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Student Attitude Survey

Instrument #: Student Attitude Survey I

Project: Calculus in Context (CIC)
Five College Consortium (Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, Smith College, and the University of Massachusetts)

Funding Source: NSF: Course and Curriculum Development-Calculus (DUE)

Purpose: To gather data from students at the begining of their calculus course

Administered To: Calculus students

Topics Covered:

  • background information
  • attitude toward mathematics/calculus
  • motivation for taking the course
  • self-assessment related to skill in mathematics
  • interest in learning specific topics and skills

Format/Length: 14 items, primarily closed-ended


Name: ________________________________________


Year in college: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Other

 Yes  No Not Sure
1. Do you intend to major in mathematics?      
2. Do you intend to take any further math courses?      
3. Have you previously taken a calculus course?      
4. Have you had any experiences with computers?      
If yes, what kind of experiences?

5. Reasons for taking this course (check one or both): Interest Requirement

6. How would you rate your math background? Strong Average Weak

7. How would you rate your interest in mathematics?

Very Low Low Medium High Very High

8. How much do you enjoy mathematics?

Not at all A little Somewhat A lot

9. How would you characterize your anxiety level as you approach this course?

Very Low Low Medium High Very High

 Yes  No Not Sure
10. Do you feel you are good at mathematics    
11. Do you expect to use calculus in your other courses?    
12. Do you expect to use calculus after you graduate?    

13. Are there any specific topics, skills, attitudes, etc., which you hope to acquire through this course?


14. What grade do you expect to receive in this course?