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Student Course Evaluations

Instrument 2: Evaluation Form

Project: Calculus in Context (CIC)
Five College Consortium (Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, Smith College, and the University of Massachusetts)

Funding Source: NSF: Course and Curriculum Development-Calculus (CCD)

Purpose: To get feedback from students about their experiences in a calculus course

Administered To: Students in a calculus course

Topics Covered:

  • Attitudes & Beliefs (Student): technology
  • Course Evaluation: areas for program improvement, assignments, content, exemplary areas, expectations, materials
  • Impact on Outcomes: student attitudes, student understanding
  • Self-Assessment (Student): academic habits, application of technology, confidence, content, engagement, knowledge, skills, understanding

Format/Length: 61 questions total, 19 open and 42 closed-ended

Unusual Features:One section asks students to "estimate their level of understanding" and "level of enjoyment" on various concepts and skills related to mathematics (e.g., the meaning of different equations) on a scale of 0 (meaning total lack of understanding) to 10 (meaning they could teach it comfortably).

Evaluation Form

Welcome to your end-of-the-course comment sheet.
Please feel free to elaborate, extend, omit, and add to the following.

Do you tend to work alone or with others?

About how much time outside of class did you devote to this course?

How useful were the notes?

Which topics struck you as being the most poorly developed?

How useful were the problem sheets?

What were the best and worst features of the problems sheets?

How useful were the classes?

What struck you as being the best and worst features of the classes?

On a scale of  0 (don't know what you're talking about) to 10 (could teach it comfortably), your level of understanding of the following; on the same scale, estimate your level of enjoyment:





sketching the graphs of functions



the definition of the integral



applications of the integral



the definition of the derivative



estimating with the derivative



applying the derivative to graphing



the meaning of differential equations



finding Riemann sums on the computer



writing computer programs



the exponential function



fiddling around with math'l models



functional notation, f(x)



summation notation



estimating derivatives



the differentiation rules



finding extrema



using Newton's method estimate roots



using the computer to simulate processes



the logarithmic function



qualitative analysis



systems of d.e.'s

Are there things you expect to get out of the course that didn't happen?

Have your feelings about math or your ability to do it changed as a result of this course?

How do you feel about the computer?

Please comment on:

       the selection of topics

       the pace of the course

       how comfortable you feel with the computer language we used

       how comfortable you feel with the language of the calculus

       how comfortable you feel with the techniques of the calculus

       what worked best for you in the course

       what changes you'd suggest

In retrospect, what happened for you and to you in this course? Has it been useful, frustrating, exiciting, ...?