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Teacher Education Instruments

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Classroom Observation Instruments

Instrument 1: STEP Faculty Observation

Project: Systemic Teacher Excellence Preparation (STEP)
Montana State University

Funding Source: NSF: Collaboratives for Excellence in Teacher Preparation (DUE)

Purpose: To observe and assess instruction of participating faculty (single class meeting)

Administered To: Used by evaluation staff to observe teachers

Topics Covered:

  • Instructional Practices: assignments, classroom activities, classroom management, collaborative activities, materials, mentoring
  • Learning Environment: classroom organization
  • Project Evaluation: effectiveness, objectives, practical value, technology use
  • Student/Teacher Interaction: student engagement, teacher rapport

Format/Length: 38 questions that summarize observational data, 10 demographics (25 open; 13 closed)

Evaluation Feature:The goal was to observe 3 classes at each of the 5 campuses. Supplemental comments from instructor interviews were used in some instances. Observation data was linked to student interview and faculty survey data.

STEP Faculty Observation


1.  University:
U of M

2.  Faculty Name:  _________________________

3.  Gender:


4.  Date:  _____/_____/_____

5.  Time:  ________

6.  Course:  _________________________________

7.  Classification:


8.  # of students:  ____________________________________

9.  Observer:  _________________________________________

10.  Total Time Observed:  ______________________________

Type of Instruction:
L lecture
LWD lecture with discussion
CD class discussion
HOA hands-on activity/materials
SGD small group discussion
AD administrative tasks
WW written work/problem set
D demonstration
CL cooperative learning (roles)
TIS teacher interacting with student
OTH Other_______________________________________________

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-55 55-60

23.  Description of setting:  (seating/size/facilities/lighting/ethnic/ historic)




24.  Description of apparent goals/objectives:  




25.  Evidence of learning: (were the goals/objectives met)




Student Description

26.  Student Engagement:
Almost Always Sometimes Almost Never
27.  Description:




28.  Teacher Rapport:
Yes No

29.  Instruction:
Traditional Mixed Inquiry
30.  Description:




31.  Relevancy:  Real World Application
Almost Always Sometimes Almost Never Never
32.  Description:




33.  Lab or Other Activity
Considerable Student
Some Student
Driven by Teacher/
Text Instruction
34.  Description:




35.  Large Group Student Questions:
Many Some Almost None

36.  Types of Questions:
open/thoughtful closed

37.  Examples:




38.  Small Group Student Questions:
Many Some Almost None

39.  Types of Questions:
open/thoughtful closed

40.  Examples:




41.  Large Group Teacher Questions:
Many Some Almost None

42.  Types of Questions:
open/thoughtful closed

43.  Examples:




44.  Small Group Teacher Questions:
Many Some Almost None

45.  Types of Questions:
open/thoughtful closed

46.  Examples:




47.  Use of Technology:  (describe and comment on the adequacy)




48.  Notes and Comments: