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ITEST Annotated Report Excerpts

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Evaluation Overview

The table below contains report excerpts (right column) accompanied by annotations (left column) identifying how the excerpts represent the Evaluation Overview Criteria.

Annotations Report Excerpts

Excerpt 1 [SRI Build IT]

Evaluation Purposes:
Describes evaluation purpose as formative, intended use by stakeholders, and shift in focus of evaluation in year 1.

Goals of the Formative Evaluation Interim Report
The purpose of this report is to summarize formative evaluation team's activities to date and to report to project staff the preliminary findings from the evaluation. These findings are intended to be used in adjusting curriculum, improving professional development, and carrying out other work on Build IT moving forward.

The focus of the formative evaluation during the first unit of Build IT shifted from an initial plan to understand how girls’ participation and their mastery and appropriation of the design process, concepts, and skills developed over time, to an emphasis on how the curriculum was being implemented. We have focused on the challenges and successes the group leaders experienced in implementing the curriculum, using their feedback, data collected through observations and interviews, and our review of the curriculum, to advise the curriculum team on how to improve the curriculum. This work focuses on the research questions, "Which of the intended task situations in the curriculum do staff find easy or challenging to enact, and how do they adapt them to changing program conditions?" and, "Which of the intended roles for girls as designers are they able to take up, and at what point during the curriculum experience are they able to take them up?"


Excerpt 2 [SRI Build IT]

Evaluation Purposes:
Describes summative evaluation purposes and targeted program outcomes for year 1.

The purpose of the Build IT summative evaluation is to examine the effect of the intervention on girls' technology-related development and EXPLORE the outcomes of the program for staff and sites. In the present evaluation we address the effect of the Build IT program on participants' educational plans, IT engagement, career attitudes, gender perceptions, perceived skill development and IT knowledge.


Excerpt 3 [SRI Build IT]

Evaluation Questions

The evaluation seeks to answer four key questions:
RQ1: Are Build IT participants more likely to become interested in IT careers and make plans to take courses in high school to help prepare them for those careers?
RQ2: Do Build IT participants become more knowledgeable about IT careers and learn basic IT concepts?
RQ3: Do Build IT participants develop more contemporary IT skills and intellectual capabilities for IT?
RQ4: Does the ALL STARS program grow in its capacity to offer curriculum focused on developing IT fluency over the course of the project?