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Student Content Assessments

Instrument 5: Making Use of Active Research Topics in Large, Introductory Courses: Examples from Calculus

Project: Engineering and Science Modules in First Year Calculus Curriculum
University of New Hampshire

Funding Source: NSF: Course and Curriculum Development (DUE)

Purpose: To assess application-based mathematics skills

Administered To: Engineering students; includes components of earth/environmental sciences, astronomy, and chemistry

Topics Covered:

  • Content Specific Assessment: chemistry, earth & space, inquiry concepts, mathematics, physics

Format/Length: 35 open-ended questions from 5 modules. Students work in groups to produce reports based on the questions and the information provided.




Engineering students must take calculus before taking any of the core courses in their major. The main goal for many of these students is simply to pass the course. It can be difficult to motivate [the students' interest in] the material covered in large, introductory courses and to let the students know that they are taking part in something that is important to their chosen field of study. The purpose of this pilot program is to develop a series of application-based modules to be introduced into one calculus section during each semester. The primary effort of the program is focused on assembling the necessary materials for each module and making them widely available.

The principal goal of the modules is to present the fundamental concepts of the subject while taking advantage of the context that applications provide. These projects take place in recitation sessions, and the classroom activities for each module will consist of the following elements:

    • Engineers and scientists give brief presentations based on active research topics to describe the problem and the module exercises;

    • Short, in-class exercises are designed to introduce the topic and make use of calculus principles;

    • Build up to a more involved laboratory project which will also include a brief written report.

The projects will be group-based efforts. The first project will be designed to gently introduce the students to the basic concepts and notation and will take place after the initial presentation. The second project is a more advanced exercise that will focus on the manipulation of data using a spreadsheet on a PC. The writeup for this project will include a problem statement and description of the physical situation, a statement of the objective, a description of the methodology, and a discussion of the results. Within this framework, we are able to concentrate on the mathematics while, at the same time, using a variety of real-world applications to introduce new material to the students. In addition, we are able to utilize writing in a predominantly quantitative, problem-solving course.

The materials to be assembled will include the course material itself as well as background information about each application. The background information will be designed to offer a complete resource with respect to the classroom activities as well as offer hints for additional activities. For example, the background information for the Gamma-Ray Bursts module will include information on the observed phenomena, the origins of the problem, and the controversy surrounding the different explanations for the observed phenomena. It will also include an overview of the activities, the format for the different projects, and sample project reports.

The pilot program will consist of five modules. A short description of each module along with the calculus principles they will demonstrate is given below.

1. Groundwater Systems

Module Description

Estimating quantities of materials in the subsurface is a common problem in the earth sciences. This module examines the use of definite integration to estimate the amount of oil in place for a dome-shaped reservoir. The students must determine how much oil is in a given volume of rock and the total volume of oil in the reservoir using numerical integration techniques.

Principles Emphasized

  • Integration

  • Riemann Sums

  • Determining Volumes through Revolutions

2. Chemical Reaction Rates

Module Description

Quantitative study of the rates of change of concentrations of species in chemical reactions is a powerful tool for understanding the mechanism of a reaction. In this module, students are given the concentrations of reactant in solution at various times and are asked to determine by graphical methods the functional dependence of the concentration on time. Having used the data to obtain a functional form, the students are then asked to obtain a differential rate law and to explore the implications for reaction mechanism.

Principles Emphasized

  • Graphical Methods and Exponential Functions

  • Differentiation

3. Gamma-Ray Bursts

Module Description

Bursts of gamma radiation appear in our skies, and the cause for this phenomenon is unknown. These bursts may originate very far away and be very powerful, or they may be relatively close and not nearly as strong. A key to understanding the gamma-ray phenomenon is to determine the location of the origins of the bursts. In this module, students are given the position of the bursts relative to an observer on earth and asked to make an estimate of the distribution of the bursts.

Principles Emphasized

  • Trigonometric Functions
  • Riemann Sums

4. Antennae Design

Module Description

Antennae allow us to transmit and receive electromagnetic radiation over very long distances. The efficient design of antennae require that both the transmitting and receiving antennae be carefully considered. The objective of this module is to examine the interaction of the two antennae and calculate the power that is received by an antennae for a specified transmit power. Students are asked to examine the design through the use of decibels. Decibels are based on logarithms which enable the summation, rather than the more complicated multiplication, of terms. Thus, the use of logarithms allows a simpler, more efficient analysis of antennae to be performed.

Principles Emphasized

  • Logarithms

5. Simple Suspension Design

Module Description

Analyzing an automobile's suspension system, which can be modeled as a simple spring-mass-damper system, is a fundamental problem in dynamics. In this module, the students investigate the response of an automobile as it goes over a speed bump in the road at different speeds. An approximate solution to the differential equation describing the automobile's motion can be obtained using numerical integration techniques such as the trapezoidal rule. Students can then investigate how suspension system design parameters influence the automobile's response.

Principles Emphasized

  • Definition of the derivative as the slope of a function at a point

  • Fundamental theorem of calculus

  • Approximation of an integral (area under curve) using trapezoidal rule


Guidelines for Group Work

Consider the questions below that relate to the lab. Once you have explored the issues, you will write-up a report following the guidelines provided. We will be looking for a write-up that pulls the information together and does not simply answer each of the given questions in order of presentation. Your formal write-up will be done outside of the lab period. Take notes of your work, and then after the lab, organize these notes into your write-up.

Please keep in mind the following guidelines when taking part in group work:

  • Cooperate with each other. Work together and find a group solution to the problem.

  • Make sure that everyone understands each answer before the group moves on to the next question.

  • Listen carefully to each other and try, whenever possible, to build upon their ideas.

  • Share in the leadership of the group. You may wish to assign different roles, i.e. moderator, recorder, etc., to different individuals.

  • Make sure that everyone participates and that no one dominates. If you see someone in the group who is lost, urge him or her to ask questions, or ask a simple question yourself to bring others into the discussion.

  • Ask questions when you don't understand something.

  • Do not be critical of other people's questions.


The Write Up

The formal write up for this lab should be from four to five pages long (counting the title page and your description of the group process) and should be typed. The text should be double spaced. Be sure that every member of the group signs the lab report. By signing your name, you are indicating that you contributed significantly toward the completion of that report.

At a minimum, your report should include the following:

  1. Title Page—should include the following (in order):

  1. Title.
  2. Due date.
  3. Section number and T.A.
  4. The typed name and signature of each member

(on separate lines).

  1. Introduction

  1. Should be no less than 2 paragraphs.
  2. Briefly describe the situation.
  3. Explicitly state your findings. (You are expected to justify this statement in the sections that follow.)

  1. Physical Situation

  1. Should be no less than 2 paragraphs.
  2. Include a full description of the physical system.
  3. Carefully define all of the important qualitative aspects.
  4. Be very careful about the flow of this part of your report. If the transitions are awkward we will take off points!

  1. Mathematical Model

  1. Should be no less than 3 paragraphs.
  2. Describe and governing equations or model.
  3. Include any other important definitions.
  4. State your derivations and indicate how you arrived at them.
  5. Support your conclusions! A statement which is not carefully and correctly explained will not receive credit.

  1. Conclusion

  1. Should be no less than 2 paragraphs.
  2. Include a brief description of the physical system.
  3. Briefly describe methods used to obtain result.
  4. Restate your findings and give a brief description of what is happening.

  1. Description of the Group Process

  1. Should be 2 paragraphs.
  2. Should appear on a separate page at the end of your write-up.
  3. State how often, how long, and where you met.
  4. State who attended which meetings and what each person's roles were.
  5. Describe who took part in which responsibilities of the assignment.

Your grade will be determined by the content and mechanics of your final report. The only way that we have to determine whether or not you understand the concepts discussed in class is through the way in which you communicate your understanding of the concepts. The primary goal of this exercise is for you to demonstrate, through the process of a formal write-up, that you can effectively communicate complex ideas. We will pay close attention to the following aspects of your write-up:

  1. Content & Accuracy (70%) This score is based on your answers to the questions and general technical merit of the report.

  1. The paper should be written so that someone who is currently taking calculus should be able to read the paper, understand the problem, and understand the solution without having seen this handout. The paper should stand by itself.
  2. All of the important concepts should be included and defined.
  3. All statements should be supported. A statement without justification is not acceptable.
  4. The paper should not be a disjoint collection of statements. We expect you to demonstrate that you know how the different concepts relate to one another and clearly present how one idea is related to and leads to another idea.

  1. Mechanics & Presentation (20%) This score will be based on overall organization, neatness, grammar, and spelling.

  1. We will count off for poor grammar.
  2. The overall flow of the paper is important.
  3. Pay careful attention to transitions.
  4. We will count off for misspelled words.

  1. Group Process (10%) This score will be based on your description of the group process.


Additional Resources

The University Writing Center is located in Hamiton Smith, room 7. Their phone number is 862-3272. We highly recommend that you take full advantage of the resources that the Writing Center offers. Please make sure that you contact the people at the writing center and make an appointment with them at least two days prior to the time that you would like to meet with them. The sooner that you meet with them in the writing process the better. For example, it would be best to meet with them to show them your outline before the first draft is started.



Application of Direct Integration in the Earth and Environmental Sciences

One of the common problems that earth scientists face is the estimation of the amount of a particular material within the subsurface (ex: water or oil). The total material within a geological formation is estimated by using information on the concentration of the material (amount/volume) and the volume of the region containing the material. This module will look at an example of this problem by estimating the volume of oil in a petroleum reservoir. The analysis will focus on the evaluation of the gross resource potential and on making decisions about possible development.


1. Estimation of Oil in Place

In the petroleum industry, decisions on reservoir development are based largely on financial considerations. We need to know how much oil is in a given volume of rock as well as the total volume of oil in the reservoir. The amount of oil in a given volume of rock depends on many things. It is important to recognize that not all of the oil is recoverable (extractable), but we are still interested in the total amount of oil in place. We will leave the worries about extraction to the engineers.

Figure 1-1: Void spaces within different rock formations. (figure taken from Bear,1972)

We will first examine how water or oil becomes trapped within geologic formations. Rock formations are formed from a composite of solid materials, and they often have empty spaces (or voids) within them. (See Figure 1-1) These void spaces can be filled with water or oil. For a given volume of a rock formation, a certain amount is composed of solid material and the rest is composed of void space. The ratio of the void space and the total volume (volume of void space divided by the total volume) is called the porosity. The value of the porosity can be different for different positions within the formation. (see Figure 1-2)


Figure 1-2: Porosities can vary for different types of rocks. (figure taken from Bear,1972)


Different kinds of fluids can accumulate within the void spaces of a rock formation. For example, both oil and water can be trapped. Because the two fluid do not mix and the density of oil is less than water, the oil will tend to move upwards within the formation. In some formations, natural "traps" form (See Figure 1-3) . We will focus on a particular trap called a "convex trap". As it moves upward, the oil may become trapped by a layer of rock that has an extremely small porosity (such as clay).

These trapped volumes of oil, or reservoirs, are the sources of oil that the engineers want to extract. The decision to drill for the oil is based on many factors. It is not always obvious where these traps occur, and it is not always clear how much oil is available to extract. We will concentrate on this later problem. We will attempt to estimate how much oil can be found within a given reservoir.

Figure 1-3: Natural traps can form where oil collects. We will focus on the trap in (a). (Jacob Bear, 1972)


Figure 1-4: Water and oil can become trapped within some formations. (Figure taken from Bear, 1972)


2. Test Case

First let's consider a simple example. If we do not have a lot of information about the geological site, an approach we may take is to approximate the petroleum reservoir as a simple geometry (e.g., a cylinder) and use an average porosity. First, we assume that the formation is roughly cylindrical in shape and has a uniform (or isotropic) porosity.

The total oil in place, M(oil), is then simply estimated by

In general, the porosity in the reservoir sandstone can vary with the depth, and the geometry of the reservoir is non-trivial. We will need a more general way to approximate the total volume of the oil, Moil. Building upon the idea above, the reservoir can be split into a set of horizontal disks. Here, the porosity can change in the vertical direction, so we denote the porosity as s(z). Then the total oil in place can be approximated by

If the geometry is not cylindrical and the radius changes with respect to z, the vertical direction, we can include the changing radius in our equation as follows:


Objective: Calculate the volume of oil in a petroleum reservior.

1. Suppose that a sandstone formation looks like a stack of disks (the height of each disk is 15m):

What is the total volume of the formation?

2. Assuming a constant porosity of 0.1 in the reservoir, calculate the volume of oil in the reservoir.


3. Now suppose the formation has the following configuration:

r(i) = 10m is the inner radius and r(o) is the outer radius of the reservoir (the same as problem 1). Again, using a porosity of 0.1, calculate the total volume of oil in the reservior.


4. Draw a side view of the oil reservoir in problem 3.

5. Suppose that the dome-shaped reservoir can be described using two parabolas.

The inside parabola is z=20-0.089r2 and the outside parabola is z=45-0.018r2

a) Calculate the "important" z values. (hint: look at the figure and divide it into sections)

b) Set up column one of your spreadsheet to hold the different z values.

c) Set up column two to be the inside radius at a particular z value.

d) Set up column three to be the outside radius at a particular z value.

e) Set up column four to hold the porosities at a given z value.

f) Use the last column to calculate the volume of oil in each given slice.




Application of Trigonometric Functions in Astronomy

This module examines a mysterious phenomenon in astronomy and how trigonometric functions are part of the language used to describe the phenomenon. Back in the 1950's, a campaign was waged to stop the testing of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere. It was discovered that these nuclear tests, several of which had already taken place, created serious health problems in people around the world. Both the United States and USSR were paranoid about each other performing nuclear testing and believed that the other country might even go so far as to test nuclear weapons on the dark side of the moon where it would be harder to detect. Because of this concern, both countries sent up satellites to detect the energetic photons, known as gamma rays, that would be released by such a bomb.

Our satellites did, in fact, see explosions of gamma rays. However, it did not take long to realize that these were not nuclear bomb explosions; they had the wrong distribution of energy and they did not behave like a nuclear bomb. But these explosions (that is, short transient events) were considered interesting by a few people who had access to these data obtained from military satellites. However, because it was military data, they were not allowed to talk about it for five years after it was first observed. The first paper concerning these explosions, known as Gamma Ray Bursts or GRBs for short, appeared in 1971.

Between 1971 and 1991 there were occasional random observations of GRBs by scientific satellites that were in space for other reasons. In particular, the Pioneer Venus orbiter had a small detector. The Interplanetary Network, established in 1979, as well as the Solar Maximum Mission that was designed and built here at UNH, were also able to detect GRBs. By 1991, about 500 of these bursts had been seen, but because the detectors were small, only the brightest bursts could be detected.

In the beginning there were many theories about what kind of process might create such an explosion. It might have been supernovae or flare stars; however, by 1991 the most well-accepted theory was that these were events associated with neutron stars and the reconnection of magnetic fields on these stars. Researchers were confident of this theory because similar events had been seen on flare stars, so it was a very plausible explanation.

No theory is without its consequences, and we now need to look at one of the consequences to better understand the theory. These neutron stars were capable of releasing a certain amount of energy. This amount was small enough that if these explosions happened in distant galaxies we would not be able to see them since they would be too faint. But if they happened in our galaxy, we would see them. This means that if we plotted their location in the sky, we would find the bursts occurring along the galactic plane. This did not agree with the data that had been taken so far. These data showed that the gamma ray bursts were distributed uniformly across the sky (called an isotropic distribution); this is not what we would expect from the neutron star theory. But this could be understood even if we accept the neutron star theory. To see this, consider the stars that are visible to the naked eye. If we look at stars in Durham, we see only the brightest (i.e., the closest) ones because of the light pollution, and these appear to be be evenly distributed (isotropic) in the sky. However, if we go to a mountain in Maine in the middle of nowhere, we are able to see the fainter stars in the galactic plane, and the distribution of stars is no longer isotropic.

Scientists were convinced that if they could do the equivalent of going to a mountaintop in Maine they would see the galactic distribution. In April 1991 they did just that: they launched the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory with one instrument aboard whose only job was to look for GRBs. This detector was much bigger than previous ones and could see much fainter bursts. What did they see? Not a galactic distribution but an isotropic distribution. It was a shock! This may mean that the source of the gamma ray bursts is much closer (like the bright visible stars) or much further away (since the distribution of galaxies is also isotropic). Either way, the neutron star theory was in trouble.

Before researchers could accept a conclusion that destroyed a good theory, the conclusion needed to be made quantitative; they needed to characterize mathematically how closely the distribution approximated an isotropic distribution. One way to do this is to find the average distance from the galactic plane (averaged over all bursts observed). Isotropic distributions and galactic distributions will have very different values for this distance, so this will provide a measure of deviation from isotropy.



In this laboratory exercise, you will first calculate the average distance from the galactic plane for an isotropic distribution (this is the theory), and you will then calculate the average value for several different data sets. You will be asked to judge which data sets are consistent with isotropy and which are not.

A. The first step is to state the question more precisely mathematically.

1. We begin by imagining that the sky is like a globe seen from the inside. The height of a burst above the galactic plane (which is analogous to the equator on a globe) would be x = rsinq where q is the angle that corresponds to latitude (i.e., north and south). Verify that this is the correct formula for the height using the sketch.

2. Because we cannot calculate the radius, r, we will look only at the value of sin (q ). Now imagine that we have a galactic distribution and an isotropic dietibution, both of which are symmetric about the galactic equator. What is the average distance from the plane if distances below are negative and distances above are positive? (Given that any symmetric distribution will give the average value of q = 0, we look at the average value of sin2q this gives different values for different distributions since there is no cancellation of positive and negative values.)

B. To find the throeretical value for the average, we must calculate the average value of sin2q for an isotropic distribution. How do we do this?

1. We will start with a similar example: finding the average value of a die thrown. Suppose that I throw a six sided die. For one throw, what number should I expect to get? We can calculate this nmumber by adding all possible outcomes multiplied by the probability for each outcome:


2. We now see that our job is to calculate the average value of sin2q . That is, we must calculate the summation of sin2q multiplied by the probability of obtaining q for all values of q . We now can calculate that probability.

Instead of looking at a uniform distribution on the sphere, let’s begin with a uniform distribution on a line. Imagine something (e.g., M& s) being uniformly distributed along a line one meter in length. What fraction of the M& s can be found in the first 1/2 meter? What fraction is in the middle 1/3 meter? What fraction is in the last 1/4 meter? (Draw a picture)

3. Now imagine that we have the same M& s evenly distributed on a one meter by one meter square table. What fraction is in the upper quadrant? What fraction is in the lower 1/3 by 1/3 meter. How do you know? What is your general rule for finding how much stuff is in a given area? (Draw a picture)


4. Now we need to extend these general ideas to even distributions of M& s on a sphere. Look at the sheet with galactic coordinates. If you look at the area between the 60-degree contour and the 90-degree contour and compare that to the area between the 0-degree contour and the 30-degree contour, are they the same? If not, which is bigger?


5. It is assumed that the area on a globe between latitude q and q+Dq is proportional to cosq. Give arguments to support this based on the plot.


6. We are now to the point where we know that the probability to be at an angle q is proportional to cosq for an isotropic distribution. But this might be multiplied by a constant. We must determine that constant. We get the constant by requiring that the probability of being somewhere on the globe is one. That is,

Total probability = Sum of the probabilities for each possible value = 1

Does this this hold for tossing a die?


7. Now, for locations on the globe we have that

This leads to an expression for F,

where F is the normalization constant you want to determine. Now we would like to sum over all values of q, but we cannot because there are an infinite number of them. Instead, to calculate this sum, evaluate cosq for 20 evenly spaced values of q between -p/2 and p/2 and find F. Repeat this for 50 values, then 100 values. What value do you find? Do you think you would find something much different if you could sum over all these values?


8. Now we are ready to find the average value of sin2q:

Again, calculate this sum for 20, 50, and 100 values of q (evenly spaced from -p/2 to p/2). Does it seem to be converging to an answer? What is it?


9. Now take each of the data sets and, using a spreadsheet, and do the following:

a. Load the spreadsheet called grb.xcl.

b. Calculate the average value of the three columns and compare it to your answer for an isotropic distribution. Which data sets appear to be isotropic?

(Note that none of the data sets agree with isotropy exactly. This is where error analysis becomes essential. Error analysis would tell us how large a deviation we would expect from the istropic distribution value given the error in angles and the number of bursts included in the average. But this is a subject for another time.)


Application of Graphical Methods and Differentiation in Chemistry

Objective: In this module, you will be given realistic data for the concentrations of reactant in solution at various times. You must then determine a useful functional form by graphical methods using a spreadsheet program, and you will have to use a trial and error process or intuition for this step. Having used the data to obtain a functional form, you will analytically differentiate the model to produce a differential rate equation. The differential equation is more transparently linked to the physical processes involved. In the more advanced analysis, you will start from solutions of a differential equation and then work backwards to derive the differential equation. You will construct your own technique for solving differential equations.

Reaction Rates and Mechanisms

Quantitative study of the rates of change of concentrations of species in chemical reactions is a powerful tool in understanding the mechanism of a reaction -- that is, what is actually happening during a reaction. For instance, one step in the series of reactions resulting in the depletion of ozone (O3) in the stratosphere is:

But how do we know that the ozone (O3) does not just fall apart on its own? In other words, how do we know that the following reaction does not take place:

Does O subsequently combine with Cl? What really happens is called the mechanism of a reaction. Monitoring the rates of reaction can help. If both Cl and O3 must be present simultaneously for the reaction to occur, then the frequency of reaction will depend on the amount present of both species.

More precisely, the frequency of reaction will be proportional to the concentration of both species. That is:

Frequency ~ [Cl] and Frequency ~ [O3]


Frequency ~ [Cl] [O3]

The more frequent the reaction, the more rapidly O3 will be depleted. Thus,

(Notice that we have replaced the proportionality sign with an equality by inserting a constant, k.) The minus sign is used to recognize the fact that the O3 concentration is decreasing with time. This Equation is called the rate law for the reaction.

On the other hand, if the ozone had decayed through an encounter with another ozone molecule, then the rate law would have been:

The differential rate law is clearly linked to the mechanism of the reaction. In other words, if we can observe the amount of O2, then we can try to see if the change in its concentration is consistent with one of the equations above.

Rate Data

In the real world, the rate law must be inferred from experimental data. Typically, one could observe the ozone concentration as a function of time. For simplicity, letıs assume that [Cl], the concentration of chlorine, is large and, therefore, changes little as time progresses. Then the rate law becomes:

where kı = k [Cl] is a constant.

Solving the differential equation yields:

This is the exponential decay law.

However, attempting to fit such a function can be a risky procedure. A much safer method is to plot the data points and draw some simple curve through them. Preferably, a straight line will provide a reasonably good fit to the data.

Taking logarithms of both sides of the equation above, we arrive at:

A plot of (ln[O3]t) versus t is a straight line with intercept (ln[O3]t=0) and slope (­k').



Given the following data for the concentration of X in mole/liter ([X]t=0) vs. time in seconds, find the differential rate law:


1. Using the data given above, graph [X] vs. t.

2. Graph - (change in) [X]/Dt for each value of t.

3. Find the best straight-line that fits the data. That is, find the functions of [X] and t such that f([X]) vs. g(t) is a straight line. (Hint: Try [X]n vs. t and ln[X] vs. t)

4. You have now found a simple function of [X] that, when plotted against t, gives approximately a straight-line graph. Rewrite the equation of the straight-line graph with [X] as the subject. Then, using linear regression, determine the intercept and slope.

5. What is the slope of the line?

6. Now differentiate the straight line equation to obtain the differential rate law.

Example: If you find the natural logarithm of [X] -- ln[X] -- to be linear in t, then f([X]) = ln[X] and g(t) = t. The equation is: ln[X] = constant - m t. Differentiate this equation to get the rate law (don't forget that [X] is a function of t.)

7. What does the number m tell you? (Give examples of what it means to have a larger and a smaller value of m.)


8. Open the spreadsheet, rate.xcl. Examine the column of data and approximate the value for a rate law describing the reaction. (Go through the same steps as above.)



Find the integrated form for the rate law (Equation 1) above without assuming [Cl] is constant. Hint: Try differentiating ln([O3]/[Cl]), where [O3] = [O3]t=0 - x and [Cl] = [Cl]t=0 - x. Then remember what happens if [Cl] is constant. Once you get to the differential rate law, backtrack to see how to solve such equations in the future.


Application of Logarithms in Wireless Communication Systems



This module involves modeling the wireless communication channel in free space. ìFree spaceî means that you are far away from objects that would reflect or scatter radio waves, such as the ground or buildings. Thus, the calculations presented here can be applied to communication between satellites in space or between a satellite and an earth station. Our objective in this exercise is to calculate the power that will be received by an antenna for a specified transmit power.

Basic Concept: The Antenna

An antenna is a transducer: It converts electrical energy to electromagnetic energy, and vice versa.

For most applications, we are interested in determining the power available at the terminals of the receiving antenna (Power Out). The received power will be a function of the power radiated or transmitted (Power In), the distance between the two antennae (R), and other factors (e.g., terrain, foliage, atmospheric refraction, buildings). Because we are assuming free-space propagation, we will be ignoring these other factors.

Consider the case of an isotropic antenna in free space. Isotropic means that radiation is equal in all directions. It should be noted that isotropic antennae are impossible to build, yet they are used as a reference in defining the performance characteristics of real antennae.

Suppose that a power of Pt Watts is fed to our hypothetical isotropic transmitting antenna (Pt = Power In). If we sum all of the power that is being radiated by the antenna, then, by the conservation of energy, it must equal the power that we are putting into the antenna. We can sum the power leaving (i.e., being radiated by) the antenna by integrating (summing) the Poynting vector (P), a measure of pewer density with units of Wattrs/m2, over any closed surface surrounding the antenna.

Mathematically, this sum would be of the form:

Since radiation is radial and equal in all directions, the intergral is equal to |P| times the surface area of the sphere, |P|4(pi)R2. We know how much power is being put into the antenna and can solve the equation for P,


This gives us power density as a function of the power in, Pt, and the distance from the antenna, R. The maximum power that can be collected by a receiving antenna, Pr, is given by Pr = |P|Ae, where Ae is the Effective Aperture of the receiving antenna. You can think of the antenna as a bucket that collects electromagnetic energy, with Ae being the size of that bucket. For any antenna the aperature is given by:

where G is the gain of the antenna. The gain of an antenna represents its ability to radiate more energy in one direction than another. For the isotropic antenna we are considering here, G=1 since power is radiated equally in all directions. Using G=1 in the above equations, we can calculate the power received:

Converting to decibels

Why Bother? All calculations could be performed without converting to decibels, but the calculations are much easier, and less prone to errors, if decibels are used. Decibels are based upon logarithms; this enables the summing of terms rather than multiplication.

[Recall: log(a) + log(b) = log(ab) and log(a) - log(b) = log(a/b)]

In determining the received signal power we need to multiply and divide many terms; if we can use addition and subtraction rather than multiplication and division, then our job will be much easier.

To convert our equation to decibels, first substitute for all known constants in the Friis equation:

This can be simplified further to:

Now take 10 x log10 of both sides to get the ratio of the received power to the transmitted power (Pr/Pt) in decibels, or dB (this is the way to express a power ratio in decibels):


This represents the electromagnetic path gain between two isotropic transmitting and receiving antennae in decibels (dB). Note that a negative gain in dB represents a loss.


Accounting for antenna gains, and finding the total received power

Because the gain of an antenna is expressed in dB with respect to an isotropic antenna (dBi), we can readily incorporate antenna gain into our calculations. To keep our units consistent, we need to express our input power in decibels. This is typically expressed in dBm, in which the input power is referenced to a milliwatt (1 milliwatt = 0.001 Watt). Keep in mind that decibels always represent a ratio: dBm = 10log(Pt/0.001).

(Power Out)dBm = (Power In)dBm + (Transmitter Antenna Gain)dBi +

(Path Gain)dB + (Receiver Antenna Gain)dBi




Determine the received power (in Watts) if the transmitter and receiver are 10 km apart operating at a frequency of 125 MHz with 4 Watts transmitted power, and both the transmitting and receiving antennae are half-wave dipoles (Antenna Gain = 2.15 dBi for a half-wave dipole).



Method of Solution

1. Find the transmitted power in dBm.

2. Determine the Path Gain in dB.

3. Sum the gains and the transmitted power to determine the received power in dB:

4. Convert the received power, Pr, from decibels to Watts.