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Student Program Evaluations

Instrument 2: RMTEC Induction Year Survey

Project: Rocky Mountain Teacher Education Collaborative (RMTEC)
University of Northern Colorado/Colorado State University, CSMATE

Funding Source: NSF: Collaboratives for Excellence in Teacher Preparation (DUE)

Purpose: To follow-up with program graduates to assess program impact on their teaching

Administered To: First-year math and science teachers who had been students in courses taught by participants in the collaborative

Topics Covered:

  • Comparisons: prior coursework
  • Impact on Outcomes: instructional methods
  • Implementation Activities: activities, assessment, collaboration, curriculum/materials, equipment/technology, methods
  • Program Evaluation: areas for program improvement, exemplary areas, follow-up
  • Background Characteristics & Activities (Student): academic focus, current coursework, project involvement

Format/Length: 44 questions, 38 closed- and 6 open-ended, plus 4 demographic questions. Questions include Likert scales and space for general comments.


The purpose of this survey is to better understand the impact of the Rocky Mountain Teacher Education Collaborative (RMTEC), an NSF grant to improve the education of secondary math and science teachers, on first year math and science teachers. The information you provide us is very important and will be reported as group data. Data for individual respondents will not be reported by the Evaluation Team. Thank you very much for your help.


  1. Where are you teaching (name of school and district)?


  2. What grade level are you teaching?

    What subject(s) are you teaching?


  3. Where did you do your student teaching?

    Who was your cooperating teacher?


  4. What was your college major?  Minor?


  5. Please put a check by the following MSCD courses in which you were enrolled and completed. For those courses that you checked, please try to rate each in terms of its helpfulness to you in your present teaching situation.

      CHE 180 General Chemistry I (Dr. Lind) ______
    not helpful ____ somewhat helpful ____ very helpful ____

      CHE 181 General Chemistry II (Dr. Schonbeck) ______
    not helpful ____ somewhat helpful ____ very helpful ____

      EDS 321-322 Curriculum and Field Experience
      (Fall 1994, Spring 1995, or Spring 1997) ______
    not helpful ____ somewhat helpful ____ very helpful ____

      EDS 321 Curriculum in Secondary Schools (Dr. Box) ______
    not helpful ____ somewhat helpful ____ very helpful ____

      EDT 480 Educational Technology (Spring 1996, Mr. Putka) ______
    not helpful ____ somewhat helpful ____ very helpful ____

      MTH 310 Math Proofs (Dr. Loats) ______
    not helpful ____ somewhat helpful ____ very helpful ____

      MTH 360 Math History (Dr. Loats) ______
    not helpful ____ somewhat helpful ____ very helpful ____

      MTH 361 Math Methods (Fall 1994, Spring 1995, Fall 1995, Spring 1996, or Spring 1997 ______
    not helpful ____ somewhat helpful ____ very helpful ____

      MTH 365 Geometry (Fall 1995, Spring 1996, Fall 1996, or Spring 1997) ______
    not helpful ____ somewhat helpful ____ very helpful ____

      MTH 390 Math Modeling (Fall 1994, Dr. Kelley) ______
    not helpful ____ somewhat helpful ____ very helpful ____

      PHY 201 College Physics I (Dr. Krantz) ______
    not helpful ____ somewhat helpful ____ very helpful ____

      RDG 328 Teaching Reading in the Content Areas (Dr. Bailey) ______
    not helpful ____ somewhat helpful ____ very helpful ____

      SCI 395 Science Methods (Fall 1995, Spring 1996, Fall 1996, or Spring 1997) ______
    not helpful ____ somewhat helpful ____ very helpful ____


For classes that you checked in #5, if possible, please elaborate about how they have affected your teaching.







  1. Please rate each of the following college courses and/or experiences in terms of its helpfulness to you in your present teaching situation:


    other math courses
    other science courses
    other education courses
    faculty at MSCD
    RMTEC staff (Flo, Kelly etc.)
    Teachers-in-Residence (Jay Moore, Peg Roding, Rosanne Fulton, Robert Putka, Erin Mann, Dee Bond)
    student teaching


If possible, please elaborate on the answers you gave in #6.





  1. Please rate the frequency of your use of the following teaching strategies, which are consistent with RMTEC.


    Cooperative groups
    Use of technology
    Use/solution of real world applications/problems
    In-class discussion
    Ongoing student self-evaluation techniques
    Activities involving writing
    Alternative assessments
    Consistency with state standards
    Making connections to other fields (science and non-science
    Constructivist methods
    Solution of complex
    problems by students
    Attention to creating learning settings sensitive to cultural differences
    Attention to creating learning settings sensitive to gender differences
    Chances for students to ask questions in class
    Hands-on learning
    Student/group presentations


If possible, please elaborate on the reasons that you may or may not use particular strategies listed above (in #7).






  1. Please add any other comments and/or suggestions regarding the RMTEC grant, to improve the education of math and science teachers.






  2. The following services have been available to support first year RMTEC teachers. Please check the ones you have utilized:

    ____ seminar meetings with RMTEC staff (Peg Rodding, Jay Moore, and/or Mark O'Shea)
    ____ visits to your school by RMTEC staff
    ____ other (please describe):

    Please comment about the value of the service(s) experienced above (in #9).






  3. We want to help first year RMTEC teachers overcome problems of first year teaching. In the space below, please identify one or more problem areas and the kind of help you believe RMTEC could provide in resolving them.