Teacher/Faculty Workshop Evaluations
Instrument 5: Evaluation of Workshop
by Participants
Project: Interfacing Workshops for IBM
Compatible PCs in the College Physics Laboratory
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Funding Source: NSF: Undergraduate Faculty Enhancement (DUE)
Purpose: To follow up with each workshop
participant and determine workshop impact
Administered To: Faculty members who teach
computer-interfaced introductory physics experiments to undergraduates
in physics laboratories
Topics Covered:
- Facilities: accommodations
- Impact on Outcomes: classroom activities,
equipment use, instructional methods
- Implementation Activities: curriculum/materials
- Workshop Evaluation: areas for program improvement,
content, follow-up, materials, methods, satisfaction
Format/Length: 19 questions total, 15 closed-
and 4 open-ended. Formats include checklist and Likert scales.
Interfacing Workshop for IBM-Compatible
PCs in the College Physics Laboratory
- Please check the activities you have been able to accomplish
since the workshop
- Verified that the Nat2c program correctly reads voltages
from the printer port of your computer. (Easiest done
via 'Prefs, Info, Hardware Check', then 'Check the Hardware'
menu items).
- Taken data from clip leads and displayed a graph of
- Conducted a demonstration experiment using BIB voltage
inputs for class or lab
- Used a shaft encoder, and verified that data comes
in successfully
- Used a shaft encoder along with voltage input
- Used a sonic ranger with the BIB board
- Used a sonic ranger plus voltage input
- If you have run any experiments in class or laboratory
with the BIB board, please briefly describe them.
- Based on your experience to this point, would you recommend
a workshop like this one (which might run again the Summer
of 1996) to a colleague?
______ no ______ perhaps yes _______ would
strongly recommend _______
- Please evaluate various areas of the workshop on a scale
of 1-5:
1:very poor 2:weak 3:ok 4:good 5:outstanding
a) Presentation of material
b) Quality of information provided
c) Quality of hardware (BIB board)
d) Quality of software provided
e) Room and board
f) Follow-up activities
g) Other aspects (please explain)
(additional space for explanation)
- Please identify deficiencies in the workshop or its follow-up
which should be remedied.
- Please express your overall view of the workshop, its
value, impact on your teaching, your laboratory, and any
other items you think are important.