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Under-Represented Populations Annotated Plan Excerpts

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Analysis Process

The table below contains plan excerpts (right column) accompanied by annotations (left column) identifying how the excerpts represent the Analysis Process Criteria.

Project Description | Evaluation Overview | Design | Analysis Process

Annotations Plan Excerpts

Excerpt 1 [Miami-Dade Community College]

Quantitative Analysis:
Describes procedures for scoring student assessments

Middle school student participants will be administered the Florida Writing Assessment Program; these scores will be examined to set the criteria for assignment to their writing proficiency groups. Through the Florida Writing Assessment Program the writing achievement of students is effectively and efficiently evaluated. Trained readers evaluate a timed writing for its overall quality according to a six point scoring rubric. A score of six represents writing that is focused, logical and precise. This rubric will also be used by the middle school English faculty to rate the revised writing exercises.