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Faculty Development Instruments

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Teacher/Faculty Workshop Evaluations

Instrument 1: Supplementary Survey

Project: Assembly and Packaging of Microelectronic Devices
College of Engineering, San Jose State University

Funding Source: NSF: Undergraduate Faculty Enhancement (DUE)

Purpose: To gather background data on each workshop participant and to evaluate the workshop

Administered To: Faculty members who teach engineering to undergraduates

Topics Covered:

  • Institutional Context: type of institution, under-represented populations
  • Plans & Expectations (Teacher/Faculty): project impact, project implementation
  • Workshop Evaluation: satisfaction
  • Background Characteristics & Activities (Teacher/Faculty): project involvement, purpose of participation

Format/Length: 18 questions total, 11 closed- and 7 open-ended. Formats include yes/no, Likert scale, and short answer.

Supplementary Survey

We would appreciate it very much if you could please fill out the attached survey, in addition to the other surveys, so that we can respond adequately to a survey that NSF requires that we fill out.

  1. Have you attended an NSF or Chautauqua workshop within the past five years?

    ____________ YES ____________ NO

    If "YES", please list:


  2. Is your educational institution a HBCU?

    ____________ YES ____________ NO

  3. Does your institution have a large minority enrollment?

    ____________ YES ____________ NO

  4. Why did you chose to attend this workshop? Rate each from 5 to 0, with 5 being very strong and/or common reason, and 0 being not a reason:

    ______ Broaden abilities by learning new area or technique

    ______ Stay current with area of expertise

    ______ Catch up with developments in field

    ______ Broaden professional contacts/meet new colleagues

    ______ Enhance resume and general skills

    ______ Other, Specify: __________________________________________________

  5. The NSF is interested in the ultimate impact of this workshop on undergraduate students, both those who are science, mathematics, or engineering majors, and those who are majoring in other fields. When you return to your home institution, as a result of your experience in this project, over the next two years:

    1. How many undergraduate courses do you expect will be affected in total? _______
    2. How many undergraduate students do you expect will be affected? _________

    1. How many of these students are likely to be science, mathematics, or engineering majors? _______
    2. How many of these students are likely to be majoring in fields other than science, mathematics, or engineering? ____________
    3. How many of these students are likely to be pursuing K-12 teaching as a career? ________
    4. How many of these students are likely to be in 2-year technology programs? _________


  6. On a scale of 5 to 0, with 5 being excellent, please score the following:

    ______ Your overall satisfaction with the project
    ______ Your opinion of the eventual overall impact of the project on student learning as you use project information in your classes at your home institution.