: Plans : Curriculum Development |
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Excerpt 1
[University of Tennessee, Chattanooga]
Describes project philosophy/rationale
The philosophy which underlies this project and
the OZ text includes the following critical
- The fundamental concepts of the subject are kept
clearly in focus at all times.
- The "holy trinity" of graphical, numeric,
and symbolic approaches is imperative.
- The text provides many avenues for visualization
and discovery of mathematics.
- Computers and graphic calculators can be effectively
used to illuminate mathematics.
- The OZ approach to "reform" is relatively
conservative, and neither we nor our department are
interested in a radical restructuring of the course.
- The text can be used effectively in the wide variety
of settings represented by our consortium.
- The text is well and thoughtfully written, and so
serves as a fine example for our students of good
expository writing in mathematics. Requiring students
to explain themselves is an important part of the
"reform" process.
- The text has a variety of interesting exercises
and there are much more novel and thought-provoking
than is typical.
- We want to avoid a problem of a student saying that
what he liked about the old book is that you can do
the problems without knowing what you are doing.
- Many exercises are well suited to small group/cooperative
work and serve as catalysts for meaningful mathematical
- The wider variety of approaches in the text appeal
to a wider audience and offer more diverse learning
styles, including females and minority groups.
Excerpt 2
of Michigan]
Describes project philosophy
We believe that motivational factors interact with cognitive
factors in determining development, especially for women
and minority students, who often fail to elect further
courses even when their performance is at a satisfactory
level. Rather than using introductory courses to screen
out students who are not already highly motivated and
skilled, introductory courses need to do a better job
of helping students develop a meaningful understanding
and appreciation of their field.
Excerpt 3
[New Mexico State University]
Describes project goals
One of the main goals of the program is to design and
study the design of appropriate projects to assign in
the calculus. Projects' mathematical content should
be deeper than that expected on a test or homework,
the wording of the project should allow the student
to begin working on his own, the reading level should
be at an appropriate level so that we can be sure that
a students' inability to solve a project is not caused
solely by the inability to read the problem. Most calculus
texts have variations on a rather small number of project
ideas. We will use scientists, engineers, and economists
to help design projects which demonstrate the mathematical
underpinnings of solutions to applied problems.
Excerpt 4
[University of Michigan]
Lists project goals
The major goals of the program are:
- a concept driven course,
- students are better prepared for, and more likely
to take further mathematical and science courses,
- a more enjoyable experience for students.
Excerpt 5
of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign]
Lists project goals and strategies
- To create and implement an electronic interactive
courseware in which students learn all levels of calculus
and elementary differential equations through active
learning via student experimentation and computer
- To revise calculus and differential equations courses
so that both are approached from a modern viewpoint.
This included dropping some inert topics, emphasizing
the interplay between calculus and initial value problems,
emphasizing use of the computer and de-emphasizing
rote algorithms better done by computer than by pencil
and paper through memorization.
Excerpt 6
[University of Hartford]
Describes project goals
The goals can be divided into four groups: goals for
the students, faculty, institutions, and the State of
Connecticut. At the student level, we want to get students
excited about mathematics and to deepen their understanding
of how mathematics is actually used. We want students
to learn the appropriate role of technology in problem
solving and be able to use the technology. We want to
give students increased ability to reason geometrically
and to see problems from different perspectives (geometric
vs. algebraic). We want students to come away with a
better understanding of some of the "big ideas"
of calculus.
For faculty, we hope to provide a framework and means
for achieving student goals, rekindle their interest
in teaching, and deepen their understanding of
At the institutional level, our goal is to get as many
faculty as possible involved. We want each institution
to implement some kind of lab/technology approach in
all their calculus classes.
At the state level, the goal is to get all the two
and four year colleges and universities involved in
calculus and as many of the high schools as
Excerpt 7
[University of Michigan]
The University of Michigan plans to completely revise
its first year calculus program over a three year period
adopting the materials developed in the Harvard consortium
project. The main features of the new program
- an intensive and ongoing instructor training program
for all faculty and teaching assistants,
- a classroom environment that incorporates cooperative
learning and experimentation by students,
- major syllabus revision which emphasize problem
solving, geometric visualization, and quantitative
- integration of the graphing calculator into the
Excerpt 8
of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign]
Project Features:
Describes new curriculum resources and how students
use them
Calculus and Mathematica is probably the most
technology intensive of all the calculus reform projects.
The course is based on an entirely interactive text
in which the student has access to as many examples
as desired. Through the use of technology, students
see calculus as a course in scientific measurement,
calculation and modeling. The course consists of four
main sections. Students are expected to attend 3 one-hour
laboratory sessions every week. Section instructors
make assignments and prepare examinations, conduct weekly
discussion hours, and help students in the lab. Students
learn the course content through lessons called "notebooks"
installed on the computer progressing from "basic"
problems that introduced key concepts, followed by "tutorial"
problems in techniques and applications. The notebook
closes with "give it a try" section that includes
problems to be solved. Students solve the problems using
standard word processor and calculating software with
graphic capabilities. These solutions become a key component
of each student's notebook which is electronicallly
submitted to the instructor for comments and
Excerpt 9
[University of Hartford]
Participants, Audiences & Other
Describes different ways stakeholders are
involved in the project
A group of 18 institutions is working together. The
laboratory materials developed at the Univeristy of
Hartford and the text materials being developed by the
Core Calculus Consortium (led by Harvard University)
are being integrated into the new course. The Connecticut
schools that have agreed to participate in the project
are: [names about 20]. This represents a wide variety
of different types of schools; large, small, public
and private, four year schools, two year schools, and
high schools. Two of the schools are women
Excerpt 10
State University]
Our proposal is to create an integrated set of
worksheet "tutorial" materials, which
eventually will be synthesized into a full-scale
workbook. This workbook will then be ready for
use in several different courses both in physics
and chemistry. As a practical matter due to
differences in notation commonly used in chemistry
and physics, etc. it will probably be necessary
to create two separate "tracks." That
is, the final workbook might have a "Physics"
track and a "Chemistry" track, or it
might actually be necessary to create two separate
(though closely related) workbooks.
Project Context:
References prior research
Based on published research regarding learning
of concepts in thermodynamics, and our own extensive
teaching experience, we will begin to draft sequences
of questions and exercises focused on our targeted
topics. The material will consist of a tightly
linked set of (1) brief textual expositions in
highly "interactive" format, (2) multiple-choice,
concept-oriented questions for use with classroom
communication systems in large classes, (3) structured
series of questions that lead students to elicit
and then resolve conceptual difficulties, and
finally (4) exercises to strengthen understanding.
The emphasis throughout will be on qualitative
reasoning and mastery of fundamental concepts.
A great deal of pictorial, diagrammatic, and graphical
material will be incorporated. Detailed
descriptions of each of these types of materials
are given in Appendix A; included in the descriptions
are references to lengthy samples of each type,
which are provided in Apendices D, E, F, G, and
Project Participants,
Audiences & Other Stakeholders
The development of these initial drafts will
be assisted by Graduate Student Research Assistants,
one a member of the Physics Education Research
Group, and the other a member of the Chemistry
Education Research Group. Draft worksheets will
be class-tested in recitation sections, labs,
and during lecture presentations. Feedback obtained
through the class testing will be immediately
utilized for revision and redesign. We have already
obtained agreement in principle with some of the
instructors in the targeted courses to cooperate
with the testing of these materials. A detailed
description of the actual process we have carried
out to create some of the sample materials included
in this proposal is contained in Appendix B. This
provides a model that will guide our future activities
as this project evolves.
The Graduate Student R.A.'s participate in all
aspects of this work. They assist in formulating
initial drafts, help to test them out in recitation
sections, and give input for revisions and rewrites.
They help carry out extended "interview"
questioning to probe student understanding in
depth. They also contribute to the creation of
high-quality graphic materials (diagrams, drawings,
etc.) that form an integral part of the worksheets.
(This is one of the more labor-intensive aspects
of this type of curriculum development.)
In addition to graduate student involvement in
this work, we will be drawing in selected advanced
undergraduate students to participate in the process
of testing and assessing the curricular materials.
We will focus in particular on students who plan
to become high-school physics and chemistry teachers.
These students can benefit tremendously by participating
in the instructional activities in the tutorial
sessions (whether these occur during recitations,
labs, or "lectures"). As they walk around
the room, listening to students' comments as they
work through the materials and providing guidance
by asking leading questions, these future teachers
will gain first-hand experience with common learning
difficulties and strategies for confronting them.
As a result, they will be able to make valuable
contributions to the curriculum development work
by providing insight into student learning difficulties.
They will also help in directly monitoring student
responses to the new materials. In work at Southeastern
Louisiana University (as well as at the University
of Washington), this type of participation by
undergraduate students has been extremely beneficial
to all concerned (as well as being very cost effective).
Project Features:
Lists planned curriculum topics
The thermodynamics topics to be covered will
include all those normally discussed in introductory
general physics and general chemistry courses,
as well as a core of advanced topics typically
covered in junior-level thermodynamics and physical
chemistry courses. This is our core list of planned
topics (more may be added later):
- Kinetic theory of gases, ideal gas equation
of state, equipartition of energy
- First law of thermodynamics: heat, work, internal
energy and enthalpy
- Heat Engines, Carnot cycle
- Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
- Free energy, Maxwell's relations; third law
of thermodynamics
- Non-mechanical work: voltaic cells, magnetism
- Phase transitions, Clausius-Clapeyron equation,
Van der Waals theory
- Chemical potential, phase equilibria, phase
- Gibbs-Duhem equation, colligative properties
With the exception of an introductory section
on kinetic theory of ideal gases, our approach
will be almost entirely macroscopic. We feel that
this is a more accessible approach for most introductory
students, and we will not at this time be focusing
on the statistical approach to thermodynamics