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Curriculum Development Instruments

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Teacher/Faculty Workshop Evaluations

Instrument 1: Evaluation of Informational Discourse on Calculus

Project: Implementation and Dissemination of the Harvard Consortium Materials in Arizona, Oklahoma, and Utah
University of Arizona

Funding Source: NSF: Course and Curriculum Development-Calculus (DUE)

Purpose: To evaluate a seminar for teachers on calculus reform

Administered To: Participating teachers

Topics Covered:

  • Institutional Context: policy
  • Plans & Expectations (Teacher/Faculty): continue project involvement, professional development activities, project implementation
  • Workshop Evaluation: areas for program improvement, content, practical value

Format/Length: 8 open-ended questions, plus 2 demographic questions

Evaluation of the Informational Discourse on CALCULUS


The Calculus Consortium based at Harvard (CCH)


  1. Did you find the seminar informative?


  2. Were your questions about CCH answered?


  3. If not, what questions would you have liked to have asked or have answered in this meeting?


  4. Do you have any suggestions for improving the presentation?


  5. Are you interested in using CCH in your classes?


  6. Do you plan to use CCH in the 1993-1994 academic year?


  7. Do you need and/or do you have approval to use CCH in your classes?


  8. If you are planning to use CCH in the coming year, do you want to attend an expense-paid workshop here at the University of Arizona August 9-10, 1993?


Please write any additional comments or questions on the back of this form. Thank you for your input.


Name _______________________ School ________________________