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Curriculum Development Annotated Report Excerpts

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The table below contains report excerpts (right column) accompanied by annotations (left column) identifying how the excerpts represent the Design Criteria.

Annotations Report Excerpts

Excerpt 1 [Oregon State University]

Methodological Approach

Qualitative and quantitative questionnaires developed by Oregon State University and the Math Learning Center were administered and analyzed for the institutes conducted Summer 1993, Summer 1994, and Summer 1995.


Excerpt 2 [Oregon State University]

Methodological Approach:
Describes how effectiveness was judged

A comparison was made of baseline AP scores, those taken before the project and scores gathered after implementation.


Excerpt 3 [Oregon State University]

Data Collection Procedures & Schedule

In 1992 a pre-institute survey was conducted to determine the best approach for preparing the teachers to use the material and calculators.

At the end of each workshop, the teachers filled out lengthy questionnaires developed at Oregon State University and the Math Learning Center.


Excerpt 4 [Oregon State University]

Methodological Approach:
Describes how effectiveness was judged

In evaluating students' achievement, we have used both common exams and standardized test measures (AP exams). With respect to student attitudes, we have used some traditional student course evaluation measures as well as some open-responses forms:


  1. College test sites administer the MAA's Calculus Readiness Exam at the beginning of the academic year. This provides us with a baseline measure of students' preparedness for calculus across the many different institutions represented by the test sites.
  2. Throughout the academic year, the test sites were provided common questions to be used on quizzes and exams. These questions were designed to examine specifically students' use of numeric, graphical, and symbolic representations of functions in their approach to problems involving limits, derivatives, and integrals.
  3. Near the end of the academic year, test sites will administer a test version of the AP exam. This exam will be administered with no technology available to the student. This will provide some indication of how students fare on traditional standardized measures of calculus achievement under traditional circumstances.

Excerpt 5 [Oregon State University]

Information Sources & Sampling

27 teachers, representing a wide range of high school mathematics classes, participated in the audiotaped open-ended interviews (15 had taken part in the one-week workshops and 12 had not).


Excerpt 6 [Purdue University]

Information Sources & Sampling:
Describes sample selection

This study explored the use of the telephone and of electronic mail to initiate advisor contact with students. Out of a freshman class of approximately 1,710, all students enrolled in an introductory engineering lecture class as well as a beginning computer class were selected. All students who were enrolled in some kind of special orientation class, such as those offered for women, minorities, honors and undecided students, were excluded because of the intervention they were already receiving. This resulted in a pool of 910 students.

Methodological Approach:
Specifies how effectiveness was judged

Six experimental groups and a control group were set up. The students were assigned an expected grade point average based on high school background and test scores. The expected grade point average was used to rank the students, and they were assigned to groups in such a way as to randomize this variable. Some students did not have an expected grade point average due to missing data. These students were randomly assigned to one of the groups.

Data Collection Procedures & Schedule

The control group received no special contact from advisors. Among the other six groups, half were assigned to a professional staff person to contact and the other half were assigned to a senior engineering student. An attempt was made to contact all students twice through the course of the first semester of their college career. The first contact was made in weeks four through eight and the second in weeks ten through twelve.


Excerpt 7 [Inter-American University of Puerto Rico, San Juan]

Methodological Approach:
Describes external evaluator

Describes how effectiveness was judged

The evaluation of the Laboratory-Driven Instruction in Chemistry project for the three years of the program was conducted at the Metropolitan Campus of the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico (IAU). The project’s effectiveness was assessed through a comprehensive and continuous process that included formative and summative evaluation. Qualitative and quantitative data was gathered from participating students using various instruments at different times during each semester. The emphasis of the evaluation was to assess the impact of the implementation of this approach in student’s learning and attitudes towards chemistry.


Excerpt 8 [Duke University]

Describes test development

Methodological Approach:
Describes underlying hypothesis and how effectiveness was judged

A five-question test of problem solving was developed and administered to all the Calculus II students (project class and traditional class). The test items were selected with contexts from various fields—biology, chemistry, economics as well as mathematics. This was done to address the goal of using mathematics to investigate real world questions. As many fields as possible were selected so that the test would not be biased in favor of a group of students with any one academic background. It was hypothesized that Project Calc students would do better than traditional students on this test. The Project Calc course was designed to provide students with many more opportunities to solve problems than they would have in the traditional course. A significant difference in favor of the Project Calc students would be necessary but not sufficient condition for considering whether the course is successful.

Data Collection Procedures & Schedule:
Describes scoring procedures

The students in both groups took the test at the same time in the same location. The students were given two hours. Each test was graded by two independent graders who were blind to group membership. All exams were mixed and randomly ordered prior to grading. Interrater agreement was high (.94). Mean scores for groups were computed by averaging the scores of the two graders.


Excerpt9 [Five-College Consortium]

Methodological Approach

The evaluation during the first three years of the Calculus in Context project was primarily process-oriented. It was important to identify strengths and weaknesses in the implementation of the project so that corrective action might be undertaken. Given this focus, the evaluation of the project was carried out by obtaining feedback from the students through questionnaires and interviews.

Describes use of multiple methods

The purpose of the questionnaires and interviews was twofold: The first purpose was to obtain information regarding the students’ attitudes towards mathematics and their attitudes towards the approach to teaching calculus taken in the course. The second purpose was to identify weaknesses and strengths in the implementation of the project so that the strengths could be enhanced and the weaknesses overcome.

Describes instrument components

The questionnaires and interviews included demographic, attitude, and evaluative questions. Demographic questions dealt with the students' backgrounds, such as their preparation in calculus, familiarity with computers, their reasons for taking the course, and their prospective majors. Attitude questions dealt with students' interest in mathematics, their enjoyment of the subject, their anxiety levels, and their confidence in their ability to solve math problems. Evaluative questions dealt with the adequacy of the training they received in using computers, the effectiveness of the various components of instruction such as lectures, assignments, lab work, and the text book. To gain more in-depth information than could be obtained through questionnaires, interviews were also conducted, with the interview comprising the same types of questions as the questionnaire. Questionnaires were administered at the beginning and end of the semester, while interviews were conducted toward the end of the semester.


Excerpt 10 [Oregon State University]

Data Collection Procedures & Schedule:
Describes consistent application of data collection procedure

The intent of the interview process was to use open-ended questions in such a way that all responses of the teachers were not based on a priori set of categories, as well as not due to the biases of the interviewer. To ensure consistency among the teachers, the interviewer directly followed the interview protocol and did not delve more deeply into the teachers’ responses. (It is possible that no matter how carefully the interview items were asked, potential biases may have been detected by the tone of the interviewer’s voice, thus producing a response effect.)


Excerpt 11 [Inter-American University of Puerto Rico, San Juan]

Data Collection Procedures & Schedule:
Describes multiple data collection methods

The data gathered through the reflective diaries, the individual interviews, and the open-ended question of the Final Evaluation of the Course Questionnaire was qualitative. Quantitative data was gathered with the Attitude Towards Chemistry Questionnaire (administered at the beginning and the end of each semester) and the Final Evaluation of the Course Questionnaire.


Excerpt 12 [Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute]

Methodological Approach

After dividing volunteers into two groups matched for reasoning ability by a pre-test, we offered the students in the experimental group an hour-long course in the use of the software, without presenting to them any content. The purpose of this training was to ensure that the hour they would have later for instruction would not be compromised by a lack of familiarity with the mechanics of using the interface, which was in some ways unlike the other programs used in the course. We then gave each group simultaneous instruction — the experimental group viewed the interactive software; the control received instruction as normal from their professor.

Data Collection Procedures & Schedule:
Describes limitations of small sample

Following the instruction, we gave each participant a post-test consisting of a logic proof that required understanding of the concept discussed in the lessons (again, proof by contradiction). Three of six students in the experimental group received full credit, only one of seven did so from the control, with another earning partial credit. Relatively low attendance rates complicated the statistical interpretation somewhat, but the difference was reported at a significance of .092, indicating that it was quite unlikely that in-person instruction was better than instruction by the artificial intelligent agent.


Excerpt 13 [Capital University]

Overviews different components of the evaluation ("types")

Evaluation Section for the Computational Science Across the Curriculum NSF Grant

For all course and curricular materials, three types of evaluation will occur: a) Formative, to assess the development of the materials; b) Procedural, to evaluate the implementation of the materials; and c) Summative, to determine the effect of the developed materials. A matrix of evaluation activities appears below. This matrix includes the evaluation questions, methods of data collection, timing of evaluation activities, and the type of evaluation.

Data Collection Procedures & Schedule;

Information Sources & Sampling:
Specifies data collection method, respondent types, schedule, and evaluation types in relation to the evaluation questions and subquestions

Summary Matrix of Evaluation for Computational Science Across the Curriculum

(This information was adapted from NSF publications 93-152 - revised 2/96 and 97-153.)

Question I: Do the curricular materials fulfill the intended outcomes?

Subquestion Data Collection Method Respondents Schedule
Eval. Type*

A. Will the course materials facilitate students' understanding of concepts and procedures?

1. Review of course materials
NA Prior to implementing each course

B. Do the courses reflect the interdisciplinary nature of computational science?

1. Review of course material


Prior to implementing each course


2. Questionnaire Students At the end of each course
C. Do the teaching methods and materials stimulate critical thinking?
1. Review of course materials


Prior to implementing each course


2. Observation NA Once during each course
3. Portfolio of student work NA At the end of each course
D. Are students learning to work effectively and solve problems in small groups (peer learning)?
1. Observation
Once during each course
2. Questionnaire Students At the end of each course
Question II: How does the proposed curriculum affect student learning?
Subquestion Data Collection Method Respondents Schedule
Eval. Type*

A. Does the instructor evoke students' solutions rather than imposing her/ his own? 1. Observation NA Once during each course
2. Questionnaire Students At the end of each course
B. What concepts have students learned from their experiences? 1. Questionnaire Students At the end of each course
2. Portfolio of student work NA At the end of each course
C. How do faculty assess their performance and the performance of their students? 1. Questionnaire Faculty At the end of each course
Question III: What was the impact of the inquiry-based method and peer learning on student attitudes toward learning and their desire to continue post-graduate studies in computational science?
Subquestion Data Collection Method Respondents Schedule
Eval. Type*

A. How have students' attitudes toward science, math, and computing changed?

1. Questionnaire Students At the end of each course
B. What do students plan to do with their education in computational science?

1. Questionnaire Students After completing the minor

* Evaluation Type: F = Formative: addresses the development of the project; P = Procedural: addresses how the project is being conducted; S = Summative: addresses the outcome of the project.



Excerpt 14 [Anonymous 9]


University Y has approximately 8,800 students with 1600 in engineering. There are six undergraduate programs in engineering and all except one requires students to take engineering mechanics. Most students take this course the first semester of their sophomore year. Generally, to accommodate the demand, three sections of engineering mechanics per semester are offered with up to 50 students each. A setup and installation protocol was developed using Install Shield® such that the network administrator at University Y could load the software from a central location for use in any of approximately 30 campus computer labs. Install Shield® was also used to allow students to install the software on their own computers.

. . . [B]efore the student could access the program on the network or individual PC, the instructor distributed a file to the students containing the homework assignments. This file, called a student data file (SDF), was created using the instructor version of the treatment and was modified (i.e., updated to include worked assignments) each time a student used the software. At University Y, this file was posted on the instructor's web page and was downloaded by the students at the start of the semester.

As students completed their work, the instructor would periodically require the students to electronically submit their SDF by placing the file in a secure network location created by the network administrator upon installation of the treatment. The instructor would then use the instructor version to access the file and monitor student progress and grades either for an individual or an entire class.

Methodological Approach:
Describes the use of control classes



The approach for testing the treatment was to have the same instructor teach one or more experimental classes and one or more control classes. Both the experimental and control classes had identical formats (i.e., same text, coverage, assignments, grading, lecture format, etc.) except that the experimental classes fully utilized the treatment for submission of homework (the virtual classroom, practice problems, and practice test functions were also available and encouraged), and the control classes followed a traditional homework approach (i.e., submission of problems on paper). Students in both classes were given similar tests (four per semester) including an identical fully comprehensive final exam. At the end of each semester, test scores and final grades for the experimental and control populations were compared. Modifications to the treatment were implemented each semester based on the overall findings, including student scores, student surveys, and instructor surveys, and at the end of the test program overall results were evaluated.

Development of the treatment began at University Y in 1997; however, the NSF study of the software began with a pre-experimental group of students in the summer of 1999. A single class of fifteen engineering mechanics students used the software throughout the summer semester. The intent was to test the network installation protocol, identify errors in the programming or delivery for the CD or network versions, and record and respond to student reactions to the software before the full experimental system was implemented.

Data Collection Procedures & Schedule

Following the initial trial, the test program began in Fall 1999 and continued through Spring 2001 with a single instructor teaching sets of control and experimental classes as shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Treatment Implementation at University Y
No. of Students
Fall 1999
Experimental 1
Experimental 2
Control 1
Spring 2000
Experimental 3
Fall 2000
Experimental 4
Control 2
Fall 2001
Experimental 5

Each semester, the software was loaded onto the campus computer system using a Windows NT platform and was available in all campus computer rooms. CDs were also available to students who wanted to use their own computers. Experimental and control classes were taught as indicated in Table 1, and every effort was made to produce random populations (as a function of student ability) in all of the classes. This effort was later proven successful by the statistical comparison of entering grade point averages and pretest scores for each classroom population.

On the first day of each semester, the experimental classes were provided with a brief (15 minute) explanation of the treatment and were instructed to retrieve all remaining information about the process from the treatment Web site (which contained step-by-step instructions and an interactive demonstration). The second day of classes a pretest was given in both the experimental and control classes covering a range of concepts in geometry, trigonometry, vectors, and calculus in order to assess incoming ability. By the third day, students were to have:

  1. downloaded the generic SDF (Student Data File—created by the instructor using the instructor version; contains all assigned homework) from the treatment Web site;
  2. worked the first set of homework; and
  3. placed the modified copy of their SDF (which included grades for the first worked assignment) in the "homework drop" location set up by the network administrator. [This network folder was accessible to each student for placement of a file, but only to the instructor for copying or deleting files.]

Usually, after the first full week of classes, the experimental group was generally comfortable with using the software for each of its four main functions. . . . [Control classes submitted homework on paper, and therefore, a similar initial learning curve was unnecessary.] The complete homework submission process for each semester was as follows:

  1. Enter the Homework section of the treatment. . . .
  2. Select a homework problem to complete (only assigned problems reside in the homework section; all other text problems are in the practice section). . . . Up to six variables and six answers are possible.
  3. Print each assigned homework problem and work them neatly and carefully on the treatment printout. . . . [Students could easily print out individual homework problems or all homework for the semester, including their randomized values.]
  4. Submit answers to each problem in the solution boxes. If answers are incorrect, coaching is provided and points are deducted. When answers are correct, the student's score is recorded to the SDF.
  5. On the last day of class each week, electronically place the modified SDF (containing grades for all worked homework) in the "homework drop" folder (on the campus network) and submit the assigned problems, completed neatly on the treatment printout.

Excerpt 15 [University of Minnesota-Twin Cities]

Describes the underlying constructs of a set of assessment items, and describes how the same instructors scored both intervention and comparison students

An item was classified as procedural if students could answer the item primarily by demonstrating a sequence of steps such as those used to solve a linear equation in one variable. An item was classified as conceptual if students were required to provide an explanation, such as explaining the difference between a square root and a cube root. Final exams were graded by having each instructor grade a small number of items for both the lecture and computer-mediated courses. Instructors were provided with a detailed answer key for the procedural items showing suggested partial credit and a rubric for the conceptual items.