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Parent Interviews

Instrument 1: Parent Survey

Project: Delaware Challenge Grant Project
Capital School District

Funding Source: U.S. Dept. Ed.: Technology Innovation Challenge Grants (Ofc. Educational Research & Improvement)

Purpose: To have the parents describe and render judgements about their participation in the project, and the participation of their child

Administered To: Parents of the students using target technology at home

Topics Covered:

  • Impact on Outcomes: academic habits, confidence, equipment use, extracurricular activities, knowledge, student interest, usage patterns
  • Implementation Activities: parents, training, usage patterns
  • Perceptions (Parent): ease of use, student activities, student attitudes
  • Project Evaluation: areas for program improvement, effectiveness, exemplary areas, follow-up, materials, rigor, satisfaction

Format/Length: 28 questions, 25 closed- and 3 open-ended, plus 1 demographic question. Formats include yes/no and Likert scale.



"Good afternoon (morning, evening). I am (interviewer's name), calling for Delaware Education Research & Development Center at the University of Delaware. We are conducting a survey to find out how parents feel about the Delaware Challenge Grant - Lightspan Program. Our survey should take 10-15 minutes."

"Our study requires that we speak with a parent or guardian of the child who is participating in this project. Are you one of the parents of this child?"

If "yes", "Then you are the person I need to speak with." Go to section A.

If "no," "May I speak with him or her?" Repeat introduction at top of page.

Section A

"First I'd like to ask you a few questions about you and your child's participation in this project."

What elementary school does your child attend? (Record School Name and Number)


  1. Did you son or daughter receive a Sony Playstation to use at home as part of this project?

    A = yes   B = no

  2. If "no," did your son or daughter receive a Multimedia computer to use at home as part of this project?

    A = yes   B = no

    If parent responds "no" to both questions 1 and 2, please thank them for their time and end the call.

  3. Approximately how long did your son or daughter have possession of the Sony Playstation (or Multimedia Computer)?

    A = Less than 1 week
    B = Between 1-3 weeks
    C = Between 4-6 weeks
    D = Between 7-10 weeks
    E = More than 10 weeks

  4. How frequently did your child work independently using the Lightspan CDs?
    A = Always
    B = Most of the time
    C = About half of the time
    D = Seldom
    E = Never
  5. How frequently did your child work with you (or other adults in your household) using the Lightspan CDs?
    A = Always
    B = Most of the time
    C = About half of the time
    D = Seldom
    E = Never
  6. Did you attend a parent training session at your child's school prior to receiving the Sony Playstation?

    A = yes   B = no

  7. Did any other adults in your household attend a parent training session at your child's school prior to receiving the Sony Playstation?

    A = yes   B = no

  8. If "yes," could you tell me the relationship of this (these) adult(s) to the child?

    A = father
    B = mother
    C = grandparent
    D = aunt or uncle
    E = brother or sister

Section B

"Now, I'd like to ask you a few questions about your opinion of this project. Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with each of the following statements or a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 is strongly disagree and 4 is strongly agree."


1=strongly disagree   2=disagree   3=agree   4=strongly agree   5=don't know


  1. The training session I attended was informative.

  2. I received information on how to get additional help if problems developed.

  3. Any problems I experienced related to this project were resolved in a timely manner.

  4. At the end of the training session, I felt confident that I could set-up and use the equipment in my home.

  5. The equipment was difficult for me to setup at home.

  6. The Lightspan CDs are great learning tools for my child.

  7. The Lightspan CDs are too easy for my child.

  8. The Lightspan CDs help my child to learn new things.

  9. My child enjoys using the Lightspan CDs.

  10. The Lightspan CDs are too difficult for my child.

  11. My child usually works independently using the Lightspan CDs.

  12. My child and I use the Lightspan CDs together.

  13. This project has been a positive experience for my child.

Section C

"Now, I would like to ask you a few questions about the amount of time devoted to specific activities that your child participates in has changed."

  1. Has the amount of time that your child spends watching television or videos increased, stayed about the same, or decreased since involvement with this project?

    A = Increased
    B = Stayed the same
    C = Decreased

  2. Has the amount of time that your child spends doing school work increased, stayed about the same, or decreased since involvement with this project?
    A = Increased
    B = Stayed the same
    C = Decreased

  3. Has the amount of time that your child spends having playtime increased, stayed about the same, or decreased since involvement with this project?
    A = Increased
    B = Stayed the same
    C = Decreased

  4. Has the amount of time that your child spends participating in activities with the family increased, stayed about the same, or decreased since involvement with this project?
    A = Increased
    B = Stayed the same
    C = Decreased

Section D

"These last few questions ask for your thoughts on the project as a whole."

  1. In your opinion, what are the strengths or benefits of being a part of this project?

  2. In your opinion, what are the weaknesses or drawbacks of being a part of this project?

  3. If you could make one recommendation to improve this project, what would it be?

Thank you very much for your time!