
: Tour : Search


The OERL site can be searched in three ways, all accessible from the Search tab in the upper right of each page.

Screenshot displaying the main Search page.


1) Resources search

Use this search option to find specific plans, instruments, or reports. Within each resource type, you'll be presented with specific ways for narrowing your query. There are both simple and advanced forms for this type of search on all resource types.

For example, in instruments, you can search by instrument type, content area, and contributing organization. With an advanced instrument search you can specify other dimensions such as topics covered and funding source.

We recommend trying the Resources search first if you are interested in locating examples. The Resources search searches the OERL database of resources in the most efficient manner.

2) Browse plan and report components

Use this drop-down list to find examples of specific components within plans or reports.

3) Google search

The Google search can be used to find proper names, or to search the text of the OERL site. The Google search returns only exact matches to the keywords typed in.

Getting to this page

Partial site map.

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