Student Interviews
Instrument 5: Questions for Exit Interview
Project: A Model Integrated Introductory Science
Westminster College
Funding Source: NSF: Course and Curriculum Development (DUE)
Purpose: Exit interview to assess student's opinions
about the new approach to science instruction
Administered To: Non-science and elementary
education majors
Topics Covered:
- Course Evaluation: activities, areas for program
improvement, assignments, collaboration, comparisons,
content, exemplary areas, methods, objectives,
- Impact on Outcomes: engagement, materials,
student understanding
- Plans & Expectations (Student): continue
project involvement
- Self-Assessment (Student): collaborative
activities, engagement
- Background Characteristics & Activities (Student):
prior coursework
Format/Length: 39 total open-ended questions;
15 major topics, most with additional probes
Questions for Exit Interview
- What sciences have you had in high school? In college?
What were they like?
- Is this class much different than the science classes
you've had in the past? How is it different? How is it similar
to those other classes? How does it compare to your other
college courses?
- What aspects of this class do you particularly enjoy?
Find difficult? Find rewarding?
- Do the field experiences add to what you learned in class?
How so? If not, why?
- What is your opinion of the small group aspect of this
class? Do you enjoy it? Is it difficult for you? Why/why
- What is your opinion of the writing component of this
class? Do you enjoy it? Is it difficult for you? Why/why
- What did you think of the readings assigned for the course?
Were they helpful? Which ones were/were not?
- What did you find to be the primary source of the information
you learned in this class?
- What class activity stands foremost in your mind? Why?
- Do you plan to take the second semester course? Why/why
- Would you recommend this course to a friend? On what basis
would you make this recommendation?
- If you were preparing a friend to take this course what
would you tell them?
- What are your views on the group project? Was it useful?
Was it enjoyable? What do you feel you learned from it?
- What do you think were the instructional goals/the purposes
behind this group project?
- Would you recommend maintaining this aspect of the class
in future offerings? If so, how would you restructure it?