Teacher/Faculty Workshop Evaluations
Instrument 13: Daily Evaluation
Project: Materials Science and Technology
University of Florida
Funding Source: NSF: Undergraduate Faculty Enhancement (DUE)
Purpose: To evaluate each participant's response
to a particular workshop session
Administered To: Faculty who attended a particular
workshop session in materials science and who teach technology
to high school and undergraduate students
Topics Covered:
- Impact on Outcomes: teacher understanding
- Plans & Expectations (Teacher/Faculty): project
- Workshop Evaluation: instructor, methods, opportunity
to practice, organization, practical value, satisfaction
- Background Characteristics & Activities
(Teacher/Faculty): current practice
Format/Length: 9 questions, plus 1 demographic
question. This evaluation is a scannable answer sheet with 8
closed-ended 4-point Likert scale questions and 1 open-ended
University of Florida
JUNE 16-27, 1997
DAILY EVALUATION: Session Title __________________________________
DIRECTIONS: Please bubble only one answer for
each statement. Use a #2 pencil only. Make solid marks that
fill the circle completely. Erase cleanly any marks you wish
to change. Make no stray marks on this form.
COMMENTS: (Please add suggestions or comments you
have about any of the presentations given in this session.)