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Laboratory Improvement Annotated Plan Excerpts

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Evaluation Overview

The table below contains report excerpts (right column) accompanied by annotations (left column) identifying how the excerpts represent the Evaluation Overview Criteria.

Project Description | Evaluation Overview | Design | Analysis Process

Annotations Plan Excerpts

Excerpt 1 [University of the Virgin Islands ]

Evaluation Purposes:
By showing the relationship between objectives and data collecting. This table addresses the purpose of the evaluation

Indicators of Success
Students will be able to knowledgeably use appropriate laboratory instrumentation to complete project-based laboratories.
Student lab books, log of oral gateway quizzes.
Completion of experimental protocols, correct interpretation of data.
Increasing proportion of students retained after first year of chemistry.
Tracking percentage of students with grades of C and above B, and above.
Increasing percentage of retained students (C and above) from current 45% to 67%.
More positive attitudes among General and Organic chemistry students about the value of laboratory and about the experience of doing chemistry.
Attitude survey, interviews by external evaluator.
Enthusiasm for laboratory, indications that students take pride in their laboratory work and that it enhances their interest in the chemistry and in the lecture portion of the course.
There will be an increase in the number of students taking advanced chemistry courses.
Student numbers in physical chemistry and inorganic chemistry courses.
The number of students in advanced chemistry classes will double from three per year to six per year.
Students will acquire and display professional behaviors.
Time and effort logs, student lab books, interviews by external evaluator.
Students will produce well-maintained and well-written lab books, will complete work on schedule, and meet key obligations.

Excerpt 2 [University of Redlands]

Evaluation Purposes:
Links evaluation to project goals and objectives

I. Formative evaluation of project goals.

Formative assessment conducted each semester will allow us to determine ways in which we should alter our courses in order to more successfully meet our goals as outlined in our project proposal. These three goals are to broaden and deepen student understanding of major concepts in cell and tissue biology, to encourage greater development of critical thinking skills, and to enhance students' understanding of the scientific method.

A. Formulation of objectives. A series of discrete and measurable evaluation objectives will be defined for each goal. The final form of these objectives will be established with input from the outside evaluator. For example, one objective for the goal of enhancing students' understanding of the scientific method could be "Did students improve in their ability to choose appropriate controls for an experiments?"