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Under-Represented Populations Instruments

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Student Surveys

Instrument 2: Telementoring Online Student Application

Project: Telementoring Young Women in Engineering and Computing: Providing the Vital Link
Education Development Center

Funding Source: NSF: Program for Women and Girls (HRD)

Purpose: To collect demographic information on incoming students and to collect information that will be used to match students to mentors

Administered To: Students from selected high schools (that were also participating in the Adventures in Science [AiS] program) who planned to participate in the telementoring project

Topics Covered:

  • Academic Preferences: content, mentor
  • Attitudes & Beliefs (Student): content
  • Mentoring & Support: importance
  • Perceptions (Student): family, leadership
  • Plans & Expectations (Student): career interests, post-secondary plans, project impact
  • Self-Assessment (Student): comfort, confidence, interest
  • Background Characteristics & Activities (Student): family characteristics
  • Demographics (Student): age, ethnicity, gender, primary language spoken

Format/Length: 28 questions, 18 closed- and 10 open-ended, plus 10 demographic questions

Telementoring 1996-97

Student Application

Welcome to the Telementoring Project! As part of this project, you will be matched with a mentor who is a professional woman in a scientific or technical career. The information you provide here will help us find the best mentor match for you, so please answer the following questions honestly and completely. Thank you!

Basic Information

First Name:
Last Name:
E-mail Address:
Your School:
Name of your AiS teacher:
Your Age:
Your Grade:
Home Address:
Your Race/Ethnicity: Asian/Pacific Islander
Native American
White (non-Latina)

Finding You a Mentor

Q1, 2, 3: What are the three most important things that you would consider when selecting a mentor?

Most important


Second most important


Third most important


Q4: If you mentioned "geographic location" above, please specify location.

Q5: If you mentioned "fluency in foreign language" above, please indicate which language.

Q6a: What career fields are you interested in? (Check all that apply).

Physics & Astronomy
Computational Science
Computer Programming/Software Development
Biomedical Science (e.g. medicine, forensic pathology, genetics)
Earth Science (e.g. geology, oceanography, meteorology)
Social Science & Psychology
Humanities (e.g. art, literature, music)

Q6b: If you selected Engineering, which types are you considering? (Check all that apply).


Q7: What are your hobbies and interests?

Q8: What dreams and aspirations do you have for yourself beyond high school?

Q9: What is your favorite subject in school?

Computer Science
Physical Education
Social Studies (History, Political Science, Law)
Humanities (Art, Drama, Music)
Foreign Languages

Q10: How often would you like to "talk" with a mentor on-line?

More than once a week
Once a week
Once every 2 weeks
Once a month

Q11: What would you like to talk about with your mentor? (Check all that apply).

College Preparation
Financial planning for college
Course selection
Study skills
Information about college life
Resources & Networks
Accelerated and/or summer programs
Supporting organizations
Career Awareness
Career opportunities
A day in the life of a woman in science
Resumes and references
Diversity Issues
Opportunities for students of color
Affirmative action
Getting along in diverse groups
Prejudice and racism
Personal Development
Balancing family and work
Sexual harassment
Self-image and self-confidence
Time management

Q12: What do you hope to gain by participating in the Telementoring Project this year?

More About You

Q13: Are you thinking of pursuing a career in science, engineering, or computing? Please tell us why or why not.

Q14: Think about your experiences with mathematics. Have they been fun? Anxiety producing? How do you feel about math now?

Q15: On a scale of 1 to 5 (where 1=not anxious at all and 5=extremely anxious), how anxious do you feel about mathematics?

1 2 3 4 5

Q16: How do you feel, as a female, working with others (males and females) in your science and computing classes? (For example, do you feel comfortable, anxious, isolated, welcome, etc.)?

Q17: How do you feel about using computers? (Do you enjoy them, fear them, use them only when you have to, etc.)? Please tell us what makes you feel this way.

Q18: Do you have access to e-mail at home?

Yes No

Q19: Is there anything else you would like to add about yourself or your interests?

Involving Your Parents & Family

Q20: Do your parents use e-mail at home?

Yes No

Q21: Do your parents use the Internet at home?

Yes No

Q22: How willing would you be to teach your parents or other family members about e-mail and the Internet?

Very willing
Somewhat willing
Not willing

Q23: How willing would you be to bring your parents to a Telementoring event at school in which they learn about girls and science?

Very willing
Somewhat willing
Not willing

Q24: How interested would you be in involving your parents in a discussion about:

a) Choosing a college

Very interested
Somewhat interested
Not interested at all

b) Financial aid

Very interested
Somewhat interested
Not interested at all

c) Staying at home versus going away to college

Very interested
Somewhat interested
Not interested at all

d) Perceptions of what jobs or majors are good for you

Very interested
Somewhat interested
Not interested at all

Thank you for completing this application!