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Curriculum Development Annotated Plan Excerpts

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The table below contains plan excerpts (right column) accompanied by annotations (left column) identifying how the excerpts represent the Design Criteria.

Annotations Plan Excerpts

Excerpt 1 [University of Tennessee, Chattanooga]

Methodological Approach:
Specifies design using experimental and control groups and describes measures

To answer this question, pairs of calculus courses will be selected with which to perform control/experimental trial. One will be taught in the traditional manner, the other will make use of the new strategies, materials, and computer demonstrations. We will use objective tests, grades at the end of the courses, number of withdrawals, kinds of questions students can answer on the tests, number of students majoring in scientific field at the beginning and ending of the courses, problem solving techniques used by students, number of females and minorities who are enrolled and successfully complete the course and who register for the next course. Via discussion questions we will attempt to measure abilities to effectively communicate mathematical ideas to others. We will gather information concerning perceptions by interviewing and/or surveying students.

Describes instrument development process

The construction of tests for comparison purposes will include both mechanical and conceptual problems on questions the students are unlikely to have seen. The tests will go beyond template problems. We will use the advisory panel to help us review all materials. A nationally representative advisory panel will be formed to provide advice and assistance. A local committee of faculty in fields that rely on the application of calculus will help us determine the proper levels of emphasis on various topics and kinds applications for each affected major areas.


Excerpt 2 [North Carolina State University]

Describes multiple methods

Evaluation will include both quantative and qualitative assessments, with special attention to women and minorities, using existing survey instruments as well as standardized assessment questions developed to test intellectual outcomes (See Table 7). The comprehensive evaluation strategy will yield longitudinal information about significant affective, intellectual and behavioral outcomes based on an entire population of students and faculty.


Excerpt 3 [Oregon State University]


My role as an outside evaluator was to advise the project on devising evaluation plans, consult with the project director on evaluation issues, direct the data gathering analyses, and meet with the national advisory panel. The original proposal called for evaluation in the final year, yet early and on-going evaluations of the project proved more useful. Adjustments and corrections could be implemented as needed.


Excerpt 4 [University of Oklahoma]

Methodological Approach:
Specifies formative evaluation design

Describes multiple methods

The evaluation plan for the proposed project will include formative and summative evaluations. Information for the two formative evaluation questions ("Is this project working as anticipated?" and "Are any significant changes needed?") will be gathered through mid-semester and end-of-semester student interviews and questionnaires, faculty interviews, and observations from the Oversight Committee. In addition, simple assessment techniques will be used throughout the semester to assess student learning as the courses unfold.

Methodological Approach:
Specifies summative evaluation design

Information necessary to answer the summative evaluation questions ("Will the retention rate of students be improved?", "Can students retain concepts and knowledge from previous courses?", and "Can students apply these concepts to solve comprehensive design problems?") will be gathered from tracking the retention rates, standardized exams, performance in the capstone course, scores on the Fundamentals of Engineering exam (a national licensing exam), and surveys of employers conducted two years after graduation.


Excerpt 5 [Occidental College]

Data Collection Procedures & Schedule:
Collecting data from experimental and control groups

During the first three years of the program we will follow two groups of Occidental students, a control group and the project group. We will follow the two groups of students through their mathematics and physics courses and evaluate them in the same way. We will of course follow these two groups of students through their four years at Occidental and will continue to evaluate and follow subsequent groups of students who enroll in the integrated course.

Describes multiple methods

During the first year the evaluator will create the measurement tools. These measurement tools may consist of a quantitative attitude assessment, a test of basic skills in calculus and physics, and a problem solving and synthesis assessment. They may also include such qualitative assessments as journals kept by selected students in the control and project groups and interviews (entrance, progress, exit, and post-program summative) with members of both groups. Finally, we will consider including a qualitative and quantitative measure of students' ability to discuss and analyze a significant problem in depth. Pairs of students from each group will be observed (or videotaped) by the evaluator as they discuss, analyze and solve a problem. Although this type of evaluation is more challenging to conduct and analyze, we believe that such qualitative results will be more interesting than the quantitative results of a written test.


Excerpt 6 [Anonymous 1]

Data Collection Procedures & Schedule:
Describes collection schedule

Students in the experimental Integrated Introductory Biology-Chemistry Lab will complete a questionnaire at the beginning of their participation in the lab (Spring semester, freshman year), at the conclusion of the lab, and after their summer research internships (Fall semester, junior year).

Describes measurement of outcomes using several questionnaires

Questionnaires will measure the following outcome variables:

  1. Research knowledge: understanding of hypotheses development, experimental design, sampling, collection, analysis and interpretation of data; appreciation of the integrated nature of modern science and the complexities of research in biology and chemistry.
  2. Research skills: proficiency in a variety of specific research techniques; self-reported ability to design and conduct experiments, reporting findings both orally and in writing.
  3. Commitment to science: intent to continue with a major in biology or other field of science, and intent to pursue a career in science.

The questionnaire at the conclusion of the lab will also examine the students' experience in this innovative course and their reactions to both the content and the process of the course. Data will be gathered on the following:

  1. Mentorship atmosphere: extent to which students had access to faculty, graduate and undergraduate teaching assistants and the extent to which they received helpful support from them.
  2. Evaluation of course content: extent to which students found the lab lectures, discussion sections, and individual comeback time to be challenging, interesting, and educationally valuable.

The questionnaire at the conclusion of the summer research internship will likewise examine the students' reaction to their internships. It will also provide an opportunity to assess participants' reactions to the career seminar course and its link to their own experience in the field.


Excerpt 7 [Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University]

Data Collection Procedures & Schedule:
Relating survey items to evaluation questions

The efficacy and accessibility of the tutorials will be evaluated by student surveys and personal interviews at mid-term and at the end of the course. The survey will try to answer the big questions of this project:

  1. Were the tutorials useful, i.e., did they improve students' understanding of the material and the effectiveness of their study time?
  2. Was Internet access to the information sufficient and easy?
  3. How can the tutorials be made more effective and accessible?

Describes multiple methods

Since the tutorials will also be distributed on diskettes, the survey will also ask the students how often they used the tutorials in a local mode. The personal interviews should be insightful as to how students actually use the tutorials and how they take advantage of the hypermedia design. The tutorial design and content, and the instructions on Internet access will be refined after each evaluation. The success of this project will be determined by the efficacy of the hypermedia tutorials to actually help students learn. The major emphasis when refining the hypermedia designs will be on end-user effectiveness; including design, content, accessibility, and ease of use.


Excerpt 8 [SUNY Stony Brook]

Information Sources & Sampling:
Describes sample selection process

Methodological Approach:
Specifies design and how effectiveness is to be judged

To measure the project’s impact on student performance and attitudes, a random sample of students will be selected from courses implementing the project’s major goals (changes in modes of instruction, use of technology, coordination with other disciplines) and compared to a matched control group with similar GPA's, majors, etc. taking an unreformed version of the same course, a previous (unreformed) offering of the course, or a course judged to have similar general goals and clientele. Immediate and longer term performance will be compared for the two groups.


Excerpt 9 [Anonymous 2]

Methodological Approach

Data Collection Procedures & Schedule:
Describes multiple methods

Recognizing the innovative nature of the project and the complexity of its environment, we will use a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to evaluate the effect of interdisciplinary courses on student learning and beliefs and to document the faculty's creative process as they develop or reconfigure their courses. We will use statistics, pre-post data collection, interviews, and observation to measure not only the project's outcomes but also to capture the experience of both students and faculty. Much of what the project hopes to accomplish is a change in attitude, a revitalization of the teaching and learning processes that is best described qualitatively.


Excerpt 10 [Duke University]

Data Collection Procedures & Schedule:
Specifies using comparison group

Students' problem-solving abilities were tested at the beginning of the course, and we will test them again at the end. This testing focuses on "non-routine" problems; strategies used by the freshmen are being compared with those used by "expert" problem solvers (first-year graduate students in mathematics).


Excerpt 11 [Five College Consortium]

Methodological Approach:
Describes summative evaluation process

Summative Evaluation

The summative evaluation can be conceptualized in terms of internal and external components. The internal component entails the assessment of the extent to which the program goals have been met; the external component deals with determination of the effectiveness of the program relative to a traditional calculus sequence.

Specifies evaluation design related to project goals

The goals of the program in terms of student outcomes are that the students (i) master the basic concepts and manipulations; (ii) be able to follow the mathematics in technical expositions; (iii) be able to describe a specific situation in the language of mathematics; (iv) be able to use mathematics intelligently in unfamiliar settings; and (v) develop positive attitudes to mathematics and feel empowered to use it. The first four outcomes are in the cognitive domain, while the fifth is in the affective domain.

Specifies multiple instruments



Data Collection Procedures & Schedule

Methodological Approach:
Explains rationale of design

Mastery of the basic components and manipulations is readily measured through periodic testing of the students. Tests will be developed for this purpose and administered uniformly across classrooms and campuses. The second, third, and fourth goals will be assessed through tests constructed to contain non-routine problems. Scoring schemes will be designed to take into account aspects such as ability to translate a given situation into mathematical terms and creativity of the proposed solution. To assess the final goal, an attitude instrument will be developed in which students are asked to evaluate the effect of the course on their attitudes to mathematics. This instrument will be administered at the end of each course. This approach is preferred to a pre-test post-test paradigm for evaluating change because it avoids "over-testing" of students and because prior to the course, students may not be able to anchor the rating scale. After the course, the students will have a better context in which to evaluate their attitudes and changes in them. In addition, the percentages of students who continue from the first course to the second to the third will be compared with the corresponding data from the traditional sequence.

Describes use of comparison group

To evaluate the effectiveness of the program relative to traditional calculus sequences, comparisons will be made between students who participated in the program and students who did not. Unfortunately, it is not feasible to design a well-controlled experiment in which subjects are randomly assigned to the two approaches. Given this, several other methods will be designed to compare the approaches.

Information Sources & Sampling

Data Collection Procedures & Schedule

The first method is to identify a group of students from the five colleges who are currently enrolled in a calculus sequence. These students will be given the tests described above and their performance will be compared with that of the students in the program when it is implemented.

The second method is to obtain impressions of the instructors in the program as well as other instructors in related subjects who have the opportunity to observe the students in their own classes. The instructors will be asked to provide an assessment of the preparedness of the students to apply mathematical concepts to solve problems. In particular, the instructors will be asked to compare the performance of the students who participated in the program with that of students in a traditional calculus sequence. This information will be anecdotal and hence will not lend itself to statistical analysis; however, it will provide supporting evidence of the effectiveness of the program.

The third method is to carry out extensive post interviews with the students who have completed one or more courses in the program. Such interviews will also be carried out with students who have taken the traditional courses. Among other things, the comparisons between the two will provide valuable information regarding the extent to which the program is successful in developing positive attitudes towards mathematics.


Excerpt 12 [University of Michigan]

Methodological Approach:
Specifies design using control groups

There are three major components of this intervention; they will be operationalized as the following independent variables: calculators (used in course/not used in course); training of instructors (trained/not trained); and new syllabus (in use/not in use). There are also a number of other factors that need to be included as independent variables. Demographic information on the instructors will be valuable. For example, we will want to consider whether the instructor is a TA or a faculty member.


Describes multiple methods

Methodological Approach:
Specifies how effectiveness is to be judged

Students also bring a variety of different experiences and learning styles to this situation. Some of these may be very relevant to how they respond to this innovation. In addition to recording their age, gender, and year in school, we should obtain a measure of their preparation, both in high school and college mathematics classes. Using their SAT or ACT scores, we can explore whether these purported measures of aptitude actually relate to their success in the new calculus. Since cognitive abilities exert their influence at different times for different individuals, we will include several questionnaires to assess the cognitive complexity and extant learning styles and beliefs of the students as they begin calculus. These factors may influence the effectiveness of the innovation and may even determine whether a student benefits or actually does worse in the new system. We will also give a questionnaire that measures various attitudes towards mathematics, both at the beginning and end of the course.

The assessments above will be made in both the calculator and non-calculator sections of Calculus 1 and Calculus 2.

Operationalization of the dependent variables is somewhat more difficult; benefits are expected to be wide ranging and ill defined. The students are expected to think more, think better, be able to apply concepts in new areas, generally have more positive attitudes toward mathematics, and ultimately to take more mathematics and science classes. The most straightforward dependent measures will be based on the performance of the students. Grades in the calculus course, grades in subsequent mathematics courses, and grades in subsequent science courses will be entered for each student. We will also record the number of mathematics courses each graduate of the calculus course takes in the following year and the dropout rate during calculus (both of these are not pure performance measures; they include a large attitudinal component). We will also ask the instructors of the current course and subsequent mathematics courses if they perceive any difference in the students’ (as a whole) thinking ability, attitudes toward mathematics, and calculation ability. This will also be done with the instructors of selected courses in other departments that rely heavily on their students’ calculus preparation (e.g., Economics, Chemistry, and Engineering).

Students will be administered the aforementioned attitude questionnaire, which will include items assessing their beliefs about their ability in mathematics, how much effort they put into mathematics, the intrinsic interest of the subject, its potential usefulness to them, etc. Outcome measures will also include the instructors—end-of-term student evaluations of the instructors and courses combined with more detailed questionnaires will be used. At a later time, the data from the mid-semester feedback may be able to be combined and used for a qualitative part of the summative evaluation, in addition to its use as a formative evaluation tool.


Excerpt 13 [Five College Consortium]

Methodological Approach:
Describes formative and summative approaches

Evaluation of the program will include formative and summative components. The formative component will entail monitoring the program during its implementation to provide feedback to the project staff so that any problems or weaknesses in the program can be corrected. The summative evaluation will be conducted for each of the semester courses and for the whole sequence to determine if the goals and objectives of the program have been met. Complete evaluations will be prepared for the third-year review and again for the Final Report.


Excerpt 14 [University of Colorado, Boulder]

Methodological Approach:
Specifies design using experimental and control groups

We envision that hands-on-homework assignments will get students to apply what they learn in the classroom to what they see every day, with enormous impact. This fundamental benefit is not an easy one to directly assess, and we will have to rely on much anecdotal information. However, we propose to also obtain a more quantitative assessment by using the following procedure:

  1. randomly divide each class into two equal sized groups;
  2. give, on a regular basis, hands-on-homework to only one group; and
  3. evaluate the effectiveness of hands-on-homework by holding consensus group evaluations at two points in the semester and by statistically comparing overall performance of two groups.

Excerpt 15 [Gettysburg College]

Describes instruments and scoring procedures

For the final evaluation of the project, both objective and open-ended questions will be prepared by the external evaluator, working with the project staff. Rubrics for grading the student-produced responses will be created and inter-rater reliability will be established so scoring can be conducted by instructors at different schools with as high a degree of uniformity as possible.

Data Collection Procedures & Schedule:
Specifies how effectiveness will be judged

We have recruited approximately ten sites where multiple sections of astronomy-related courses are taught, so that we will be able to compare pre- to post-test gains of students with those using traditional lecture and text approaches (as we have already done at the University of Wisconsin). Students in both groups will answer knowledge/concept/application items as well as reactions to learning and doing astronomy.


Describes scope of data collection and use of external evaluator

All measures and modules use Gettysburg College as the main site. These data will be gathered from a number of sites nationally. We will make every effort to get several classes' results for each exercise. All data will be maintained, analyzed, and summarized by an external evaluator.


Excerpt 16 [Iowa State University]


Appendix C

Assessment of Student Learning: Do the Materials Produce Results?

The acid test of the curricular materials we develop is to assess what students have learned as a result of using them. To illustrate our methods for carrying this out, we describe here our ongoing assessment of the preliminary materials included in this proposal.


Methodological Approach:
Describes comparison of treatment and control groups on final exams

  1. We are examining the performance on the final exam of the chemistry students who tested the "Chemical Thermodynamics" worksheets (Appendix D). We are determining the average grade achieved on thermodynamics-related questions on the final exam of these students, and comparing this to the average grade on these same questions by students who did not use our worksheet materials. We will examine whether there is any difference in the grades of the two groups of students, specifically on the thermodynamics questions. However, we will also examine the grades on the complete final exam of the two groups of students. If there is any statistically significant difference between the two groups on the complete exam, then that will have to be taken into account in evaluating any possible differences that may appear on the thermodynamics grades.

  2. We are following a similar procedure with the physics students in the lab-recitation sections that used the "Thermal Measurements" worksheets included in this proposal as Appendix F. We are examining their grades on thermodynamics-related questions on the final exam, and comparing those grades to that of students who used the standard version of the Pre-Lab instead. We will also examine the relative grades on the complete final exam of the two groups, to determine if any normalization is required when judging the grades on the thermodynamics questions.

In the preliminary assessment method described above, there are several weaknesses which we plan to correct in future evaluations of student learning:

Describes planned improvements to instrumentation

  1. The physics and chemistry final course exams stress quantitative problem solving and do not necessarily assess students' qualitative conceptual understanding of thermodynamics topics. In the future, we will add one or two qualitative, concept-oriented questions to these exams. In some cases, students will be asked to write explanations of the reasoning they use to obtain their answers. (Both PI's are involved in teaching these courses, and in addition we have obtained agreement in principle from other course instructors to include this type of material on exams.)

Describes plans to better control important variables

  1. In the case of the physics material included as Appendix F, we had two distinct groups assigned in the testing procedure: (1) those who used only the preliminary versions of our worksheets (given as a Pre-Lab in four lab sections); (2) those who used only the traditional version of the Pre-Lab, which stressed quantitative problem solving (given to all other lab sections — 14 in all). In this case, the new materials were substituted for the standard materials in the test sections. As a result, no additional study time was expended (presumably) by the students using the materials being tested. However, those students involved in testing the chemistry materials took this on as an additional task beyond their other class activities (due to logistical difficulties on our part). In this case, there was indeed additional study time expended by the students. This, of course, may have had an independent effect on their exam performance, beyond any particular utility of the new materials. In the future, we will try to ensure that student learning is assessed by examining groups of students that have expended comparable amounts of class/study time on the thermodynamics topics, and who differ only on which materials they have used for study.

Describes additional sources of data

Finally, we will describe two additional forms of assessment which we are using in other curriculum development projects, and which we will employ in this project as well.

  1. Questions related to topics covered in the curricular materials are given as "pretests," before use of the materials, and then identical or closely related questions are given on course quizzes, midterms, and final exams. Often, students are asked to write explanations of the reasoning they use to obtain their answers. We compare pretest-to-posttest gains of students who have used the new materials, to those of students who use only standard textbooks and study guides. In this way we gather information about the pedagogical effectiveness of the new materials, relative to those that are presently being used.

  2. Individual interviews with students are carried out, and recorded on videotape. During these interviews, students work through curricular materials as they "think out loud," and the interviewer (faculty member or graduate student) probes them with additional questions when necessary. These interviews give significant additional insight into the utility of the materials, and help uncover ambiguous or confusing language, as well as unanticipated gaps in students' background knowledge.

Excerpt 17 [Vassar College]

Methodological Approach:

Evaluation of the course will be done during the semester the course is taught as well as two years after the course is completed and the students have moved on to acquire additional training and experience. Dr. Ken Livingston, director of the Office of Teaching Development and Resources, will assist in the design and implementation of the evaluation plan. Dr. Livingston is a professor of Psychology and the director of Vassar's program in Cognitive Science.

Specifies immediate feedback on course content

During the semester, students will be given weekly questionnaires and asked to prepare journal entries in order to examine their reaction to each exercise and to determine their comfort level with new material and methods of quantitative analysis. I will determine the extent to which the methods and exercises aid students in overcoming their math anxiety and give them a greater appreciation for the use of math in solving geological problems. I will also undertake an examination of more than 30 senior theses written in the department over the last two decades to determine the extent to which model development could have been applied in those investigations. A compilation of the results will be used to assist students in the design of individual modeling projects for the course and for future senior theses.

Specifies long term follow-up with students

Evaluations of progress during the semester will be used by myself and Dr. Livingston to design a procedure and interview questionnaire to determine the success of this course in meeting its 3 long-term objectives of 1) developing students' analytical thinking skills, 2) developing students' abilities to engage the geological literature, and 3) teaching students how to model and program. The interview questionnaires will track the progress of students until approximately two years after they have graduated from Vassar. To facilitate evaluation the tracking will include students in four categories, as follows:

Information Sources & Sampling:
Describes four comparison groups

  1. Vassar students who previously enrolled in the Computer Methods and Modeling in the Earth Sciences class and who are engaged in some aspect of computer use and or model development or research during subsequent graduate work or employment.
  2. Students who previously enrolled in the Computer Methods and Modeling in the Earth Sciences class and who are not engaged in employment or studies that involve computer use or model development.
  3. Vassar graduates in geology who did not take the course but are directly involved in graduate research or employment that requires computer programming skills or modeling.
  4. Vassar graduates in geology who did not take the course and presently are not engaged in computer-related or modeling research.

Describes foci of questionnaires

Tracking of former students will continue for two years because this is the normative time required for graduate students to begin work on their own research. Students will be queried about whether they have been engaged in modeling based research, and specifically whether the models they have used were written by others or by themselves. Students who did not take the course will be asked whether a lack of modeling experience has in any way shaped the kinds of research questions or job tasks they have been able to work on; for example, were they hindered by a lack of modeling exposure, and how do they feel about their abilities to analyze and solve problems. If they are involved in modeling, we will ask where they acquired the skills necessary to do the work, whether they feel they would have benefited from earlier exposure to the modeling process, and what difficulties they have encountered in undertaking modeling projects.

For students who previously enrolled in the Computer Methods and Modeling in the Earth Sciences class we will determine if their early exposure to modeling as undergraduates benefited them in their research or job opportunities. We will also ask whether the course had any lasting impact on how they address problems. Observations and conclusions will be summarized with a view toward improving course design at Vassar and wider application of computer modeling at other institutions.


Excerpt 18 [Anonymous 4]

Methodological Approach:
Describes formative approach

Describes multiple methods

Formative evaluation will be conducted through student surveys and technical quizzes at the completion of each module. Students will be queried regarding their interest level in the material, adequacy of background preparation, usefulness of the handouts, the knowledge they acquired from the module, relevance to course material, and any suggestions they have for improvement. A similar, but expanded survey at the end of the Freshman course will request feedback on how the modules mesh in a multidisciplinary, cross-cutting context. Classroom observers from Center X at University Y will conduct an external formative evaluation of the project. The formative evaluation will be used to determine whether the project is meeting its goals, and to perform continuous improvement of the project.

Methodological Approach:
Describes summative approach

Describes comparison of treatment and control groups

A summative evaluation will also be conducted. Surveys will be conducted with two groups of Freshman students: (1) students who participated in the project and (2) students who had a traditional freshman engineering course. They will be surveyed about the engineering principles they learned in the freshman year, their interest level in the topics and applications covered, what was most effective, and their overall enthusiasm level for engineering. The students' perceptions of the lasting impact of the modules and the effectiveness of vertical integration will be addressed in the senior exit interviews. The faculty and their department chairs will evaluate whether the project assisted in professional development, based on conference proceedings, publications and potential collaborations. A final measure of success of the project will be whether the project has been successfully adapted into other University Y courses, and SMET programs in other colleges and universities.


Excerpt 19 [Anonymous 5]

Methodological Approach:
Discusses use of control classes


Because University X runs a significant number of sections of each course in question, it will be fairly straightforward to make direct comparisons between sections which use Supplement W to those which do not.

For each course, we will run approximately half of the sections with Supplement W for its first two semesters. We will use three measures to compare students in those sections with Supplement W with those which do not use Supplement W.

Lists three outcome measures

Student Persistence What percentage of students finish the course as opposed to withdrawing (large numbers of students withdraw from their math courses at University X).

Success Rate Percentage of students finishing the course who earn a grade of A, B, or C. Success rates in First Year Math courses at University X have been an issue of institutional concern over the years.

Student Attitudes Are students happier with their math courses when they have used Supplement W?

Addresses potential drawbacks of grades as an outcome

The first two items can be computed fairly easily by accessing University X's administrative computer systems. While grades may sometimes be a poor measure of assessment due to instructors having control over the grades of their sections, we do not expect this to be an issue at University X for two reasons. First, the courses in question use similar exams across sections and common final exams, so students are being tested at the same level. Second, there are simply too many instructors involved for results to be swayed by individuals who may be tempted to adjust their grades to make a project look good.

We will use data from student evaluations of their teachers/courses to gauge the effect of Supplement W on student attitudes. By averaging over large numbers of sections and students, we think that other factors (such as some teachers being more popular than others) will not cloud the result.

Finally, we will survey students in Supplement W sections each term to gain feedback from the students directly as to what aspects of the system they like, and which ones could be improved upon.


Excerpt 20 [Oregon State University]

Information Sources & Sampling


Data regarding the impact of the new degree program on the students who enroll in it and on the physics department as a whole will be collected through: interviews with OSU physics professors and college administrators, surveys with physics department alumni from both and after the computational physics degree program was available, surveys with all students enrolled in the computational physics courses, a series of in-depth interviews and surveys with physics majors enrolled in the computational physics degree program and those enrolled in the standard physics degree program, and a comparative analysis of course and student records for computational and standard physics majors.

Methodological Approach

Information Sources & Sampling

It is anticipated that the most informative data on the benefits and drawbacks of the program will be generated through a multi-factored comparison between students in the new degree program and those who remain in the standard physics program. The LEAD evaluator will use quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze the similarities and differences between these two groups of students in terms of: (1) demographics, (2) their incoming test scores and academic preparation, (3) their career interests, (4) their course enrollment trajectory and course performance, (5) their interest and engagement in their course work, (6) their involvement in research, (7) their career prospects, and eventually, (8) their placement in jobs or enrollment in graduate programs related to their major. Data collected on this program will be shared with program administrators and physics department faculty to inform them of the impact of the new program and the means for improving it. This information will then be disseminated to college administrators and physics faculty nationwide to assist them in making decisions about such programs at their own universities.


Excerpt 21 [Gadsden State Community College]

Information Sources & Sampling

Data Collection Procedures & Schedule:
Presents schedule for collecting three types of evaluation data

Evaluation of the NSF Calculus Grant:
Improving Student Learning in Calculus Through
Effective Implementation of Model Activities
Attitude Survey
Status of Students
Spring 2000 (January) - Administer attitude survey to calculus I class - Using stratified methods obtain 15 students to interview at the end of the semester - Gather information concerning student success rate and success in future math courses (A, B or C)
Spring 2000 (May) - Administer attitude survey to calculus I class - Conduct student interviews - Gather information concerning student success rate and enrollment in future math courses
Fall 2000 (August) - Administer attitude survey to calculus I class - Using stratified methods obtain 15 new students to interview at the end of the semester  
Fall 2000 (December) - Administer attitude survey to calculus I and II class - Conduct student interviews of the calculus I and II students - Gather information concerning student success rate and enrollment in future math courses
Spring 2001 (January) - Administer attitude survey to calculus I, II and III class - Using stratified methods obtain 15 new students to interview at the end of the semester  
Spring 2001 (May) - Administer attitude survey to calculus I, II and III class - Conduct student interviews of the calculus I, II, and III students - Gather information concerning student success rate and enrollment in future math courses
Fall 2001 (August) - Administer attitude survey to calculus I, II, III and ___ class - Using stratified methods obtain 15 new students to interview at the end of the semester  
Fall 2001 (December) - Administer attitude survey to calculus I, II, III and ___ class - Conduct student interviews of the calculus I, II, III and ___ students - Gather information concerning student success rate and enrollment in future math courses
Spring 2002 (January) - Administer attitude survey to calculus I, II, III and ___ class - Using stratified methods obtain 15 new students to interview at the end of the semester  
Spring 2002 (May) - Administer attitude survey to calculus I, II, III and ___ class - Conduct student interviews of the calculus I, II, III and ___ students - Gather information concerning student success rate and enrollment in future math courses

Excerpt 22 [Western Michigan University]

Describes the project


The project is intended to give students a conceptual understanding of physical and geometrical optics at the sophomore level and is specially intended for future high school teachers. Explicit goals include familiarization of students with the conceptual foundations of wave behavior, electromagnetic waves, interferometry, spectroscopy, diffraction, and the basic properties of image forming systems.

Teaching methodology is based on discovery-type laboratory work supplemented by lectures and group work. Laboratory manual was written by author as part of this grant and is available upon request.

Information Sources & Sampling:
Lists the information sources

The project is evaluated on the basis of

  1. Performance on four regular in-class examinations and the final exam.
  2. Student performance as judged by lab work, lab reports, and homework.
  3. Mid semester student evaluation
  4. Comments on the end-of-semester evaluations
  5. Performance on a set of conceptual questions in optics
  6. Special assignment for teaching majors
  7. Term project for all other majors

Describes what useful data the information sources will yield


Item 1 tests understanding of textbook material and lab results. Item 2 tests the effectiveness of the lab work and the assigned reading. Items 3 and 4 assess the degree of interactive engagement.

Item 5 tests conceptual understanding on an instrument incorporating research on student understanding in physical optics. These questions are administered either as in-class small group projects, examination questions, or homework. In the course of a semester all these questions are administered in one fashion or another.


Excerpt 23 [Anonymous 6]

Information Sources & Sampling:
Data Collection Procedures & Schedule:
Aligns anticipated outcomes to proposed data sources and frequencies of data collection


  Evaluation Plan

Expected Outcomes Data to be Collected By whom & Frequency
-Students' mastery of research methods in geophysics will be enhanced, including: planning research, collecting data, analyzing data, evaluating success of a research project and reporting/communicating outcomes.

-Observations of students' work noted in daily log

-Course instructor; each class day

-Student research field reports -Course instructor; when turned in
-Students' understanding of "real world" constraints on geophysical research will increase & impact their performance on research assignments

-Observations of students' work noted in daily log

-Course instructor; each class day

-Student research field reports -Course instructor; when turned in
-Students' mastery of the geophysical content of the course will be greater than in the past
-Comparison of answers on final examinations before and during project period -Course instructor; end of each semester when course is taught
-Students' ability to work effectively and efficiently as part of a research team will improve from the beginning to end of each semester -Student self-ratings of specific teamwork skills -Students; beginning & end of semester
-Observations of students' work noted in daily log -Course instructor; each class day
-Students' readiness for and success in finding employment in positions related to geophysical work will improve
-Student self-ratings of readiness & confidence -Students; beginning & end of semester
-Post-graduation job placements -Students, instructor, other advisors; annually at graduation

Excerpt 24 [Middle Tennessee State University]

Describes multiple methods


The evaluation of the revised pedagogy for the first semester of the College Physics sequence will have three components. First is the administration of the Force Concept Inventory (FCI) at the beginning and end of the first-semester course. This will give a measure of the gain in student understanding of concepts that tend to give the students the most trouble in introductory mechanics. Second will be written evaluations and oral interviews with students who have completed the first-semester course with the new pedagogy. Third will be written evaluations and oral interviews with the faculty who have taught using the new pedagogy (this will be approximately 6 faculty over the duration of the project). There is not a universal agreement on the utility and interpretation of the results of the FCI, so it is important to perform the evaluations and interviews to try to get a more complete picture of the efficacy of the revised pedagogy in the College Physics sequence, both in student learning and in student attitudes.


Excerpt 25 [Oregon State University]

Describes questionnaires and interviews for site visits


Describes collection of baseline data

During the winter and spring of 2003 the assessment instruments (questionnaires, and site visit interview scripts) will be written and tested. Four questionnaires will be created. First, a short-answer pre-workshop questionnaire will be created for each potential instructor at the beginning of his or her participation in the project. This questionnaire will provide a means of recording instructor expectations and assessing the instructor's previous experience in teaching vector calculus — setting a base line from which to determine any change in the instructor's beliefs or practice over the course of the project. A second questionnaire will be designed for these instructors after the end of their first workshop. Two other questionnaires will be used as follow-up, one to be given to instructors after each year of their experience with the materials. Potential site visit candidates will be chosen from the pool of all the instructors who participate in the first workshop.

The selected site visits will provide a deeper assessment of the instructor's use of information from the workshops and instructor's guide. The goal is to evaluate the effectiveness of the workshops and instructor's guide from the instructor's perspective as well as an outside perspective. The site visits will include a brief interview with the instructor prior to the classroom observation, the observation itself, and a follow-up interview with the instructor after the observation. The pre-observation interview will establish the instructor's goals for the class or laboratory session, and the post-observation interview will focus on the instructor's views of that particular class session. If possible each site visit will include observations of at least two consecutive class or laboratory sessions.


Excerpt 26 [Anonymous]

Information Sources & Sampling:
Overviews three types of measures

Data Collection Procedures & Schedule:
Describes a scheduled data collection day


Information Sources & Sampling:
Describes use of existing assessment system created by FLAG, a different NSF-funded project

The project will be assessed through the use of (1) standardized course evaluation forms, (2) scientifically designed student, faculty, and alumni surveys, and (3) classroom assessment techniques (CATs) from the Field-tested Learning Assessment Guide (FLAG) project1. Assessment will be facilitated by University X's extensive ongoing assessment effort. For example, each spring semester the University devotes a day without classes to assessment. The Chemistry Department will use this "Assessment Day" for the administration of the student and faculty surveys.


For assessment of student learning, instructors will use the curriculum, instruction, and assessment (CIA) model for course development.1 Explicitly stated course goals will be categorized and then matched to CATs as listed on the FLAG web site.1b The use of CATs as assessment instruments should not only provide valid measures of student learning but should also enhance the success of the project by driving student learning beyond the superficial levels required for traditional classroom assessment instruments such as multiple choice tests.1

(1)(a) Angelo, T.A.; Cross, K.P. Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers, 2nd ed., Jossey-Bass: San Francisco, CA, 1993.
(b) Field-Tested Learning Assessment Guide, National Institute for Science Education, http://www.wcer.wisc.edu/nise/CL1/flag/, accessed April, 2001.


Excerpt 27 [Anonymous]

Overviews the evaluation



Information Sources & Sampling:
Describes quantitative measures pertaining to teachers' implementation of instructional practices learned in a training program

Our evaluation plan will measure the impact of the hands-on optics activites at <University XYZ> by tracking the activities of high school teachers in the <ABC program> and the careers of <University XYZ> Physics majors. In the following sections, we describe how we will measure that the hands-on optics experiences have improved the optics education of both of these groups.

High school science teachers in the program

We will track our success in improving optics education for high school science teachers on two levels. First, we will track the teachers' use of optics in their own curriculum. The extent to which they implement hands-on activities from the courses as well as new activities they develop themselves provides an objective, concrete measure of the improvement of their optics understanding. The quantitative measures we will track are: the number of activities generated, the amount of classroom time the teachers use for optics-related activities, the number of collaborative projects the teachers initiate (with colleagues or high school students), the number of students impacted by these activities and collaborative projects, and the number of downloads from the Share Base web site. Further, the teachers in the will meet for a "Share Day" to evaluate the effectiveness of the activities they use with their students. In addition to gauging the interest generated in students by the optics activities, the teachers will also report whether the use of optics in their classroom has resulted in improvements in student understanding of Physics as evidenced by their grades.

Second, through the teachers, we will track whether there is a correlation between the use of optics in their classrooms and the following objective measures: the number of students choosing to take Physics in their schools, the number of seniors taking Physics who choose to go to college, and the number of seniors choosing Physics and Optics careers.


Excerpt 28 [Anonymous]


Data Collection Procedures & Schedules:
Describes use of repeated measures to investigate a sustained effect in a quasi-experimental design

<University XYZ> Physics Majors

To measure the impact of improved optics education for our Physics majors, we will track our students' use of optics in their careers. To quantify the long-term impact of hands-on optical experiences for our physics majors, we will track our graduates to learn which skills they use in their careers. These evaluations will occur on the following years after graduation: 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, and 10 years. The Physics department maintains an extensive alumni database from which we will be able to successfully generate a statistically meaningful number of responses. We will compare the use of optics by alumni from the following categories: students who did not take Physics: Optics course, students who took the course before the hands-on experiences were added, and students who took the course after the changes were made. Using a checklist of skills as well as open-ended questions, we will determine whether necessary skills were learned in optics-based classes and whether we prepared undergraduates successfully for their SMET careers.

Second, through the teachers, we will track whether there is a correlation between the use of optics in their classrooms and the following objective measures: the number of students choosing to take Physics in their schools, the number of seniors taking Physics who choose to go to college, and the number of seniors choosing Physics and Optics careers.