: Reports : Teacher Education |
Annotations |
Report Excerpts |
Excerpt 1
Angeles Collaborative]
Project Features
Project Participants,
Audiences & Other Stakeholders
LACTE is a five-year project that brings together
five four-year institutions and five community colleges.
Each of the four-year institutions is partnered with
a community college shown in Table 1. The collaboration
also includes "master teachers" from elementary
and secondary schools, the California Museum of Science
and Industry, and scientific industry participants.
Table 1
LACTE Partner Campuses
Four-Year Institutions |
Two-Year Institutions |
California State University Los Angeles |
East Los Angeles College |
Loyola Marymount University |
Santa Monica Community College |
California State University Fullerton |
Fullerton Community College |
Occidental College |
Glendale Community College |
California State University Dominguez Hills
El Camino Community College |
Project Features:
Describes project goals
LACTE Objectives
LACTE's five-year program specifically intends to:
- Build collaborative relationships and develop
a network of students, faculty, and administrators;
- Increase the number of undergraduate students
in mathematics and the sciences, especially those
from under represented groups, who plan on teaching
as a career and support those students through their
academic programs;
- Refine the present course of study at each institution
to reflect the integration of mathematics, science
and technology in the pre-service content preparation
of undergraduate students;
- Provide faculty development opportunities that
result in improved classroom instruction and student
- Develop internships and other experiential activities
for students; and
- Disseminate program information to other undergraduate
institutions for replication.
Excerpt 2
Project Features:
Describes short and long-term project goals
An underlying principle of the CETP is that, "Teachers
teach as they were taught." Consequently, pre-service
training for Elementary Education Majors should model
teaching methods in Math and Science which represent
"best practices," determined by research,
and established as standards by NCTM and Project 2061.
If the Project is successful the evaluation should
produce the following results:
- Student participants should demonstrate more positive
attitudes toward mathematics and science than non-participants.
- Student participants should perform at higher
levels academically within areas and domains emphasized
by the Project's courses and programs.
- Upon completion of the CETP Program student teachers
should teach more effectively than non-participants.
Excerpt 3
Project Features:
Describes project implementation
The first workshop conducted in the summer of 1995
introduced participants to Modeling Instruction within
the context of Newtonian mechanics. The models of
Newtonian mechanics were laid out explicitly in the
curriculum materials developed by the project staff,
and distributed to all participants for use in the
workshop and in their own courses. No materials written
by the project staff were distributed in the second
workshop conducted in the summer of 1996. Instead,
participants engaged in reviewing third-party materials,
outside of mechanics, that are somewhat aligned with
the modeling philosophy. At each site, participants
were divided into groups, and, using those materials,
each group assumed the responsibility of developing
during the workshop basic models in one of the following
fields: electricity and magnetism, light and optics,
heat and thermodynamics with a unified approach to
energy. Each group then discussed the models they
developed with their peers and refined them subsequently.
Furthermore, developers of CASTLE, Physics InfoMall,
and Visual Mechanics visited each site and introduced
their projects to workshop participants.
Excerpt 4
In the spring of 1997, the O-TEC evaluation team
was formed to serve a formative role in the development
of the O-TEC initiatives. The team has operated with
the philosophy that, much like O-TEC itself, evaluation
is most effective as a collaborative effort. We believe
that we are not just observers but are active partners
in implementation of the O-TEC grant. With this perspective
in mind, in this section we review the goals of the
grant and discuss the initiatives that were designed
to meet those goals. We then discuss, in a general
sense, our approach to evaluation.
Project Features:
Describes project goals
The purpose of O-TEC is to recruit and prepare elementary
and secondary teachers to use hands-on, cooperative,
and inquiry-based instructional techniques for science
and math education. To this end, O-TEC has three primary
- To increase the effectiveness of efforts to recruit
people to the teaching profession.
- To restructure the undergraduate pre-service curriculum
in Oklahoma to emphasize hands-on and inquiry-based
methods for teaching science and mathematics.
- To enhance retention of new teachers by strengthening
their support systems during their initial years
in the classroom.
Project Features
O-TEC collaborators launched a series of initiatives
to meet these goals. These include:
- Reform of math and science teacher education curricula
in the state of Oklahoma, in order to emphasize
innovative teaching techniques, such as hands-on
learning, directed inquiry, cooperative groups,
and the integration of technology into the classroom.
- Development of summer academies in which pre-service
teachers, para-teachers, and in-service teachers
learn to teach using hands-on, inquiry-based methods
and then apply these techniques in actual course
delivery by teaching mini-courses to children from
local communities. These academies are expected
to encourage teachers to use state-of-the-art-teaching
methodologies and to increase participants' interest
in pursuing math and science education as a career.
- Programmatic efforts to facilitate collaboration
within and between higher education institutions
in Oklahoma. These efforts focus on encouraging
a diverse set of educational institutions to identify
common interests in higher education and where,
possible, to work together to improve teacher preparation
in Oklahoma.
Project Participants,
Audiences & Other Stakeholders
The sites varied on participant demographics and
number of participants. The breakdown of participants
by site is shown below:
Table 2.16
Participant Demographics by
Northeastern |
Southwestern |
Cameron |
Pawhuska |
High school |
7 |
20 |
0 |
12 |
17 |
College |
3 |
4 |
1 |
25 |
8 |
In-service |
7 |
5 |
20 |
6 |
6 |
Male |
9 |
4 |
6 |
9 |
8 |
Female |
8 |
25 |
15 |
35 |
23 |
Minority |
2 |
7 |
3 |
21 |
9 |
Caucasian |
15 |
22 |
18 |
22 |
22 |
Excerpt 5
Project Participants,
Audiences & Other Stakeholders:
Describes participating institutions and project leaders
Higher education institutions involved in this
grant include a number of University of Maryland
institutions. Public school districts involved
include Baltimore County and Prince George's County.
The project management team consists of <name
of person>, Project Director, Co-Principal
Directors <name of person>, <name of
person>, and <name of person>, and Executive
Director <name of person>. Various committees
working on the MCTP include the Content Teaching
Committee, the Pedagogical Committee, and the
Research Group. These committees are charged with
developing and researching new college-level content
and methods courses for recruited teacher candidates
who started in the program in the fall of 1994.
Excerpt 6
Project Features:
Describes project goals
LaCEPT's mission is "to promote systemic reform in
the teaching and learning of mathematics and science
as regards the preparation of teachers, grades K-12,
and to meet the needs of Louisiana for more and better-prepared
teachers." To achieve this mission LaCEPT's original
20 goals have been compressed into six, each having
different strategies and a flexible timeline. Some
goals have been eliminated (the statewide research
initiative) or de-emphasized in light of LaCEPT's
evolution from an experimental model to one of sustaining
- To reorder campus priorities and policies
- To establish partnerships between school, campus,
and community sectors
- To expand the boundaries of research and practice
- To maintain national standards for teacher performance
as students progress from pre-service, to certification,
to extended in-service
- To identify, define, and vigorously implement
successful models which reflect LaCEPT experiences
and evolving national standards
- To institutionalize curricular reforms that have
occurred on LaCEPT campuses, and eventually to disseminate
these to all campuses in the state.
Project Features:
Describes project goal revision based on the evaluation
LaCEPT has passed its midpoint and has been strengthened
by two major reviews during 1996; consequently many
of its original objectives have been expanded, modified,
or deleted. The defined objectives represent the coalescing
of insights from the Collaborative Agreement, the
original proposal, communications with NSF program
officers and SRI International personnel, reports
of the Visiting and CRP Evaluation Committees, and
discussions of the reorganized Steering Committee
and Task Forces. The activities noted herein represent
not only specific events funded through LaCEPT but
also the broader range of LaSIP and LaCEPT activities
that impact teacher preparation.
Excerpt 7
Project Features:
Describes project goal
The Oregon Collaborative for Excellence in the Preparation
of Teachers (OCEPT) was created to improve the math
and science preparation of future teachers in Oregon
and increase the state's teacher workforce diversity.
Project Context:
Relates project context to broader NSF objectives
While these goals are consistent with those of the
NSF CETP program in general, certain conditions in
Oregon's educational system require different strategies
for reaching these goals than is possible in many
other states. First, most teacher education programs
in Oregon are offered at the graduate level only.
Students preparing to teach generally receive their
bachelor's degree in another discipline (not education)
and then enter a graduate teacher licensure program,
often at another institution. Identifying students
as prospective teachers while they are still undergraduates
is problematic, particularly since they themselves
may not yet be considering teaching as a career. Advising
for these students at the undergraduate level is generally
inadequate. As a result of this disconnect between
liberal arts and education programs, many mathematics
and science faculty do not see themselves as teacher
Second, to compound this situation, student mobility
among institutions in Oregon is high. Students may
begin at a community college, where they take their
introductory math and science courses, before moving
on to a four-year college, or they may move back and
forth between two- and four-year schools or even be
enrolled simultaneously. Community college faculty,
while offering many excellent science and mathematics
courses that are highly appropriate for future teachers,
are even more disconnected from teacher education
programs than four-year college faculty.
Third, the organization that licenses teachers in
Oregon, the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission
(TSPC), does not require specific course work for
licensure, only passing scores on standardized tests.
It is up to teacher education programs whether to
require specific course work in mathematics and science,
and many do not, partly because of market pressures
to attract students who might be deterred from applying
if they lack the required math and science background.
Prospective elementary teachers, if they have taken
math or science, would have done so only as part of
their general education requirements, which vary greatly
from institution to institution and may not include
either math or science.
Fourth, while this may now be changing, there has
not been a shortage of teachers in recent years. According
to a TSPC report, in 1996 only half of newly licensed
elementary teachers were employed in Oregon public
elementary schools by September 30; between one-half
and two-thirds of newly licensed secondary teachers
in math and science had jobs in the fall. Where a
shortage does exist is in the diversity of the teacher
workforce; only 2-3% of teachers overall are from
minority groups, and even less in math and science.
This shortage is particularly evident in urban and
rural areas where minority populations are concentrated.
Finally, excellent programs to support students from
underrepresented groups interested in pursuing higher
education in general and science/mathematics in particular
exist at both the pre-college and college level, but
these programs often do not communicate with one another,
and many science/mathematics faculty do not know of
them or know how to connect their students with them.
Project Context:
Identifies influences of local context
In spite of these challenges, Oregon also enjoys
some real strengths which make this an ideal place
and time to achieve OCEPT's goals:
- Science and mathematics faculty at many institutions
have a strong history of educational reform, including
many federally- and privately-funded course and
curriculum development projects. Nationally-recognized
leaders in physics and biology reform are among
OCEPT's leaders, and a strong network of collaboration
among physics, biology, and mathematics faculty
is already in place. Faculty in other disciplines
also offer a wealth of knowledge and experience
about college teaching and learning. The community
colleges' personal, student-centered environment
and their faculties' focus on teaching excellence
provide particularly appropriate experiences for
future teachers.
- Systemic school reform is well under way in Oregon,
including a move towards standards-based instruction
using the Oregon Benchmarks, performance-based assessments
at 4th, 8th, and 12th grade levels, Certificates
of Mastery rather than traditional seat-time-based
diplomas, and a new portfolio-based system of college
admissions. Teachers at many pilot schools are receiving
extensive professional development to help them
learn to teach effectively in this environment,
and are thoroughly involved in planning as well
as implementing reforms. Initial statewide assessments
in mathematics have shown a real need for educational
improvement, and 1998's science assessment is likely
to be even more telling.
- New teacher licensure requirements have recently
been instituted by TSPC, requiring students to be
licensed in a combination of two grade levels: early
childhood-elementary (age 3-grade 5); elementary-middle
(grades K-8); and middle-secondary (grades 5-12).
As a result, teacher education programs are in the
midst of revising their programs, with particular
attention to the preparation of middle-level teachers.
- Oregon is enjoying strong economic growth, particularly
in high-tech industries, so that the argument for
a scientifically and mathematically skilled workforce
is particularly persuasive.
Describes project goals and achievement strategies
In this context of advantages and challenges, OCEPT
is employing four general strategies to achieve its
goals: the development of a statewide collaborative
network among mathematics, science, engineering, and
technology (SME&T) and education faculty in two- and
four-year, public and private colleges; the development
of courses, curricula, and programs which will strengthen
future teachers' preparation in mathematics and science;
opportunities for faculty professional development
and pedagogical learning; and programs to recruit,
retain, and support excellent students from their
undergraduate years to their first years of teaching,
particularly those from underrepresented groups.
Project Participants,
Audiences & Other Stakeholders:
Identifies participant sub-groups which design the
evaluation activities
At its February 1998 meeting, the Team began to organize
itself into several subgroups: students; Faculty Fellow
and Mentor Team development, and change in teaching
practice; collaborative development, including institutional
change; diversity The group will continue to meet
quarterly for half-days but will conduct more of its
work in subgroups both at these meetings and between
meetings. The subgroups may choose to recruit others
to work with their subgroups These subgroups will
also recommend to the Team how a particular evaluation
activity should be carried out and which special research
studies should receive priority for funding from grant
evaluation funds.
Excerpt 8
York Collaborative]
Project Features:
Describes project goal
Among others, the major goals of the New York Collaborative
for Excellence in Teacher Preparation (NYCETP) during
the first three years include: (1) fostering the development
of collaboration within and between the five campuses
of the City University of New York (CUNY) and New
York University (NYU) which are members of the NYCEPT;
(2) faculty development emphasizing curriculum and
teaching standards (i.e., NCTM & NCR Standards
documents); and (3) the design and development of
Describes evaluation activities related to project
Two evaluation practices have facilitated the attainment
of the first two goals, fostering collaboration between
faculty on different campuses and faculty development,
while stimulating the Collaborative's efforts to begin
accomplishing the third goal, development of curriculum.
Faculty were identified to write the case studies
and to be "case studied" with the goal of fostering
interactions between faculty teaching similar courses
at different institutions. In addition, the process
of reviewing a course in great depth or of being studied
by another faculty member was reported, in follow-up
interviews, as having helped the individual faculty
to focus on their own course revisions. This served
the goal of faculty development.
Excerpt 9
PALs Project, University of Iowa]
Project Features:
Describes project goals
The continued focus of the Science Pals project is
to facilitate the systemic reform of a local schools
science program through teacher enhancement. Specifically,
Science Pals attempts to enhance teachers':
- Understanding of the specific science concepts
and the important "big ideas" defined
as learning outcomes for each science unit undertaken.
- Awareness of "prior knowledge," "misconceptions,"
and/or "naïve understandings" that
learners bring to the classroom regarding science
- Use of strategies such as reading childrens
literature in the classroom and at home activities
with parents as a vehicle for students to talk about
and summarize their prior ideas about target science
- Ability to plan effective classroom instruction
"science as inquiry" activities
that emphasize the identification and discussion
of evidence which supports, doesnt support,
or rejects various student understandings in the
class, challenges the learners to critically evaluate
their understandings, and encourages students to
rethink them.
- Use of assessment alternatives to document changes
in their teachings and their students learning.
- Leadership skills as science education reformers
and advocates of science literacy.
Furthermore, the Science Pals project has increased
its emphasis and effort to address the dissemination
of ideas, products, and processes related to science
and the use of parents, activities, and literature.
The dissemination effort has progressively broadened
its focus from individual teachers to district-wide,
state-wide, and national perspectives.
Excerpt 10
George Washington University]
Project Features
Teaching Enhanced Applications for Middle School
Science Using Videodisc and Hypermedia Technologies
(TEAMSS), funded by the National Science Foundation,
was planned to identify outstanding middle school
classroom science teachers; establish linkages between
them, working scientists, science resource specialists,
and university professors; and support planned activities
over a year that can individually and collectively
foster professional growth, expand knowledge, skills,
and understandings, and encourage reflective practices
among science educators.
The TEAMSS project incorporates three major activity
components designed to take advantage of local and
regional resources: (a) a four-week intensive summer
workshop that involves technology training, lecture-demonstrations,
hands-on computer lab experiences, and team project
development; (b) a summer shadow-a-scientist program;
and (c) school year follow-up activities including
team meetings, teacher implementation of science lessons
and curriculum projects developed in the summer, teacher-planned
and developed inservice presentations to their home
schools, Saturday sessions, site visits by the principal
investigators, and individual participation in a regional
science education conference.
Describes project goals
TEAMSS Objectives
Throughout all the program activities, five objectives
are interwoven:
- Build teachers technology skills;
- Enhance content knowledge in life sciences, in
the pedagogy of cooperative learning, and in the
middle school concept;
- Increase awareness of science, education, and
technology resources;
- Promote the integration of new skills and content;
- Increase and strengthen professional relationships
of education colleagues and scientists.
Excerpt 11
Science Workshop, City College of New York]
Project Participants,
Audiences & Other Stakeholders
The project has developed over a three year period
during which 74 teachers from 20 schools in the South
Bronx and Harlem have participated. The schools are
located in poor and working class neighborhoods. The
teachers entered the project in three phases. In the
first year 25 teachers entered, in the second 26 teachers,
and in the final phase 23 teachers came into the project.
The participants of the project comprise a group which
is 5% male and 95% female. Twenty-one percent are
white and are from different ethnic backgrounds. Forty-one
percent are black. Of this 41%, 36% are African American,,
4% West-Indian and 1% Ethiopian. Thirty-seven percent
are Hispanic and are also of varied backgrounds, primarily
Puerto-Rican and Dominican.
Project Features
Participants were involved in the following core
- Participation in hands-on workshops at City College
- Carrying out science projects in the classrooms
using an inquiry approach
- Keeping journals of classroom activities
- Visits to field sites
Participants attended weekly seminars at City College
that were structured on a constructivist/inquiry approach
to education. They worked on projects in groups and
then would have discussions/conferences towards the
end of the classes. Participants would then develop
science projects for their classrooms based on the
knowledge they had acquired from these classes. The
participants were required to keep science journals
in which they recorded their activities. The documentation
of the workshops and the classroom activities lead
to the creation of a newsletter entitled "City
Science News" and the Curriculum guides. In an
effort aimed at encouraging participants to make use
of resources that are readily available to them, participants
were taken to city parks and local museums. In so
doing participants learned ways that could make maximum
use of these resources.
Excerpt 12
Project Features:
Describes project goals
The projects goals are to develop, implement,
and evaluate a model for providing needed teacher
enhancement activities to schools having maintained
exemplary science programs over an extended period
of time. The project objectives are to:
- Identify indicators that measure the overall health
and extent of institutionalization of exemplary
science programs and apply the identified indicators
to a study of the exemplar Frederick County SCIS
- Develop and implement needed teacher enhancement
activities within the Frederick County Public Schools
based upon findings from the study; and
- Use the indicators on a continuing basis to evaluate
the impact of these enhancement activities and to
allow the school system to continuously monitor
its future teacher enhancement needs.
Excerpt 13
Project Features:
Describes project goals
Program A focuses on developing school grounds across
the state for teaching experiential science and other
subjects. Program A is designed to help schools enhance
their grounds as learning environments and as wildlife
habitats and to empower teachers to give their students
creative learning experiences by incorporating the
outdoors into their curriculum. The projects
primary goals are to:
- increase the use of the environment in the teaching
of all subjects;
- positively impact attitudes of teachers and students
toward living things;
- develop site-based leadership;
- enhance the value of school grounds as a learning
resource through native plantings and the creation
of wildlife habitats.
Project Features
Program A is a two-year teacher enhancement program,
with the bulk of its in-service education for a participating
school occurring during the programs first year.
In that first year, each school receives an intensive
series of eight on-site professional development sessions.
These workshops are spread throughout the academic
year with participating schools choosing whether sessions
occur on teacher workdays or in the afternoons following
school. The topics for the eight sessions are as follows:
- The Initial Site Visit
- Using the School Grounds as a Learning Environment
- Attracting Butterflies and Hummingbirds
- Attracting Birds to Your School Grounds
- Bringing the Outdoors Indoors
- Creating Wetlands on Your School Grounds
- State Native Wildflowers
- Creating Site Specific Activities
In the summer following the programs first
year, a representative from each of the participating
schools, usually the lead teacher, attends a week-long
summer field institute. The institute is designed
to provide: additional content information and hands-on
experiences; opportunities to share ideas and experiences
with teachers from across the State; and leadership
training for the lead teachers to assist them as they
work to continue the program within their own schools.
During the programs second year, all participants
are to receive a minimum of 6 additional hours of
inservice education. This follow-up professional development
includes a required 3-hour session, conducted by a
Museum staff member, and another in-service opportunity
of at least 3 hours, which is chosen by the school
staff from a variety of offerings.
Project Participants,
Audiences & Other Stakeholders:
Identifies participating schools and school contextual
Description of Schools
A total of 24 schools was selected to participate
in each year of the projects funding period.
Schools interested in participating were asked to
submit an application to the Museum; they were selected
for inclusion in the project on several criteria,
including evidence of: commitment of their leadership
team and experiential science program, or an established
science lab program. To maximize the regional impact
of the program 16 of the 24 schools selected each
year were to be located in the eastern portion of
the State. During the 1996-97 school year, 23 schools
completed the training. Geographically schools were
located throughout the state, with the majority being
concentrated from the piedmont to the coast.
Project Participants,
Audiences & Other Stakeholders
Project Features:
Describes participant demographics
Description of Participants
Table 1: Demographic Data for Program
Percent of Respondents |
Demographic Category |
Cohort 1
Cohort 2
Asian or Pacific Islander
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Black (not of Hispanic Origin)
White (not of Hispanic Origin)
Highest Education Level
Some College
Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree
Position at Participating School
Teacher Assistant
Principal or Asst. Principal
Media Coordinator
Total Years of Teaching Experience
0-5 years
6-10 years
11-20 years
21+ years
Project Participants,
Audiences & Other Stakeholders
Project Context:
Describes teaching assignments of participants
In addition to basic demographic information, the Pre-Workshop
Questionnaire asked participants about their own teaching
situations, in terms of grade levels taught, number of science
lessons taught each week and the length of a typical science
lesson. Participants responses to these questions
are found in Table 2. For both Cohorts, the typical participant
teaches in grades K-5, in a self-contained setting, where
there are 3-5 science lessons per week.
Table 2: Teaching Situations for Program
Percent of Respondents |
Teaching Category |
Cohort 1
Cohort 2
Grade Level(s) Taught or Worked With**
Teach in a Self-contained Classroom |
71 |
63 |
Number of Science Lessons/Week:
Length of a Typical Science Lesson
**Percentages will add to more than 100 since some
participants taught at more than one grade level
Excerpt 14
[Educational Cooperative Service Unit, MN]
Describes project goals
- To show teachers how computational science can
greatly enhance the teaching of mathematics and
science in the high school classroom.
- To develop a cadre of teachers who know what computational
science is, understand its relevance in the contemporary
work place, and can use some of the computational
science techniques in their classrooms to teach
existing curriculum.
- To develop a cadre of lead teachers, in which
women and minorities are well-represented, who will
assume leadership roles with their peers on computational
science topics and techniques.
- To develop a collection of discipline-based teaching
activities which can be used by other
- To include presentations in the workshop on strategies
for making activities attractive to female and minority
students, and to be sure all presenters are aware
of this aspect of workshop emphasis.
- To establish a network of lead teachers who use
Internet to enrich their various mathematics and
science teaching activities and to communicate with
each other.
Excerpt 15
[Rocky Mountain Teacher Education Collaborative]
Describes cross-institutional project leadership
structure; Describes project goals
The Rocky Mountain Teacher Education Collaborative
(RMTEC), sponsored by a grant from the National
Science Foundation, represents the collaborative efforts
of faculty and staff of three state institutions of
higher education and several community colleges and
local school districts. The three primary institutions,
Colorado State University, Metropolitan State College
of Denver, and the University of Northern Colorado,
have each established committees (called teams) composed
of individuals from all entities involved, which serve
under the direction of the principal investigators
on each campus respectively. Each team works individually,
as part of a cluster of teams from its parent institution,
and collaborative-wide to meet the goals of RMTEC.
These goals are to develop collaboration between
primary institutions, community colleges and local
school districts; to reform the ways in which mathematics
and science pre-service teachers are prepared for
careers in teaching with emphasis upon restructuring,
reforming and/or developing innovative curricula and
instructional methods for teaching education, mathematics
and science; and to recruit and retain women and ethnic
minorities in teaching careers in the fields of mathematics
and science. Reform efforts are directed toward
student-centered, experiential, inquiry-based curricula
and instruction, developed with sensitivity to the
educational needs of women and students of color.
Excerpt 16
[Anonymous 4]
Project Participants,
Audiences & Other Stakeholders
Describes participant selection
The project was designed for reasonably well-prepared
teachers. The program was announced in Newsletter
A which is mailed to math and science teachers statewide
and in Newsletter B. Criteria for participant selection
- a minimum of 18 units of biological
- a G.P.A of 3.0 in biology courses.
- evidence that they use or want to use more hands-on
lab activities.
- Evidence that they implement new materials and
methods in their teaching.
- Evidence of sharing materials and information
with other teachers.
- indications of leadership qualities.
The members of the selection committee were:
Dr. A, Molecular and Cellular Biology
Dr. B, Teaching and Teacher Education
Dr. C, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Dr. D, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Dr. E, Wildlife and Fisheries
Dr. F, Biochemistry (committee head)
Ms. G, Unified School District
Dr. H, Biochemistry
Describes participant characteristics
Participant Information
The following two tables provide a summary of information
on program participants and their schools. Additional
participant information is provided in Appendix
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
Total Number of Participants |
22 |
35 |
36 |
41 |
38 |
Females |
15 |
21 |
20 |
23 |
25 |
Males |
7 |
14 |
16 |
18 |
13 |
White |
21 |
33 |
33 |
36 |
34 |
Native American |
1 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
2 |
Black |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
Hispanic |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
Middle School Teachers |
8 |
12 |
9 |
12 |
10 |
High School Teachers |
14 |
23 |
23 |
27 |
26 |
Other* |
0 |
0 |
4 |
2 |
2 |
Degree-Seeking |
14 |
19 |
22 |
33 |
33 |
Nondegree-Seeking |
8 |
8 |
14 |
8 |
5 |
Graduates (master's degree) |
~ |
~ |
1 |
4 |
3 |
Median Years Teaching Experience |
6 |
7 |
7 |
7 |
6 |
Range Years Teaching Experience |
1-24 yrs |
1-28 yrs |
1-22 yrs |
1-22 yrs |
1-22 yrs |
*Community College instructors and teachers not
currently employed (did not receive
Describes characteristics of participating
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
Total Number of Schools |
15 |
20 |
24 |
32 |
29 |
> 30% Minority Enrollment |
14 |
20 |
19 |
24 |
14 |
Area A Schools |
13 |
14 |
13 |
17 |
16 |
Area B Schools |
0 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
Rural Area Schools |
2 |
3 |
7 |
11 |
7 |
Out-of-State Schools |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Public Schools |
13 |
18 |
22 |
29 |
26 |
Private Schools |
2 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
Number of School Districts |
5 |
9 |
13 |
17 |
16 |
Schools with > 1 participant |
5 |
5 |
3 |
5 |
4 |
Excerpt 17
[The Nebraska Economics Fellows Institute]
Project Participants,
Audiences & Other Stakeholders
Describes attrition
Although 35 teachers were initially chosen to participate
in the program, only 32 completed the three-year program.
Two teachers dropped out the first year because they
lacked the time to complete the three years of coursework.
A third teacher left the Institute in the second year
because of health reasons. This attrition was not
unusual and relatively low (8.6%) for a demanding
three-year program. As will be noted in the next section,
the general satisfaction of the participants with
the program probably kept the attrition rate
Describes participant characteristics
This evaluation is based on data collected from the
32 teachers who completed the program. Table 1.2 presents
the characteristics of the 32 teachers.
Table 1.2: Nebraska Fellows
Personal Characteristics
Mean: |
39.72 (s.d. 7.26) |
Range: |
26 to 54 |
Educational Characteristics
Bachelor's degree only: |
22 |
Master's degree: |
9 |
Year of Degree
Before 1983: |
13 |
After 1983: |
19 |
Area of Study
Business Education: |
8 |
Business: |
2 |
Social Studies/Social Science: |
18 |
Other: |
3 |
Credit Hours of Economics
Teaching Characteristics
Primary Teaching Assignment1
Economics: |
8 |
History: |
10 |
Social Studies/Social Science: |
8 |
Law/Government |
6 |
Business: |
9 |
Other: |
4 |
Grade Level(s) Taught2
4 |
9 |
13 |
17 |
23 |
22 |
Years of Teaching
Mean: |
11.81 (s.d. 7.68) |
Range: |
2 to 31 |
Size of Community where
< 150,000: |
23 |
> 150,000: |
9 |
1Numbers sum
to more than 32 because many teachers have
multiple teaching assignments.
2Numbers sum to
more than 32 because most teachers teach across
several grades.