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Key Topics Strategy Scenario Case Study References

Introduction  |  Step 1  |  Step 2  |  Step 3  |  Step 4  |  Step 5  |  Step 6  |  Step 7

Step 1. Identify assumptions about change.

Step 2. Decide how much you should be looking at implementation and how much at outcomes.

Step 3. Determine what types of data to collect, and whom to collect data from.

Step 4. If examining outcomes, determine where the desired outcomes fit on a proximal-to-distal continuum and how the evaluation will address them.

Step 5. Decide what, if any, comparison outcome data will be collected.

Step 6. Determine whether data should be collected from all students in the intervention and control classrooms or from a sample. If sampling randomly select the sample from within each classroom.

Step 7. Identify which attributes need special attention in the design, and determine how they should be attended to in the sampling process to avoid bias.