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Technology Annotated Plan Excerpts

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Evaluation Overview

The table below contains plan excerpts (right column) accompanied by annotations (left column) identifying how the excerpts represent the Evaluation Overview Criteria.

Project Description | Evaluation Overview | Design | Analysis Process

Annotations Plan Excerpts

Excerpt 1 [Maryland Technology Consortium]

Stakeholder Involvement:
Describes evaluators' role as seeker of stakeholders' perspectives

1) The Partner Initiatives

One major activity of the evaluation team has been to summarize the various initiatives that are envisioned for the partners in their plan for this grant. The evaluators served as facilitators to document partner perspectives on purposes, description, audience, and timetable. They helped focus the proposed efforts so that the Consortium's objectives were clearly stated. They then served as coordinators to help clarify understandings among members of the Consortium and produce a summary that had full agreement of all partners.

Evaluation Purposes:
Describes role of evaluator as clarifier of project needs

2) School Involvement

Similarly, the evaluation team sought to bring clarity to the timing of professional development activities, by county, and even by school. As noted previously, schools are at various stages in their technological development. Different schools will be involved in different activities at different times.


Excerpt 2 [Danville Community College]

Stakeholder Involvement:
Describes how the evaluation process will be structured to get ongoing feedback from stakeholders and provide formative information to them


A systematic feedback loop involves quarterly feedback to and from the steering committee during the implementation and yearly evaluation reports thereafter. Ultimately the final summative evaluation will report on this program’s ability to achieve the stated purpose and its potential for replication and or expansion.

Attention will be given to interpretation of data collected by assessment, and to interpreting outcomes to stakeholders, incorporating adjustments for process improvement at key junctures of the project. Observation assessments are discussed with staff regularly for immediate formative feedback and improvements where necessary.

The process for evaluation is outlined for the Board and data collection methodology for assessment and evaluation are in place. Care is given to ensure that material development is assessed and evaluated with continuous improvement mechanisms built into the feedback loop. The third party evaluator on a monthly basis reviews this work, with quarterly reports to the Board.

Module development will be assessed with evaluations upon the completion of modules. This evaluation incorporates early feedback loops for all stakeholders to incorporate modifications in the early stages. This planning stage of the evaluation is formative and aids in establishing metrics for the project, which are understood, accepted, and championed by stakeholders.

The formative evaluation involves ongoing project activities and provides a feedback loop for all stakeholders to participate in a plan-do-check-act loop, which ensures program monitoring, modification and enhancement throughout the process. It involves both implementation evaluation and progress evaluation.


Excerpt 3 [Danville Community College]

Evaluation Purposes:
Provides a hierarchy of purposes, from mission statement to criteria for determining success. Describes which practices will be put in place to determine if the criteria are met.

View Year One Evaluation Matrix