Student Attitude Surveys
Instrument 1: MASTEP
Survey of Students in Funded Courses (Pre/Post)
Project: Mathematics and Science Teacher
Education Program for the San Francisco Bay Area (MASTEP)
San Jose University Foundation
Funding Source: NSF: Collaboratives for Excellence
in Teacher Preparation (DUE)
Purpose: To gather attitudinal information
about science, math, and teaching before and after course
Administered To: Students in funded science
and math courses
Topics Covered:
- Attitudes & Beliefs (Student): content,
education, practical value, profession
- Comparisons: prior coursework
- Course Evaluation: activities, assessment,
collaboration, endorsement, methods, practical value,
technology use
- Impact on Outcomes: career interests, confidence,
student interest, student skills, student
- Perceptions (Student): peer attitudes
- Plans & Expectations (Student): career
- Self-Assessment (Student): confidence, engagement,
- Background Characteristics & Activities (Student):
academic focus, academic level, academic
- Demographics (Student): age, ethnicity, gender,
primary language spoken
Format/Length: 54 closed-ended questions,
plus 14 demographic questions. The survey given at the beginning
of the semester includes 16 closed-ended questions using a
5-point scale ("strongly disagree" to "strongly
agree") and 12 demographic questions on student background
using a checklist format. The survey given at the end of the
semester includes 38 closed-ended questions using the same
5-point scale and 2 demographic questions.
Special Features: The post-semester survey
includes the same 16 items that are in the pre-semester survey
in order to gauge student attitudes toward specific pedagogical
areas of interest to the project: inquiry-based learning,
problem solving, cooperative group learning, use of new technologies,
and performance-based assessment.
Survey of Students in Funded Courses
February 1998
Department: _________________________
Course number: __________________________
Section number: __________________________
Instructor: __________________________