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Curriculum Development Stand-Alone Report 2 (Final)

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NSF CCLI-A&I Pilot Project Evaluation

Table of Contents:

  1. Executive Summary
    • Executive Summary
  2. Introduction
    • Project Description: Project Features, Project Participants, Audiences & Other Stakeholders, Project Context
    • Evaluation Overview: Evaluation Purposes
  3. Methodology
    • Design: Instruments, Methodological Approach, Information Sources & Sampling, Data Collection Procedures & Schedule
  4. Findings
  5. Conclusions
    • Results & Recommendations: Interpretations & Conclusions, Recommendations, Stakeholder Review & Utilization
  6. Appendix A - Questionnaires
    1. Student Evaluations of Teaching Effectiveness Surveys (Close-Ended SETs)
    2. Student Evaluations of Teaching Effectiveness Surveys (Open-Ended SETs)
    3. Urban Studies 492 - PSIRUS Computer-Assisted Teaching Module Survey
    4. Political Science 200 - LongmanParticipate.com Teaching Module Survey
    5. International Relations 326 - On-line Events Module Survey
    6. PLSI 300 - PLSI 475 - PLSI 512 - Computer-Assisted Teaching Module Survey
  7. Appendix B - Focus Group Guidelines
    1. NSF Pilot Project Evaluation - Focus Group Discussion Outline
  8. Appendix C - Frequency Distributions