Webinar: Preparing Evaluations Plans for CCLI Proposals
In early April 2008, NSF held three informative online forums (Webinars) to discuss how to prepare sound evaluation plans for project proposals to the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) program. The Webinar were intended to inform:
- prospective applicants to the CCLI program
- principal investigators funded by the CCLI program
- evaluators working with CCLI project teams
This NSF sponsored event was developed to inform project teams as they prepare evaluation plans to support
effective project implementation, scholarly publications, and future proposal submissions.
If you have any questions about this activity please contact Dr. Raymond McGhee (raymond.mcghee@sri.com) at SRI International.
Presenters: Dr. Raymond McGhee, Dr. Geneva Haertel, and Dr. Robert Murphy, SRI International