Objective |
Data |
Indicators of Success |
Students will be able to knowledgeably use appropriate laboratory instrumentation to complete project-based laboratories. |
Student lab books, log of oral gateway quizzes. |
Completion of experimental protocols, correct interpretation of data. |
Increasing proportion of students retained after first year of chemistry. |
Tracking percentage of students with grades of C and above B, and above. |
Increasing percentage of retained students (C and above) from current 45% to 67%. |
More positive attitudes among General and Organic chemistry students about the value of laboratory and about the experience of doing chemistry. |
Attitude survey, interviews by external evaluator. |
Enthusiasm for laboratory, indications that students take pride in their laboratory work and that it enhances their interest in the chemistry and in the lecture portion of the course. |
There will be an increase in the number of students taking advanced chemistry courses. |
Student numbers in physical chemistry and inorganic chemistry courses. |
The number of students in advanced chemistry classes will double from three per year to six per year. |
Students will acquire and display professional behaviors. |
Time and effort logs, student lab books, interviews by external evaluator. |
Students will produce well-maintained and well-written lab books, will complete work on schedule, and meet key obligations. |