Teacher/Faculty Content Assessments
Instrument 1: Standards For Teacher Competence
in Educational Assessment of Students Questionnaire
Project: Enhancing the Teacher's Role in Assessment
(Project EXTRA)
University of Missouri, Kansas City
Funding Source: NSF: Teacher Enhancement (ESIE)
Purpose: This instrument measures each
teacher's knowledge base in assessing students. It was administered
before and after the academic year institute.
Administered To: 40
grade 7 through 12
mathematics teachers from 6 ethnically diverse school districts.
These teachers were participating in a 3-year professional
development program to increase their assessment knowledge
and skills and integrate these practices into their
Topics Covered:
- Content Specific Assessment: assessment
Format/Length: 35 closed-ended multiple-choice
items that each have four options
Please read each item carefully and mark the response you
think is the best one. If you think you know which is best,
even if you are not positive, mark that response.
Standard 1: Choosing assessment methods.
- In choosing the best assessment method for measuring student
achievement, the most important consideration is that the
method be:
- easy to score.
- easy to prepare.
- an accurate reflection of instructional objectives.
- acceptable to the school administration.
- When scores from many standardized tests are said to be
relatively free from measurement error (are reliable), what
does it mean?
- Student scores on standardized tests can be used for
virtually any purpose.
- If a student retook the same test, he or she would
get a similar score on each retake.
- Standardized test scores are more valid measures than
teacher judgments.
- Scores reflect accurately the content of instruction
in classes where the test is administered.
- Mrs. Bruce wished to assess her students' understanding
of the method of problem solving she had been teaching.
Which assessment strategy below would be most valid.?
- Select a textbook that has a "teacher's guide" with
a test developed by the authors.
- Develop an assessment consistent with an outline of
what she has actually taught in class.
- Select a standardized test that provides a score on
problem solving skills.
- Select an instrument that measures students' attitudes
about problem solving strategies.
- What is the most effective use a teacher can make of an
assessment strategy that requires students to show their
work, e.g., the way they arrived at a solution to a problem
or the logic used to arrive at a conclusion?
- Assigning grades for a unit of instruction on problem
- Providing instructional feedback to individual students.
- Motivating students to attempt innovative ways to
solve problems.
- None of the above.
- Ms. Green, the principal, was evaluating the teaching
performance of Mr. Wajesa, the fourth grade teacher. Ms.
Green wanted to learn if the students were being encouraged
to use higher order thinking skills in the class. What documentation
would be the most valid to help Ms. Green to make this decision?
- Mr. Wajesa's lesson plans.
- The statement curriculum guides for fourth grade.
- Copies of Mr. Wajesa's unit tests or assessment strategies
used to assign grades.
- Worksheets completed by Mr. Wajesa's students, but
not used for grading.
Standard 2: Developing assessment methods.
- A teacher wants to document the validity of the scores
from a classroom assessment strategy she plans to use for
assigning grades on a class unit. What kind of information
would provide the best evidence of this purpose?
- Have other teachers judge whether the assessment strategy
covers what was taught.
- Match an outline of the instructional content to the
content of the strategy.
- Let students in the class indicate if they thought
the assessment was valid.
- Ask parents if the assessment reflects important learning
- How can Mrs. Lockwood increase the reliability of her
multiple choice end-of-unit examination in physical science?
- Use a blueprint to develop the test questions.
- Add more items like those already in the test.
- Change the test format to true-false questions.
- Add an essay component.
- Ms. Guardia wants to assess her students' skill in organizing
ideas rather than just repeating facts. Which words should
she use in formulating essay exercises to achieve this goal?
- compare, contrast, criticize
- identify, specify, list
- order, match, select
- define, recall, restate
- Mr. Woodruff wanted his students to appreciate the literary
work of Edgar Allen Poe. Which of his test items shown will
best measure his instructional goal?
- "Spoke the raven, nevermore" comes from which of Poe's
- True or false: POE was an orphan and never knew his
biological parents.
- Edgar Allen POE wrote:
- Novels
- Short stories
- Poems
- All of the above
- Describe briefly Poe's contribution to American literature.
- Several students in Ms. Atwell's class got low scores
on her end-of-unit test in doing multi-step story problems
in mathematics. She wanted to know which students were having
similar problems so she could group them for instruction.
Which assessment strategy would be best for her to use for
grouping students?
- Use the test provided in the "teacher's guide."
- Have the students take a test that has separate items
for each step of the process.
- Look at the student's records and standardized test
scores to see which topics the students had not performed
well on previously.
- Give students story problems to complete and have
them show their work.
Standard 3: Administering, scoring and interpreting
assessment results.
- Many teachers score classroom tests using a 100-point
percent correct scale. In general, a student's core of 90
on such a scale would mean the student:
- answer 90% of the items on this test correctly.
- knows 90% of the instructional content of the unit
covered by this test.
- scored higher than 90% of all the students who took
the test.
- Scored 90% higher than the average student in class.
- Students in Mr. Jakman's science class are required to
develop a model of the solar system for their end-of-unit
grade. Which scoring procedure below is most reasonable
for assessing these student projects?
- When the models are turned in, Mr. Jakman identifies
the most attractive models and gives them the highest
grades, the next most attractive get a low grade and
- Other teachers in the building are asked to rate each
project on a 5 point scale based on their quality.
- Before the projects are turned in, Mr. Jakman constructs
a scoring key based on the critical features of the
projects as identified by the highest performing students
in the class.
- Before the projects are turned in, Mr. Jakman prepares
a model or blueprint of the critical features of the
product and assigns scoring weights to these features.
The models with the highest scores receive the highest
- At the close of the first month of school, Mrs. Friend
gives her fifth grade students a test she developed in social
studies. Her test is modeled after a standardized social
studies test. It presents passages and then asks questions
related to comprehension and problem definition. When the
test was scored, she noticed that two of her students who
had been performing well in their class assignments scored
a lot lower than the other students. What additional information
would be most helpful in interpreting the results of this
- The gender of the students.
- The age of the students.
- Reliability data for the standardized social studies
test she used as the model.
- Reading comprehension scores for the students.
- Frank, a beginning fifth grader, received a G.E. (Grade
Equivalent Score) of 8.0 on the Reading Comprehension subtest
of a standardized test. This score should be interpreted
to mean that Frank:
- can read and understand material at the 8th grade
reading level.
- Scored as well as a typical beginning 8th grader scored
on this test.
- is performing in Reading Comprehension at the 8th
grade level.
- will probably reach maximum performance in Reading
Comprehension at the beginning of the 8th grade.
- When the directions indicate each section of a standardized
test is timed separately, which of the following is acceptable
test-taking behavior?
- John finishes the vocabulary section early; he then
rechecks many of his answers in that section.
- Mary finishes the vocabulary section early; she checks
her answers on the previous test section.
- Jane finished the vocabulary section early; she looks
ahead at the next test section but does not mark her
answer sheet for any of those items.
- Bob did not finish the vocabulary section; he continues
to work on that section when the testing time is up.
Standard 4: Using assessment results for decision
- Ms. Camp is starting a new semester with a factoring unit
in her Algebra 1 class. Before beginning the unit, she gives
her students a test on the commutative, associative, and
distributive properties of addition and multiplication.
Which of the following is the most likely reason she gives
this test to her students?
- The principal needs to report the results of this
assessment to the state testing director.
- Ms. Camp wants to check for prerequisite knowledge
in her students before she begins the unit on factoring.
- Ms. Camp wants to give the students practice in taking
tests early in the semester.
- Ms. Camp wants to measure growth in student achievement
of these concepts, and scores on this test will serve
as the students' knowledge baseline.
- To evaluate the effectiveness of the mathematics program
for her gifted first graders, Ms. Allen gave them a standardized
mathematics test normed on third graders. To decide how
well her students performed, Ms. Allen compared her students'
scores to those of the third-grade norm group. Why is this
an incorrect application of standardized test norms?
- The norms are not reliable for first graders.
- The norms are not valid for first graders.
- Third grade mathematics items are too difficult for
first graders.
- The time limits are too short for first graders.
- For planning classroom instruction, which of these types
of data have the most potential to be helpful?
norm-reference information: describes each student's
performance relative to a norm group (e.g., percentile
ranks, stanines)
criterion-referenced information; describes each
student's performance in terms of status on specific learning
outcomes (e.g., number of items correctly related to a
specific objective)
- Norm-referenced information.
- Criterion-referenced information.
- Both types of information are equally useful in helping
to plan for instruction.
- Neither, test information is not useful in helping
to plan instruction.
- Student's scores on standardized tests are sometimes inconsistent
with their performances on classroom assessments, e.g.,
teachers tests or other in-class activities. Which of the
following is NOT a reasonable explanation for such discrepancies?
- Some students freeze up on standardized tests, but
they do fine on classroom assessments.
- Multiple choice tests measure only recall of information,
while classroom assessments can measure more complex
- Students often take standardized tests less seriously
than they take classroom assessments.
- Standardized tests may have less curriculum validity
than classroom assessments.
- Elementary school teachers in the Baker School system
collectively designed and developed a new curriculum in
Reading, Mathematics, and Science that is based on locally
developed objectives and objectives in state curriculum
guides. The new curricula were not matched directly to the
content of the fourth grade standardized test. The newspaper
reports the fourth grade students in Baker Public Schools
are among the lowest scoring in the State Assessment Program
when compared with students in other school districts. Which
of the following may invalidate the comparison between
Baker Public Schools and other schools in the state?
- The curriculum objectives in Baker Public Schools
may differ in scope and sequence from those in the standardized
- Other school systems did not design their curriculum
to be consistent with the state assessment test.
- Instruction in Baker schools may be poor.
- Other school systems have a different promotion policy
than Baker.
Standard 5: Using assessment in grading.
- Of the following, which choice typically provides the
most reliable student-performance information a teacher
might consider when assigning a unit grade?
- Scores from a teacher-made test containing two or
three essay questions related directly to instructional
- Scores from a teacher-made 20 item multiple-choice
test design to measure the specific instructional objectives.
- Oral responses to questions asked in class of each
student over the cruse of the unit.
- Daily grades designed to indicate the quality of in-class
participation during regular instruction.
- A teacher gave three tests during a grading period and
she wants to weigh them all equally when assigning grades.
Which of the following should be closest to equal on all
three tests for them to have equal weight?
- Number of items.
- Number of students taking each test.
- Average scores.
- Variation (range) of scores.
- When a parent asks a teacher to explain the basis for
his or her child's grade, the teacher should:
- explain that the grades are assigned fairly, based
on the student's performance and other related factors.
- ask the parents what they think should be the basis
for the child's grade.
- explain exactly how the grade was determined and show
the parent samples of the student's work.
- indicate that the grading scale is imposed by the
school board and the teacher have no control over grades.
- Which of the following is the least sound grading
- Mr. Jones requires students to turn in homework; however,
he only grades the odd numbered items.
- Mrs. Brown uses weekly quizzes and three major examinations
to assign final grades in her class.
- Ms. Smith permits students to redo their assignments
several times if they need more opportunities to meet
her standards for grades.
- Miss Engle deducts 5 points from a student's test
grade for disruptive behavior.
- During the most recent grading period Ms. Johnson graded
no homework and gave only one end-of-unit test. Grades were
assigned only on the basis of the test. Which of the following
is the major criticism of how she assigned the grades?
- The grades probably reflect a bias against minority
students that exists in most tests.
- Decisions like grade assignment should be based on
more than one piece of information.
- The test was too narrow in curriculum focus.
- There is no significant criticism of this method providing
the test covered the unit's content.
Standard 6: Communicating assessment results.
- In a routine conference with Mary's parents, Mrs. Estes
observed that Mary's scores on the state assessment program's
quantitative reasoning tests indicate Mary is performing
better in mathematics concepts than in mathematics computation.
This probably means that:
- Mary's score on the computation test was below average.
- Mary is an excellent student in mathematics concepts.
- The percentile bands for the mathematics concepts
and computation tests do not overlap.
- The mathematics concepts test is a more valid measure
of Mary's quantitative reasoning ability.
- Many states are revising their school accountability programs
to help explain differences in test scores across school
systems. Which of the following is NOT something
that needs to be considered in such a program?
- The number of students in each school system.
- The average socio-economic status of the school system.
- The race/ethnic distribution of students in each school
- The drop-out rate in each school system.
- The following standardized test data are reported for
Subject |
Stanine Score |
Vocabulary |
7 |
Mathematics Computation |
7 |
Social Studies |
7 |
Which of the following is a valid interpretation of
this score report?
- John answered correctly the same number of items on
each of the three tests.
- John's test scores are equivalent to a typical seventh
grader's test performance.
- John had the same percentile rank on the three tests.
- John scored above average on each of the three tests.
- Mr. Klein bases his students' grades mostly on graded
homework and tests. Mr. Kaplan bases his students' grades
mostly on his observation of the students during class.
A major difference in these two assessment strategies for
assigning grades can best be summarized as a difference
- formal and informal assessment.
- performance and applied assessment.
- customized and tailored assessment.
- formative and summative assessment.
- John scored at the 60th percentile on a mathematics concepts
test and scored at the 57th percentile on a test of reading
comprehension. If the percentile bands for each test are
five percentile ranks wide, what should John's teacher do
in light of these test results?
- Ignore the difference.
- Provide John with individual help in reading.
- Motivate John to read more extensively outside of
- Provide enrichment experiences for John in mathematics,
his better performance area.
Standard 7: Recognizing unethical practices.
- In some states testing companies are required to release
items from prior versions of a test to anyone who requests
them. Such requirements are known as:
- open-testing mandates
- gag rules.
- freedom-of-information acts.
- truth-in-testing laws.
- Mrs. Brown wants to let her students know how they did
on their test as quickly as possible. She tells her students
that their scored tests will be on a chair outside of her
room immediately after school. The students may come by
and pick out their graded test from among the other tests
for their class. What is wrong with Mrs. Brown's action?
- The students can see the other students' graded tests,
making it violation of the students' right to privacy.
- The students have to wait until after school, so the
action is unfair to students who have to leave immediately
after school.
- Mrs. Brown will have to rush to get the tests graded
by the end of the school day, hence, the action prevents
her from using the test to identify students who need
special help.
- The students who were absent will have an unfair advantage,
because her action allows the possibility for these
students to cheat.
- A state uses its statewide testing program as a basis
for distributing resources to school systems. To establish
an equitable distribution plan, the criterion set by the
State Board of Education provides additional resources to
every school system with student achievement test scores
above the state average. Which cliché best describes
the likely outcome of this regulation?
- Every cloud has its silver lining.
- Into each life some rain must fall.
- The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
- A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
- In a school where teacher evaluations are based in part
on their students' scores on a standardized test, several
teachers noted that one of their students did not reach
some vocabulary items on a standardized test. Which teacher's
actions is considered ethical?
- Mr. Jackson darkened circles on the answer sheet at
random. He assumed Fred, who was not a good student,
would just guess at the answers, so this would be a
fair way to obtain Fred's score on the test.
- Mr. Hoover filled in the answer sheet the way he though
Joan, who was not feeling well, would have answered
based on Joan's typical in-class performance.
- Mr. Stover turned in the answer sheet as it was, even
though he thought George, an average student, might
have gotten a higher score had he finished the test.
- Mr. Lund read each question and darkened in the bubbles
on the answer sheet that represented what he believed
Felicia, a slightly below average student, would select
as the correct answers.
- Mrs. Overton was concerned that her students would not
do well on the State Assessment Program to be administered
in the Spring. She got a copy of the standardized test form
that was going to be used. She did each of the following
activities to help increase scores. Which activity was unethical?
- Instructed students in strategies on taking multiple
choice tests, including how to use answer sheets.
- Gave students the items from an alternate form of
the test.
- Planned instruction to focus on the concepts covered
in the test.
- None of these actions are unethical.
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