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Student Course Evaluations

Instrument 22: Weekly Evaluation for NR797/CE 797

Project: Digital and Field Technologies for Coastal Environmental Studies
Ohio State University Research Foundation

Funding Source: NSF: Course and Curriculum Development (DUE)

Purpose: To get weekly student feedback about a course they are taking

Administered To: Post-secondary students

Topics Covered:

  • Course Evaluation: content, assignments, engagement, effectiveness, ease of use, pace, rigor

Format/Length: 6 open-ended questions

Weekly Evaluation for NR797/CE 797

  1. Name (this will be kept confidential):

  2. What material was new to you this week?

  3. What material did you understand most clearly this week?

  4. What material did you understand least clearly this week?

  5. Was the workload too light, too much, or about right this week?

  6. Did you enjoy this week's classes? Why or why not?