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Under-Represented Populations Instruments

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Parent Interviews

Instrument 1: Eureka Parent Interview Guide

Project: Operation SMART Eureka!
Girls Incorporated of Alameda County

Funding Source: NSF: Informal Science Education (ESIE)

Purpose: To gather information from parents about ways in which the parents believe the Eureka project has affected their daughter

Administered To: Parents whose daughter participated in the Eureka project

Topics Covered:

  • Perceptions (Parent): student activities, student attitudes, student performance
  • Project Evaluation: satisfaction

Format/Length: 6 open-ended questions with guidance for interviewer

Eureka Parent Interview Guide:

  1. In what ways has ______________________ changed since her participation in the Eureka program? (Try to elicit examples of ways daughter has changed)

  2. Do you feel Eureka has helped your daughter with school? (If so, how... If no, why?)

  3. Do you feel that _______________________ has more confidence in _______________ as a result of Eureka (Ask about which of these areas and how do they know confidence increased?)


  4. Has her participation in Eureka increased her overall confidence in herself? How? (Ask for examples)

  5. On a scale from 1 to 5 (1 = low and 5 = high), what overall rating would you give to the Eureka Program? Why?

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