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Curriculum Development Instruments

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Student Focus Groups

Instrument 2: Focus Group Interviews

Project: Improving Student Understanding and Retention through Investigative Laboratories in Biotechnology
Delaware Valley College

Funding Source: NSF: Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE)

Purpose: Provides in-depth, formative data on the effectiveness of the biotechnology laboratory

Administered To: Undergraduate students enrolled in the laboratory portion of the re-designed biotechnology course

Topics Covered:

  • Attitudes & Beliefs (Student): content, method, technology, assignments, understanding, skills, practical value
  • Content Specific Assessment: Biotechnology laboratory
  • Course Evaluation: organization, satisfaction, effectiveness, expectations, opportunity to practice, technology use, promotes current standards of practice

Format/Length: 18 open-ended questions

Appendix C: Focus Group Interviews


A. Goals of the Focus Group Interviews

The general goal of the interview process was to provide in-depth, formative data on the effectiveness of the new biotechnology laboratory, BT3001. More specifically, we wanted to evaluate whether the lab experience improved students attitudes towards the technology, enhanced their ability to apply the knowledge learned in class, and to explore questions that have arisen during other components of classroom assessment. This information will be combined with data from attitude surveys, performance assessment, retention information, and changes in job placement over the next four years.

B. Focus Group Questions


Good morning, thank you for agreeing to participate in our focus group session. As you may know, the National Science Foundation provided DVC with a substantial grant last year to purchase training and equipment for the new biotechnology lab. We are in the process of evaluating whether this lab has had a positive impact on student learning and attitudes.

Our focus group will discuss how your participation in BT3000 and/or BT3001 has affected your attitudes towards biotechnology and your understanding of the material in class. All of your answers will remain confidential and will only be shared with Dr. Shedlauskas with your express written consent. Individuals will not be identified for reporting purposes.

There are no right or wrong answers, I am not here to share information or give you my opinions. I'd like to hear your perceptions. You can disagree with each other and change your mind. I'd like you to feel comfortable and say what you really think and feel.

Participant introduction: I'd like everyone to start by sharing their name, their major and their career plans.

1) Think of an adjective that best describes your experience in the Biotechnology class this spring.
2) What techniques have you learned in lab this year?
3) Would you have been exposed to these techniques if you had not participated in the lab?
4) Of the techniques learned, which ones have you found to be the most useful?
5) Which ones have been the least useful?
6) How did you feel about the course structure? Was there enough time in lab to complete the exercises? Were the teaching techniques appropriate? Was there enough structure to the assignments?
7) Did your participation in lab help you understand the material in lecture?

Do you feel competent in the techniques covered in lab? Would you be comfortable applying for a position that required regular use of these techniques?


Now I would like to discuss some specific applications covered in class this year to evaluate the connection between lecture and laboratory.

9) Could you tell me how you might go about identifying a gene that causes a specific disease, such as a form of cancer?
10) What are the steps in.....? (follow up to answer above)
11) Can you describe how we might establish paternity or relatedness in an unknown population?
12) What are the steps in.....? (follow up to answer above)
13) Could you give me an application using cloning vectors in plants/animals?
14) What are the steps in.....? (follow up to answer above)
15) Could you identify 4-5 major laboratory techniques important to the field of biotechnology?

Could you describe an application when we might use RNA/proteins/nuclear DNA/mtDNA?

17) Finally, are there areas of biotechnology where you feel you need more training? What would be the best avenue for receiving that training?
18) Is there any other information regarding your experience with the biotechnology courses that you think would be useful for me to know? Any other suggestions for improvement?

Thank you very much for coming this morning. Your time is very much appreciated and your coments have been very helpful.

Biotechnology Focus Group
Participant Consent Form

I, ____________________________________, agree to participate in the Biotechnology focus group and to have the discussion videotaped for further analysis. I understand that all of my responses will remain confidential.
