  : Instruments : Curriculum Development

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Curriculum Development Instruments

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Student Attitude Surveys

Instrument 3: EBE Student Survey

Project: An Enhanced Bioscience Education Program for the Introductory Years of the Biology Major and for Interested Preteachers
Drexel University

Funding Source: NSF: Course and Curriculum Development (CCD)

Purpose: To greatly increase the effectiveness of undergraduate education in the biological sciences

Administered To: Freshman students enrolled in the Enhanced Bioscience Education program

Topics Covered:

  • Course Evaluation: areas for program improvement, content, importance, instructor, methods, opportunity to learn, rigor
  • Impact on Outcomes: equipment use, skills, technology
  • Self-Assessment (Student): academic habits, application of technology, collaborative activities, confidence, intelligence
  • Background Characteristics & Activities (Student): current coursework, experience

Format/Length: 31 questions total; pre: 8 closed-ended, 9 open-ended; post: 9 closed-ended, 5 open-ended


EBE Student Survey
(Enhanced Bioscience Education)

As part of the outside evaluation for EBE, this is a very important survey for the freshman students enrolled in EBE. Your responses to this survey are treated anonymously and confidentially. Answer on this form. Explain fully in open-ended questions. If you need additional space, use the back of this form.


  1. Briefly describe how you decided to enroll at Drexel University and the EBE program.




  2. What are your expectations about how this program will develop your skills and knowledge required for your educational and career objectives?

    1. _________________________________________________________________________

    2. _________________________________________________________________________

    3. _________________________________________________________________________

  3. How difficult do you anticipate the course work and the study required for this program will be?         
    1. ___ easy2. ___ of average difficulty3. ___ rather difficult4. ___ very difficult

  4. How high would you rate your computer skills?         
    1. ___ poor2. ___ fair3. ___ mastery level4. ___ expert

  5. What software applications are you currently using for college courses?

  6. How would you rate your communications skills (writing technical reports, presentation skills, speaking, etc.)?         
    1. ___ poor2. ___ fair3. ___ proficient4. ___ expert

  7. What of these communication skills do you need to develop?

  8. Have you had any experience developing a portfolio?  ___Yes  ___No

    If yes, please describe briefly.

  9. Have you had experience writing in journals for classes?  ___Yes  ___No

    If yes, please describe briefly.

    10a.  To what extent have you had previous experience in working on a team or in a group?      
    1. ___ none at all2. ___ some experience3. ___ a great deal of experience

    10b.  If you have had previous experience, what type was it? (sports, club, family, etc.)

  1. In general, how would you rate your ability to work on a team?         
    1. ___ poor2. ___ fair3. ___ proficient4. ___ expert

  2. When I have a choice, I tend to study and do homework in informal study groups:         
    1. ___ not at all2. ___ occasionally3. ___ most of the time4. ___ always

  3. The greatest benefits of working in groups or on a team are:

    14a.  Outside of the EBE program, I have courses that require group work:      
    1. ___ none2. ___ one or two3. ___ more than two

    14b.  If you do have courses that require group work, what are they?

  1. So far, how would you rate your ability to make an informed decision about your future career/education?         
    1. ___ poor2. ___ fair3. ___ good4. ___ excellent



EBE Student Survey
(Enhanced Bioscience Education)

As part of the outside evaluation for EBE, this is a very important survey for the freshman students enrolled in EBE. Your responses to this survey are treated anonymously and confidentially. Answer on this form. Explain fully in open-ended questions. If you need additional space, use the back of this form.


  1. Have your expectations about how you will learn in this program been met?         
    1. ___ not at all2. ___ to some degree3. ___ to a great degree4. ___ above expectations.

    If you answered yes, please explain.



  2. The course work and the study required for this program was:         
    1. ___ easy2. ___ of average difficulty3. ___ somewhat difficult4. ___ very difficult

  3. What learning activities did you like? (Check all that apply)

    ___ lab activities ___ portfolios ___ journals ___ teamwork
    ___ experiments ___ computers ___ presentations ___ lectures
    ___ other: ________

  4. How high would you rate your computer skills now?         
    1. ___ poor2. ___ fair3. ___ mastery level4. ___ expert

  5. How would rate your communications skills (writing technical reports, presentation skills, speaking) now?         
    1. ___ poor2. ___ fair3. ___ proficient4. ___ expert

  6. Which of these communication skills have you developed most?


  7. How would you rate your ability to work on a team?         
    1. ___ poor2. ___ fair3. ___ proficient4. ___ expert

  8. The benefits of working in groups or on a team are:


  9. The problems of working in groups or on a team are:


  10. Outside of the EBE program, I have courses that require group work:      
    1. ___ none2. ___ one or two3. ___ more than two

  11. So far, how would you rate your ability to make an informed decision about your future career/education?         
    1. ___ poor2. ___ fair3. ___ good4. ___ excellent

  12. How well would you rate the EBE faculty's teaching and support?         
    1. ___ poor2. ___ fair3. ___ above average4. ___ outstanding

  13. How would you improve the EBE program?





  14. When you look back over the past year, what stands out as the most significant activity that has influenced your bioscience learning and educational goals?



