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Student Attitude Surveys

Instrument 13: Student Inventory

Project: Improving Student Understanding and Retention through Investigative Laboratories in Biotechnology
Delaware Valley College

Funding Source: NSF - Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE)

Purpose: To assess student attitudes about the biotechnology course and the integration of technology across the curriculum

Administered To: Undergraduate students enrolled in Animal Science Program who are taking a biotechnology course

Topics Covered:

  • Course Evaluation: satisfaction, effectiveness, practical value, materials, content, activities, engagement
  • Demographics (Student): gender, ethnicity, previous course work
  • Instructional Preference: methods, content, assessment, preparation
  • Learning Environment: method, student attitudes
  • Plans & Expectations (Student): education plans, career interests, academic performance
  • Self Assessment (Student): content knowledge, understanding, academic habits

Format/Length: 38 closed-ended questions

II. Evaluation Instruments

Appendix A: Attitude Inventory (administered pre- and post-test)

Introduction: This survey is a tool that will allow us to assess student attitudes and to improve both this course and the integration of technology across our curriculum. First, complete the demographic section below but do not put your name or your real student ID on the survey (please mark all responses on the accompanying scantron form). All responses will remain anonymous. Next, you will see a series of statements that may or may not describe your beliefs about science and this course. You are asked to rate each statement by filling in a number on the scantron form between A and E where the letters mean the following:

A: Strongly Agree
B: Agree C: Neutral D: Disagree E: Strongly Disagree

Answer the questions by darkening the letter that best expresses your feelings. Work quickly and avoid analyzing the meaning of each statement. If you don't understand a statement, leave it blank. If you understand, but have no strong opinion, choose C. If an item combines two ideas and you disagree with either one, choose D or E.


Part I: Demographics

1 What is your year in school?
A) Freshman
B) Sophomore
C) Junior
D) Senior
2 What is your gender?
A) Male
B) Female
3 What is your ethnicity?
A) Hispanic or Latino
B) Native American or Native Hawaiian
C) Asian
D) Black or African American
E) White
4 What is your major/department?
A) Small Animal Science
B) Conservation and Wildlife Management
C) Biology
D) Plant Science (Horticulture/Ornamental Horticulture)
E) Other
5 Are you now or have you previously taken:
A) BT3000 Biotechnology lecture only
B) BT3001 Biotechnology lab only
C) Both BT3000 and BT3001
D) Neither BT3000 or BT3001


Part II: Teaching and Learning Methods

I learn well by ...
6 doing homework assigmnents.
7 using diagrams and other visual media.
8 reading a (good) textbook.
9 working with my lab partner or others in a group.
10 getting good help / tutorial aid.
11 doing hands-on activities.
12 listening to lecture.
13 completing lab notebooks or lab reports.
14 reading and re-reading materials.
15 reviewing the results of an exam.
16 designing an experiment to answer a question.
17 following explicit instructions to get the right answer.


Part III: Comprehension and Self Evaluation

I know I understand when ...
I can work problems in the book.
I can apply ideas to new situations.
I get a good grade on an exam.
I can explain the ideas to someone else.
I can see how concepts relate to one another.


Part IV: Course Utility

23 The main skill I get out of this course is learning how to solve problems in this discipline.
24 In this course, I do not expect to understand equations or fundamental concepts in an intuitive sense; they must just be taken as givens.
25 A good understanding of biotechnology is necessary for me to achieve my career goals. A good grade in this course is not enough.
26 Knowledge in science consists of many pieces of information each of which applies primarily to a specific situation.
27 A significant problem in this course is being able to memorize all the information I need to know.
28 It is possible to pass this course (get a "C" or better) without understanding science very well.
29 The main skill I get out of this course is to learn how to reason logically about the world.
30 Biotechnology is related to the real world, and it sometimes helps to think about the connection, but it is rarely essential for what I do in this course.


Part V: Future Interests

31 I am considering a career in biotechnology.
32 I have a good idea of how biotechnology is used in real-world applications.
33 I am interested in learning more about technology.
34 I am excited to take another course in biotechnology.
35 I am confident in my ability to understand biotechnology.
36 I see myself as a scientist.
37 I believe only a few special people are truly capable of understanding science.
38 I prefer not to participate in the laboratory component of a course, if it is optional.

Note: The survey was adapted from sources publicly available at the Field Tested Learning Assessment Guide (http://www.wcer.wisc.edu/cl1/oldflag/cat/attinvn/attitude.pdf), particularly the attitude survey examples published by Eileen L. Lewis (Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley) and Elaine Seymour (Bureau of Sociological Research, University of Colorado, Boulder).