Student Focus Groups
Instrument 1: NSF Pilot Project Evaluation
- Focus Group Discussion Outline
Project: Computer-Mediated
Social Science Instructional Modules
San Francisco State University
Funding Source: NSF:
Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE)
Purpose: To elicit in-depth feedback from
students regarding effectiveness of treatment modules
Administered To: College
Topics Covered:
- Course Evaluation: organization, practical value, opportunity
to learn, ease of use, content, skills, technology use,
objectives, integration, areas for program improvement,
expectations, importance, engagement, pace, satisfaction
- Background Characteristics & Activities (Student):
technology, experience
Format/Length: 16
open-ended items
NSF Pilot Project Evaluation Focus Group Discussion Outline (30-40 minutes)
I. Introduction,
Explanation, Ground Rules |
(5 minutes)
Hand out Informed consent forms voluntary,
take it seriously, confidential, candid, taking notes,
no names attached to your responses
Purpose of focus group
Ground rules
- Focus on module and not on the instructor
- Nametags so can write a nickname if wish to use
in the session
- Please ask if you don't understand a question
- Always welcome to add to what others have to
- Semi-structured, limited time
- Respect each other, all have chance to speak
II. Group formation and discussion focusing |
(5 minutes)
Reasons for taking this class
- What is the number 1 reason you signed up for this
- Did you know beforehand this module was to be used
in this class?
III. How well integrated was module with class |
(10 minutes)
IV. Attitudes towards Content and Function |
(15 minutes)
V. Acknowledgements and Conclusions |
(5 minutes)
Are there any topics we haven't
touched on or any issues you haven't yet expressed?
Usefulness of the knowledge gained
from this group.