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Teacher/Faculty Surveys

Instrument 3: NSF Evaluation Questionnaire

Project: Collaboratives for a New Model for K-12 Teacher Preparation
Temple University/Community College of Philadelphia

Funding Source: NSF: Collaboratives for Excellence in Teacher Preparation (DUE)

Purpose: To gather reactions from faculty on the first year of implementation

Administered To: CETP faculty

Topics Covered:

  • Attitudes & Beliefs (Teacher/Faculty): collaboration, project impact, project implementation, project involvement
  • Course Evaluation: collaboration, effectiveness, follow-up, incentives, leadership, opportunity to learn
  • Impact on Outcomes: instructional practices, minority appeal, professional involvement, project success, teacher attitudes, teacher understanding
  • Impact Variables: collaboration
  • Implementation Characteristics: adherence to objectives
  • Lesson/Curriculum Plan: evaluation
  • Limitations & Barriers: collaboration, participation
  • Plans & Expectations (Teacher/Faculty): continued collaboration, reform practice
  • Project Development/Continuation: integration, participation
  • Self-Assessment (Teacher/Faculty): application of instructional methods, confidence
  • Background Characteristics & Activities (Teacher/Faculty): current practice, experience, project involvement

Format/Length: Three major sections: Impact of project; Implementation of project; NSF retreat. Section One has 10 closed-ended questions using a five-point scale ("strongly agree" to "strongly disagree") and space for teacher comments. Section Two has eight closed-ended questions with a similar scale, and six open-ended questions. Section Three has seven closed-ended questions with a five-point scale ("extremely valuable" to "of no value").

NSF Evaluation Questionnaire (First Year Summary)

Please indicate your agreement/disagreement with the statements below using the following scale:

5 = Strongly agree
4 = Somewhat agree
3 = Neither agree or disagree
2 = Somewhat disagree
1 = Strongly disagree
0 = Doesn't apply

As relates to various aspects of the CETP,

1. The course/program version on which I am working and its timetable for implementation is on schedule.


2. There has been adequate collaboration between CCP, Temple, the School District, and USI.


3. The Advisory Council meetings have been helpful in furthering the goals of the CETP.


4. The project leadership has provided adequate direction and support.


5. A model for evaluating the changes brought about by the course and program revisions on which I am working has been developed.


6. Methods for communicating the progress of the projects are sufficient (e.g., meetings, newsletters, seminars, etc.).


7. In general, my attitude is positive toward the course/program revisions on which I am working.


8. In general, my attitude is positive toward the overall CETP project.



  1. What project-related activities have worked well?


  3. What project-related activities have not worked well?


  5. What barriers do you see to your colleague's participation in the project? How can we overcome them?


  7. What barriers do you see to collaboration across departments and across institutions? How can we overcome them?


  9. As a result of the CETP, what has changed in your ways of operating (e.g., teaching styles, increased collaboration, etc.)?


  11. What suggestions for other faculty incentives might be more effective? Are the current rewards sufficient and effective?

What subject do you teach? ___Math ___Science ___Other________ ___None
What CETP course number do you teach? ___Math ___Science ___Other________ ___None
For how many years have you taught? _______
In which institution do you teach/work? __CCP __TempleU. __School District __Other
Did you attend the Sugarloaf Conference on April 29, 1995? ___Yes ___No

Please indicate your agreement/disagreement with the statements below using the following scale:
5 = Strongly agree
4 = Somewhat agree
3 = Neither agree or disagree
2 = Somewhat disagree
1 = Strongly disagree
0 = Doesn't apply

As a result of my participation in the CETP,

1. I have a greater sense of confidence in taking risks to change the content and the methods of teaching math /science.


2. I am willing to share my new understanding with my colleagues.


3. I will examine and revise my classroom management practices so as to be able to handle an inquiry-based, approach to student learning.


4. I have developed a new viewpoint (vision) for math and science content and instruction for myself and my school or college.


5. I have been provided with intellectual and emotional support for improved math and science educational practices.


6. There will be an ongoing collaboration between Temple, CCP, the School District, and the Urban Systemic Initiative (USO in the mathematics and science disciplines.


7. I have a stronger sense of connection with other math and science teachers.


8. I believe that the Collaborative will be effective in revising math and science courses to reflect closely the pedagogies and content that students will need as teachers.


9. I believe that the Collaborative has been effective in helping to start a community of scholars dedicated to consistent implementation of recommendations for change in the way math and science are taught


10. I believe that the Collaborative will bring about change that will encourage more women and minorities to enter mathematics and science teaching.



Please comment below on any of the above statements.