Teaching Traineeships for Undergraduate Women Evaluation Plan
This evaluation plan was prepared by the University of
Rochester for the Teaching Traineeships for Undergradute
Women project.
Table of Contents:
- Evaluation Overview: Evaluation
- Design: Methodological Approach,
Information Sources & Sampling, Instruments, Data
Collection Procedures & Schedule
At the outset of this narrative, we stated five principal objectives
of the proposed project: (1) to recognize and reward the demonstrated
achievement of selected women sophomores and juniors in physics
classes; (2) to assist them in developing teaching competency,
leadership, and communication skills; (3) to make them participating
and financially-compensated members of the teaching staff of
the Department; (4) to increase the fraction of female instructors
in physics labs to 50% overall with at least one per laboratory
section; and (5) to improve the quality of instruction and learning
in physics labs, through the presence of a second, trained teaching
assistant in each section. As noted here, these objectives serve
three important goals: increasing the long-term retention of
undergraduate women in science, creating a gender-equitable
learning environment in physics laboratories, and improving
the quality of instruction in physics laboratories.
Evaluation of the project will focus in two primary directions.
First, pertinent to objectives (1), (2), and (3) above, we
will evaluate the impact of the project on the participant
Trainees. Second, pertinent to objectives (4) and (5), we
will evaluate the impact of the project on students in the
introductory laboratory sections, co-taught by the Trainees.
As a matter of secondary (but still significant) interest,
we will evaluate the project from the perspective of the graduate
TA's who are co-instructors with the Trainees and the faculty
teaching the courses.
Critical questions in assessing impact on the Trainees concern
that quality and usefulness of the various aspects of the
training process, including summer orientation and academic
year follow-up, and attitudinal changes brought about by participation
in the project. Answers to questions in these areas will be
sought through written surveys and personal interviews conducted
by an external evaluator in both formative and summative stages
of the project evaluation. Another critical area concerns
the quality and improvement in the Trainees' teaching skills,
which will be assessed partly through subjective measures
but primarily through feedback from each Trainee's students
and graduate co-instructor, as outlined below.
[See Table V-1.]
To assess the project's impact on students in the introductory
physics lab we plan to adopt the Small Group Instructional
Diagnosis (SGID) methodology, which has been used at the Center
for Instructional Development and Research at the University
of Washington and is considered one of the most effective
means of both assessing and improving instruction (Nyquist,
1994). In our implementation of this method, a team of advanced
and highly-rated TA's in physics will function as evaluators.
The team members will simultaneously conduct half-hour interviews
with the students in each lab section, each evaluator meeting
with a small group of students. The team will aim to elicit
responses stating specific things the instructor is doing
that help and hinder learning, as well as specific suggestions
for the instructor. Assembling both written and verbal responses
to these questions, the team will write a short evaluation
and meet with the instructor. As the final step of the process,
the instructor will thank the class for their input at the
next class meeting.
Using the SGID format, the evaluation team will interview
each Trainee's students once during the year. Each semester,
however, all students will also have the opportunity to provide
feedback through their written TA evaluations, which will
be gathered, processed, and made available to the Trainees
(as to all TA's) at mid-semester. The processing of these
written evaluations will be done by clerical staff in the
Department, as is current practice, with the help of the graduate
The impact of the project on gender equity, particularly
for women students in the laboratories, is considered a distinct
component of the impact on all students taking the laboratories.
We plan to design a short questionnaire focussing on the effect
of having a woman instructor and distribute this questionnaire
to women students only. While the number of women students
per lab section is small, we will gather these questionnaires
in all sections and over the two year period of the project,
thereby increasing the statistical significance of the responses.
Female members of the graduate evaluation team will also facilitate
two or more focus groups comprised of women undergraduates
taking the labs, in order to investigate this question.
Assessment of the impact of quality of instruction will
therefore comprise the most extensive and costly aspect of
the evaluation plan, due to the number of Trainees and the
number of students in the lab sections. We believe that this
is justified for several reasons. Undergraduate student satisfaction
(and improvement of satisfaction levels) with instruction
in the labs is critical to determining whether this program
should be institutionalized, in the Department of Physics
and Astronomy or elsewhere. Furthermore, changes which improve
science instruction stand to benefit women and under-represented
minorities disproportionately, according to many proponents
of science education reform (Tobias, 1990) and gender equity
in science.
The external evaluator will conduct group interviews with
the graduate co-instructors of the Trainees and with the course
professors. These interviews will make up an additional part
of the evaluation of the Trainee's teaching skill and improvement,
and they will also contribute to the implementation evaluation
(the other major portion of which will come from the evaluator's
interviews with Trainees, as mentioned above). The external
evaluator will also have access to the summer orientation
program and lab sections in order to make observations of
the Trainees as the project proceeds.
The evaluation plan will make use of University-based computerized
databases in tracking objective data relating to the two principal
cohorts of interest to this project, the participant Trainees
and the students in introductory physics labs. Such data include
information on course enrollments, grade distributions, and
changes in academic major. While it is doubtful that such
information will be relevant to the immediate objectives of
the project, in combination with the other evaluative information
we will gather, it will serve as baseline research with which
to monitor trends over the long term. For instance, this project
has bearing on the question of whether undergraduate teaching
experience positively impacts women's retention in science,
in the way that undergraduate research experience has been
shown to do (Rayman, 1993). For similar reasons, we will aim
to contact the Trainees every twelve months to keep track
of their post-bachelor's career developments.
Question 1: Did the project
positively impact Trainee's confidence, teaching
competence, and sense of belonging in the Departmental
Subquestion |
Primary Data Collection Method |
Respondents |
Schedule |
Was the training program effective? |
Group interview
Trainees |
Summer orientation
End 1 semester
Did Trainees' confidence improve? |
Additudinal survey |
Trainees |
End 2nd semester
Did Trainees' sense of belonging improve? |
Group interview |
Did Trainees' teaching skills increase? |
SGID method |
Students in laboratory
Graduate TA's
1st or 2nd semesters |
Interviews |
Faculty |
End 2nd semester |
Students in laboratory |
TA evaluation |
(1st and 2nd)
Question 2: Did the project improve the
quality of instruction in the laboratories?
Subquestion |
Data Collection
Respondents |
Schedule |
Were students satisfied with lab instruction? |
SGID method |
Students in laboratory |
1st or 2nd semester |
Was having two instructors beneficial? |
SGID method |
Students in laboratory |
1st or 2nd semester |
Was having a female lab instructors beneficial? |
Questionnaire focus group |
Women in students in laboratory |
1st or 2nd semester |
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