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Teacher/Faculty Surveys

Instrument 2: LACTE Faculty Survey

Project: Los Angeles Collaborative for Teacher Excellence (LACTE)
California State University, Dominquez Hills

Funding Source: NSF: Collaboratives for Excellence in Teacher Preparation (DUE)

Purpose: To collect background data from participating faculty and their assessment of program implementation and training activities

Administered To: Participating faculty

Topics Covered:

  • Course Evaluation: effectiveness, endorsement, exemplary areas, expectations, satisfaction
  • Implementation Activities: curriculum/materials use
  • Implementation Characteristics: administrative support, awareness, recruitment
  • Self-Assessment (Teacher/Faculty): implementation activities
  • Background Characteristics & Activities (Teacher/Faculty): current practice, experience, expertise, professional designation, professional goals, prior practice, project involvement, purpose for participation
  • Demographics (Teacher/Faculty): age, ethnicity

Format/Length: 24 questions, 9 closed- and 6 open-ended, plus 9 demographic questions


The following questionnaire is intended to gather general information from you as part of the overall longitudinal evaluation of LACTE. Please complete the following survey; to protect your anonymity, please do not write your name anywhere on this sheet. Thank you for your participation in this survey.

How long have you been involved in LACTE?

_ months

How many years have you been teaching at the college level?

_ years

Do you teach at a four-year institution or a two-year institution?

O four-year college/university
O two-year college

In what department do you teach?

__________________________ Department

What is your rank:

O Lecturer/lnstructor
O Associate Professor
O Assistant Professor
O Full Professor

Are you tenured? O Yes O No

If no, are you tenure track? O Yes O No

Why did you initially become involved in LACTE? (i.e.: to improve teaching technique, to make classes more interesting to students, to boost class enrollment, etc.)

Prior to your involvement with LACTE, did you employ cooperative learning/hands-on science in the classroom?

O never
O rarely
O sometimes
O often

Would you recommend participating in LACTE to science/math colleagues?

O Yes O No

Why or why not?

Evaluation and Training Institute Page 2

How effective do you think LACTE has been on your campus in the last year in the following categories:

establishing a campus presence?
O not at all effective
O somewhat effective
O effective
O very effective

recruiting students?
O not at all effective
O somewhat effective
O effective
O very effective

recruiting faculty?
O not at all effective
O somewhat effective
O effective
O very effective

enlisting administrative support?
O not at all effective
O somewhat effective
O effective
O very effective

changing existing curricula?
O not at all effective
O somewhat effective
O effective
O very effective

How likely are you to use the techniques and information that you have acquired during this workshop in your classroom in the future?
O not at all likely
O somewhat likely
O likely
O very likely

What did you like best about the workshop/retreat?

The least?

What did you hope to learn/gain from this retreat/workshop?

How well did the workshop meet your expectations?

O did not meet expectations at all
O somewhat met expectations
O met expectations
O exceeded expectations

What is your age?
O under 35
0 35-45
0 45-55
0 over 55

LACTE Year One Evaluation

Evaluation and Training Institute Page 3

What is your ethnicity?

O African-American
O Filipino
O Pacific Islander
O Native American
O White
O Asian
O Hispanic
O other

Please use the remaining space to offer any comments about LACTE and/or the retreat.