
Completed Course |
SAT Math Score |
565.03 |
720 |
360 |
157 |
ACT Math Score |
23.76 |
33 |
16 |
83 |
Grade in Math 110 |
2.23 |
4.00 |
.00 |
139 |
Grade in MIS 111 |
2.56 |
4.00 |
1.00 |
211 |
Did Not Complete Course |
SAT Math Score |
558.24 |
660 |
470 |
17 |
ACT Math Score |
23.86 |
29 |
18 |
14 |
Grade in Math 110 |
1.92 |
3.00 |
1.00 |
13 |
Grade in MIS 111 |
2.56 |
4.00 |
1.00 |
27 |
The completion rate (89%) was largely unaffected
by the previous courses that students had taken.
For each of the previous courses we asked about,
between 85% and 95% of the students who had taken
the course completed 128A.
Those who dropped reported a much lower comfort
level with math (but a similar success rate) and,
surprisingly, a higher comfort level with technology.
Caveat: the number of students who dropped the
course is small, so we must be careful about drawing
conclusions from the percentages given.
Excerpt 9
[University of Minnesota-Twin Cities]
Explains and interprets comparison data gathered
from available student records
Withdrawal rates
The withdrawal rates during the two years of
this study, the academic years from 1999-2001,
are shown in Table 1. A student is classified
as having withdrawn from a course if they withdraw
between the end of the second week of class and
the end of the tenth week of class. If a student
withdraws prior to the end of the second week
of class they do not appear on the university's
official class list. After the tenth week of class,
the student must be assigned a grade or be given
an incomplete.
Table 1. Withdrawal rates.
Introductory Algebra
Intermediate Algebra
Pass Rates
A student is classified as having passed a course
if he or she earns a final percentage of 65% or
higher. A percentage of 65% is assigned a final
grade of D- while a final percentage of 70% is
assigned a final grade of C-. Students who withdrew
from a course or were assigned incompletes were
not included in the results.
The data in Table 2 includes results from students
who stopped actively working in the course after
the tenth week of the semester, which is the last
week to withdraw from a course. Because some students
stop actively working in the course but do not
withdraw, the pass rates are lower than they otherwise
might be. This also means that the withdrawal
rates reported in Table 1 would be higher if every
student who did not actively complete the course
were to be considered to have withdrawn.
Table 2. Percentage of students who passed the
Introductory Algebra
Intermediate Algebra
Pass Rates of Students who took the Final Exam
The pass rates for students who took the final
exam are shown in Table 3. Students who took the
final exam, in most cases, remained actively involved
in the course until the end of the semester. By
examining the pass rates of only the students
who took the final exam, we gain some insight
into how students perform if they remain active
in the course until the very end. The differences
in the Ns in Table 2 and Table 3 indicate the
number of students who did not take the final
exam for each course.
Table 3. Pass rates of students who took the final
Introductory Algebra
Intermediate Algebra
Excerpt 10
Describes and presents data from analysis of changes
in students' attitudes.
Statistical Summaries Of Student Attitudes for
AY 2001-2002
Evaluation of CSAC 245
Measures were taken regarding students' attitudes
about Computational Science, Science, Computing,
and Mathematics. Students responded to survey
items using a 5-point Likert-type scale where
1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral,
4 = agree, and 5 = strongly agree; responses of
NA or "don't know" were omitted from
analyses. The survey was developed in collaboration
with professional evaluators who were hired to
evaluate the NSF CCLI Computational Science Across
the Curriculum project. Thirty-one students completed
the pretest and the posttest. A one-tailed dependent
sample t-test followed by a measure of effect
size (Cohen's d) was calculated for each pre-post
item. A negative t-value indicates that the students'
ratings' increased from the pretest to the posttest.
All items that reflect a significant (p <
.05) change in ratings appear in bold.
Data reported includes t values, p values, and effect sizes. |
Survey Item
t value
p value
Effect Size
I feel secure about attempting computer science. |
I study computer
science because I know how useful it is. |
Knowing computer
science will help me earn a living. |
I am sure I can
do advanced work in computer science. |
Generally, I feel
secure about attempting mathematics. |
I study mathematics
because I know how useful it is.
Knowing mathematics
will help me earn a living.
I am sure I can
do advanced work in mathematics. |
I feel secure about attempting science. |
I study
science because I know how useful it is.
Knowing science
will help me earn a living.
I am sure I can
do advanced work in science.
Generally, I feel
secure about attempting computational science.
I study
computational science because I know how useful
it is.
Knowing computational
science will help me earn a living.
I am sure I can
do advanced work in computational science.
I have
a good understanding of what computational
scientists do.
It is clear
to me how computational science is connected
to other disciplines like math, sciences and
computer science. |
Computational science
is relevant to real world issues.
I understand
the methods of computational science. |
I enjoy working
in groups.
When I am working
in a group, I am comfortable in a leadership
role. |
I am working in a group, I usually participate
actively. |
When I
am working in a group, I feel that I have
important things to say. |
I feel that my
contribution to group work is valued by the
other members of the group. |
. . .
Limits the reporting of data to statistics that
are appropriate for the very small sample size
Evaluation of Computational Environmental Science
Measures were taken regarding students' attitudes
about Computational Science, Science, Computing,
and Mathematics. Students responded to survey
items using a 5-point Likert-type scale where
1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral,
4 = agree, and 5 = strongly agree; responses of
NA or "don't know" were omitted from analyses.
The survey was developed in collaboration with
professional evaluators who were hired to evaluate
the NSF CCLI Computational Science Across the
Curriculum project. Four students completed the
pretest and the posttest this represents
the entire class. Because the sample size is so
small, only the mean pretest score and mean posttest
score for each item will be reported here. All
items in which there is an increase in rating
from the pretest to the posttest appear in bold.
Survey Item
Generally, I feel secure
about attempting computer science. |
I study computer science
because I know how useful it is. |
Knowing computer science will
help me earn a living. |
I am sure I can do advanced
work in computer science. |
Generally, I feel secure
about attempting mathematics. |
I study mathematics because
I know how useful it is.
Knowing mathematics
will help me earn a living.
I am sure I can do advanced
work in mathematics. |
Generally, I feel secure about
attempting science. |
I study science because I know
how useful it is.
Knowing science will
help me earn a living.
I am sure I can do advanced
work in science.
Generally, I feel secure
about attempting computational science. |
I study computational science
because I know how useful it is.
Knowing computational science
will help me earn a living.
I am sure I can do advanced
work in computational science.
I have a good understanding
of what computational scientists do.
It is clear to me how computational
science is connected to other disciplines
like math, sciences and computer science.
Computational science is relevant
to real world issues.
I understand the methods
of computational science.
I enjoy working in groups.
When I am working in
a group, I am comfortable in a leadership
role. |
When I am working in a group,
I usually participate actively. |
When I am working in
a group, I feel that I have important things
to say. |
I feel that my contribution
to group work is valued by the other members
of the group. |